Dr Meng Ni (BRE) Biography: Dr Meng NI received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2007. He worked as a Research Staff at HKU before joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an Assistant Professor in July 2009. Dr Ni is an active scholar in sustainable energy technologies (particularly fuel cells) and has been invited to deliver keynote lectures at 8 regional/international conferences. He has published 55 papers in prestigious scientific journals with SCI citations of more than 1400 times. His current H-index is 18. He serves on the Editorial Board of 6 scientific journals, and as a reviewer for 36 international journals in the field of sustainable energy technologies. He received the Young Scientist Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Science in 2007 and was awarded a diploma for his excellent scientific activity in hydrogen energy by the International Association for Hydrogen Energy in the same year. In May 2011, he received a Top Reviewer Award from a top-notch journal, Applied Energy, for his exceptional reviews of its papers. Dr Ni was promoted to an Associate Professor in July 2012. Future Plan: He will continue to focus on the multi-scale multi-physics modeling of fuel cells to optimize the cell microstructures for performance improvement and to understand the degradation mechanisms for durability enhancement. Recently, he proposed a novel structure for improving the fuel cell performance and is in the process of collaborating with overseas scientists to fabricate and test it. He is also expanding his research from fuel cells to rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles/energy storage. |