Head and Chair Professor of Intelligent Structures and Systems
Area of Specialization: Ultrasonics, Structural health monitoring (SHM), Wave propagation, Sensors, Non-destructive evaluation, Smart materials and advanced composites.
- FG611A
- 2766-7818
- zhongqing.su@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Associate Head (Research) and Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Aerodynamics; Hydrodynamics; Active flow control; Fluid-structure Interaction; Multiphase flow
- FG605
- 2766-7815
- h.tang@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Head (Teaching & Learning) and Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Solid Mechanics (specialized in Fracture Mechanics and Contact Mechanics); Bio-inspired Mechanics and Materials; Advanced Energy Materials; Nanomechanics
- FG603
- 2766-7817
- haimin.yao@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Distinguished Chair Professor of Composites Science and Engineering
Area of Specialization: Advanced composite materials; Fracture mechanics
- FG633
- 2766-6656
- yw.mai@polyu.edu.hk
Vice President (Research and Innovation), Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering
Area of Specialization: Aerosol and gaseous contaminant transport in indoor environments; Solar and waste heat driven cooling and refrigeration system; Passive radiative cooling; Nanofluid heat transfer; Bio inspired heat transfer; Fire dynamics and combustion
Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Engineering, Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Area of Specialization: Noise and vibration control; Fluid-structure interaction; Damage detection and smart material/structure/products
- FJ608
- 2766-6769
- li.cheng@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Director of Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing, Chair Professor of Advanced Manufacturing
Area of Specialization: Product design and development; Numerical modelling and simulation; Manufacturing and metal forming; Size effect based micro-mechanics; Damage and fracture in manufacturing and product service.
- FJ605
- 2766-5527
- ming.wang.fu@polyu.edu.hk
Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Smart and Sustainable Energy, Chair Professor of Thermal-Fluid and Energy Engineering
Area of Specialization: Nature-inspired and microfluidics-enabled engineering; Soft and smart manufacturing; Soft materials; Thermal-fluids; Energy
- FJ607
- 2766-7821
- liqiu.wang@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation), Kuok Group Professor in Nature-Inspired Engineering, Chair Professor of Nature-Inspired Engineering
Area of Specialization: Nature-inspired surfaces and materials, additive manufacturing, energy harvesting, fluid dynamics, soft matter, interfaces and surfaces
- M501K
- 2766-6647
- zk.wang@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Director of PolyU-Nanjing Technology and Innovation Research Institute, Chair Professor of Intelligent Robotics and Automation
Area of Specialization: Synthesis and Optimization of Manipulator Mechanisms; Generalized Parallel Mechanisms Research; Reconfigurable Robots; Micro/Nano Manipulation and MEMS Devices (e.g., Sensors); Smart Biomedical Instruments (e.g., Exoskeleton Robots and Rehabilitation Robotics); AI/robotics/autonomous systems; Aerial and Underwater Robotics; New Developments for Humanoid Robots; Machine learning/Deep learning/Machine Vision for Robotics
- FJ606
- 2766-6661
- dan.zhang@polyu.edu.hk
Area of Specialization: Computational materials science; Mechanical properties of nanomaterials; Applications of nanomaterials in energy conversion and storage
- FG637
- 2766-6660
- g.zheng@polyu.edu.hk
Assistant Dean (External Engagement) of Faculty of Engineering, Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Thermofluid; Energy conversion and storage technologies; Advanced materials
- FG610
- 2766-7820
- liang.an@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Sound induced vibration; Duct noise control; Building and room acoustics; Environmental noise measurement and control; Aeroacoustics; Sound Sources identification; Sound quality of product and its assessment; Soundscape study, planning and design
- FG639
- 2766-7813
- yatsze.choy@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Soft Continuum Robots; Vision-based Control and Automation; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Collaborative Robots and Mechatronic Systems
- FG609
- 2766-6662
- henry.chu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Advanced structural materials; High-strength steels & alloys; High-temperature superalloys; Nanostructured metals & alloys; Innovative material processing
- FG607
- 2766-6665
- zb.jiao@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Computational aeroacoustics and gas dynamics; Wind turbine aerodynamics; Flow-induced sound and structural vibration; Aviation science; HVAC compressor and system design; Product sound and vibration quality
- FG641
- 2766-6645
- randolph.leung@polyu.edu.hk
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Robotics and Control
- FG638
- 2766-7816
- dnavar@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Solid Mechanics; Plasticity; Constitutive modeling; Amorphous Materials; Nanomaterials; Impact; Collision and Crashworthiness
- FG608
- 2766-6648
- haihui.ruan@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Gas Phase Chemical Kinetics; Real-Fluid Oxidation Chemistry; Low-Carbon Oxidation Chemistry; Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization; Optimal Decision Making; Machine Learning.
- FG631
- 2766-6668
- songryan.cheng@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Energy meteorology, Physics and machine learning based solar forecasting, Solar-based poly-generation system design and control, Radiative heat transfer, High temperature electrolysis, Radiative cooling, Solar desalination
- FG634
- 2766-6659
- mengying.li@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Haptics, human-machine mechanical interface, sensors and actuators for wearable electronics, tribology, cross-scale and multi-physics modeling, application of artificial intelligence
- FG604
- 2766-7823
- y.ma@polyu.edu.hk
Assistant Professor, Presidential Young Scholar
Area of Specialization: Electrochemical energy storage and conversion; Advanced battery materials; Heat and mass transfer
- FG632
- 2766-6644
- maochun.wu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Vibro-acoustic modelling; Acoustic metamaterial; Noise and vibration control; Advanced functional material; Lattice structure and porous material; Hearing and auditory perception; Active noise cancellation; Smart actuator; Acoustic black hole
- FG642
- 3400-2557
- lucien.yu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Nature-inspired materials and interfaces; Membranes; Water harvesting/solar desalination; Energy harvesting and storage; Heat and mass transfer; Interfacial fluid dynamics
- FG635
- 2766-6667
- baoping.zhang@polyu.edu.hk
Assistant Professor, Presidential Young Scholar
Area of Specialization: Electrocatalysis; Carbon capture and conversion; Electrochemical reactor design; Membrane electrode assembly; 2D nanomaterials.
- FG606
- 2766-6649
- xiao1.zhang@polyu.edu.hk
Research Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Vibration energy harvesting; Wave energy conversion; Soft robotics; Nonlinear vibration; Friction-induced vibration; Vibro-impact systems
- FG618
- 2766-7819
- yiqiang.fu@polyu.edu.hk
Research Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Nature-inspired interfaces, Fluidic manipulation, Interfacial electrostatics, Icing control
- FG628
- 2766-7814
- yuankai.jin@polyu.edu.hk
Research Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Conformal polymer coating, polymer chemical vapor deposition, conducting polymers, energy-storage materials, lithium-ion batteries
- FG620
- 3400-2563
- john-qiang.liu@polyu.edu.hk
Research Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Nanocarbon based materials; Interface design of composite materials; Electrochemical energy storage
- FG623
- 3400-2558
- xiaoliang.yu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Research Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Structuring of Fluids, Soft and Smart Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Microfluidics, 3D Manipulation of Fluids, Flexible Electronics, Nonlinear Computation and Optimization
- FG636
- 2766-6664
- yi-yuan.zhang@polyu.edu.hk
Senior Lecturer
Area of Specialization: Composite and application; Composite manufacturing; Nanocomposite (carbon nanotube/polymer) structure
- FG629
- 2766-6673
- eunice.tam@polyu.edu.hk
Senior Instructor
Area of Specialization: Computer aided design; Computer aided engineering; Product design and management; Basic scientific computing; Supply chain management
- FG629
- 2766-5207
- wftang@polyu.edu.hk