President's Message

Dear Fellows.

I hope this Newsletter finds you and your families in good health. I have only a small number of items to report.

1. The period of office of the present Academy Executive will end after the second business meeting at the Conference in Rhodes. A new executive, with new President, will then assume office. The election for members of the new executive will take place in March. There are four positions available
(1) President
(2) First Vice President
(3) Second Vice President
(4) Treasurer

I would urge all fellows to think seriously about nominating for office. There are many challenges and opportunities facing the Academy and infusion of new ideas and energies is essential to meet these challenges head on.

2. The Nominating Committee (Don Hawkins, Cathy Hsu, Geoffrey Crouch) will prepare the slate for election of officers to the Executive. This slate will be sent to fellows for their vote. I have spoken to the chair of the Nominating Committee Don Hawkins, and we agree that a good way to proceed is to ask individuals who are willing to stand for election to any of the above positions to notify Don. Email: dhawk@gwu.edu

3. I would like to remind all fellows who have nominated new fellows and/or award winning emerging scholars that their sponsorship carries with it an obligation to attend the Biennial conference. In the past, this obligation has not always been met and has been associated with adverse consequences to some nominees.

4. You would have received David Airey's information on Rhodes, the location of the next Academy conference May 24-29. Conference planning goes very well and we are optimistic that it will be hugely successful. Academy membership carries with it a responsibility not to miss two successive conferences.

Best wishes to all,
