Dr Xia Yong (CEE) Biography: Dr Xia obtained both his Bachelor and Master degrees from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University. He has worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo and the University of Western Australia before joining PolyU in 2006 as an Assistant Professor. Dr Xia has secured RGC funding as a Principal Investigator for 4 research projects during the past six years, and has been awarded several landmark projects, such as the 600m- tall Guangzhou New TV Tower and the 632m-tall Shanghai Tower, as part of a team. He has published three books/proceedings and about 40 refereed journal papers. His research areas include structural health monitoring, nonlinear vibration of cables, and structural dynamics. Future Plan: In the future, Dr Xia plans to consolidate his research in the area of structural health monitoring and initiate new research directions. Applying his research expertise to practice, in particular, improving the safety of aging buildings in Hong Kong, he will establish more social relations with local government authorities and industrial communities. He will actively apply for national research grants such as the NSFC grants and 863 programs. He also plans to be involved in administrative duties at the Departmental and Faculty levels; develop new subjects for research students and MSc students; as well as enhance the international exposure of PolyU by attending/ organizing more international conferences, and establishing collaboration with top researchers in the world. |