
A total of 28 students received this year’s Outstanding Student Award of Department, Outstanding Student Award of Faculty/School and the Most Outstanding PolyU Student Award.

“The Most Outstanding PolyU Student” was awarded to Chan Ho-yee from the School of Design. In order to elevate food to a higher level and bring a change to people’s dining experience, she initiated the “Deep food” project to turn food into an art that expresses messages of love, emotions and nature.

Another outstanding student Madina Kaliyeva from the Faculty of Business is among the first batch of students coming from Kazakhstan. Madina actively promotes the culture of Kazakhstan to local students and helps other non-local students to adapt to the life in Hong Kong. She plans to develop a career in business consulting in Hong Kong and hopes to bring related knowledge back to her own country.

Other recipients of Outstanding Student Award of Faculty/School were:

Huang Jia-yang, Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles

Chen Kai-xin, Faculty of Construction and Environment

Zhang Chao-ran, Faculty of Engineering

Cheung Ka-piu, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Chiu Lok-yi, Faculty of Humanities

Amanda Putri Wantono, School of Hotel and Tourism Management