There have been very rapid developments of engineering and computational mathematics in Hong Kong, in part due to the research carried out within Department of Applied Mathematics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and increasing interest from sister departments in other higher education institutions in Hong Kong. As Hong Kong transforms herself into a high-tech industrial region, the need for computational mathematics rises dramatically, especially in the engineering field.
It is our intention to organize a well-respected international conference series on engineering and computational mathematics in Hong Kong every four years. The first (ECM2009) and second (ECM2013) International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics were held in 2009 and 2013 respectively in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,which were well attended by international experts in respective disciplines and found highly successful in providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, and latest results within a multi-disciplinary setting. For more details about ECM2009 and ECM2013, please visit and
This conference (ECM2017) will further promote research interests in engineering and computational mathematics in Hong Kong. The aim of this conference is to bring together engineering and computational mathematicians from around the world to present and discuss recent developments in engineering and computational mathematics, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. This conference will encourage international collaboration between engineers and applied mathematicians, and provide an opportunity for young researchers to learn the current state of the art in engineering and computational mathematics.

May 30, 2017 is the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival
Photo source: China Daily Asia Weekly, April 2014
This conference will have 6 streams
- Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
- Mathematical methods and Computation in Biology
- Computational Optimization
- Tensor Computation
- Statistical Modeling and Computational Statistics
- Financial Mathematics
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AMSS, CAS)
Chinese Mathematical Society
Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles, PolyU
Faculty of Engineering , PolyU
Huawei Technologies Company Limited
K.C. Wong Education Foundation
The AMSS-PolyU Joint Research Institute for Engineering and Management Mathematics (AMSS-PolyU JRI)
The Hong Kong Mathematical Society
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)