PolyU Milestones is The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
magazine published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office. 「理程」是香港理工大學刊物,由傳訊及公共事務處編印出版。
For contributions and enquiries, please contact the Communications and
Public Affairs Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University :
Tel 電話: 2766 5101
Fax 傳真: 2364 0246
Email 電郵:paadmin@inet.polyu.edu.hk
Website 網址: www.polyu.edu.hk
Advisors 顧問
Mrs Anita Tyen, Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles 應用科學及紡織學院田梁鳳兒女士
Dr Abdul Majid, Faculty of Business 工商管理學院 Abdul Majid 博士
Prof. Wang Shengwei, Faculty of Construction and Land Use 建設及地政學院王盛衛教授
Prof. Tam Hwa-yaw, Faculty of Engineering 工程學院譚華耀教授
Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 醫療及社會科學院陳智軒教授
Prof. Huang Chu-ren, Faculty of Humanities 人文學院黃居仁教授
Prof. Lee Tak-chi, School of Design 設計學院李德志教授
Miss Pauline Ngan, School of Hotel and Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊業管理學院顔寶蓮小姐
Ms Idy To, Partnership Development Office 企業合作處杜漪紅女士
Chief Editor 總編輯:
Tracy Ng 吳麗娟
Managing Editors 執行編輯:
Florence Chan 陳毓秀
Cynthia Lee 李德貞
Aileen Wong 汪錚瑜
Designer 設計: Vicky Wong 黃苑珊
Photography 攝影:
PolyU Graphic and Photographic Unit & contributors 理大平面設計及攝影組及供相者
©The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 版權為香港理工大學所有

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