This bi-monthly e-newsletter is specially prepared to keep you abreast of PolyU’s 80th anniversary celebratory activities


PolyU 80th LogoOpen-Mind
Issue 2

Anniversary theme song by C AllStar

C AllStar 創作校慶主題曲

Alumni Chan Kin-on, a member of the local Canto-pop group C AllStar (On@C AllStar), Oscar and Siu-tung joined hands to compose an anniversary theme song “Shape the future” for their alma mater. The song encourages youngsters to open up their mind and find the way to improve the world and shape the future which rightly embodies the spirit of PolyU.
Listen now

本地流行樂隊組合C AllStar成員陳健安 (安仔)、Oscar及小彤三位校友擕手創作校慶主題曲 「Shape the future」。 歌詞鼓勵年青人開拓視野、致力改善世界、成就未來,充分體現了理大精神。

President of Chinese Academy of Sciences delivers public lecture


In December 2016, Prof. Bai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited PolyU and delivered a public lecture themed “Advancement in China’s technology and innovation”. He shared with the local scientific community his insights in fostering collaboration between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland in cutting edge research areas. Details

中國科學院院長白春禮教授於2016年12月親臨理大,以「中國科技創新的新進展」為題主持公開講座,與本港科學界分享中港兩地在高端科研領域合作的真知灼見。 詳情

Asian Knowledge Forum


On 12 January, PolyU’s Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre organised the Asian Knowledge Forum and the Presentation Ceremony of the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Awards. Themed “Enhancing Service Innovation in the Age of Digitalization”, the Forum brought together corporate leaders from different regions to share their best practices in service innovation. Details

理大知識管理及創新研究中心於1月12日舉辦「亞洲知識論壇」暨 「最受推崇知識型機構大獎頒獎典禮」,論壇以「數碼化時代的服務創新」為主題,雲集來自不同地區的企業領袖,一同分享服務創新的最佳實踐模式。詳情

Year-long celebrations begin


In 2017 PolyU will celebrate its 80th anniversary with a wide range of activities, including special celebratory events, international forums, distinguished lectures, community partnership programmes, events dedicated to alumni and student, as well as event championing our knowledge and technology transfer efforts.
Learn more

2017年,理大將舉辦多項豐富精彩的活動以慶祝建校80周年, 包括特別慶典、國際論壇、傑出講座、社區夥伴項目、專為校友和學生而設的項目,以及推廣知識與科技轉移的活動等。

Distinguished lectures


PolyU will proudly present a number of distinguished lectures featuring Nobel Laureates and eminent global leaders of different disciplines throughout 2017. The first public lecture titled "Vaccine Development during the Ebola Public Health Emergency” will be delivered by Dr Marie-Paule Kieny, Assistant Director-General, Health Systems and Innovation of the World Health Organization, on 15 February. Details of the lectures

2017年,理大將舉辦連串傑出講座,邀請諾貝爾獎得主及不同範疇的國際知名領袖主講。第一場公開講座將於2月15日舉行,由世界衛生組織助理總幹事–衛生系統和創新Marie-Paule Kieny博士以「 在公共衛生緊急情況下開發伊波拉病毒疫苗」為題發表演說。更多講座詳情

Vote for PolyU in the "Most Website Award"


PolyU’s 80th Anniversary Website has been shortlisted as one of the best websites in the “non-commercial” category of the “Most Website Award” organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited. Show your support and vote for PolyU from now till 8 February.
Vote now!


Memorable souvenirs 紀念珍藏People 理動人心Polyu on SCMP 南早專輯


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