- Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
- My name is pronounced ['pɑlᵻtsɚ 'ɑlɪs] (listen [.wav])
I am an associate teaching professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Kansas.
I use online methods, including electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), eye-tracking, and behavioral techniques, to investigate the instantiation of abstract linguistic processes—such as how comprehenders integrate said (semantic) and un-said (pragmatic) aspects of meaning, and how un-pronounced phonological structure plays a role during speech. Much of my research on meaning focuses on pragmatic implicature, particularly scalar implicatures, and much of my research on sound focuses on phonological alternation, particularly tone sandhi.
My other interests include science fiction, anarchy, running, nerdy board games, veg thali, and badminton. I also play video games and I sometimes record my playthroughs and make what the kids call a Let's Play; you can view some of these on YouTube. Things that I am not good at include making a website that looks nice.