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Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge Transfer and Commercialisation | PolyU

PolyU transforms innovations and research breakthroughs into real-world solutions through knowledge transfer and commercialisation.

Our researchers eagerly transform innovations and research breakthroughs into real-world industry solutions and social innovations through commercialisation. Leveraging on our academic strength, research expertise and global network, we take our ideas and inventions from lab to life.

Through knowledge transfer, PolyU’s research discoveries are patented and licensed for new products and processes. We drive commercialisation by helping businesses and industries enhance their products and improve operational performance.

Knowledge Transfer

As a strategic partner of the business and industrial sectors, PolyU adopts various modes of knowledge transfer, such as consultancy, collaborative research, technology licensing, and spin-off companies / start-ups.

Leveraging PolyU’s diverse expertise, rich resources and excellent facilities, we develop and transfer to our partners specific knowledge through customised consultancy services, taking into account their unique requirements and needs. PolyU Technology and Consultancy Co. Limited (PTeC) was established as the commercial arm of the University, offering one-stop professional consultancy services to businesses and organisations ranging from SMEs, private corporations, NGOs to government departments.

Technology Licensing Drives Commercialisation

Many of our research project deliverables are protected by international patents in order to preserve and protect the interest of PolyU and our inventors. Licensing options enable our partner companies to capitalize on our patented technologies to develop new products and enhance performance and drive commercialisation.

To identify individual research outcomes that are relevant to industries and fit for commercialisation, potential partners may search through the vast list of technologies in our Tech Search, or jump directly to our Invitation for Licensing with shortlisted innovations recommended for licensing.

Institute of Entrepreneurship

As a dedicated partner of business, industry and the community, PolyU is committed to creating and transferring technology and knowhow with application value to the wider world in various ways. In pursuit of knowledge transfer, commercialisation and entrepreneurship, the Institute for Entrepreneurship (IfE) was established to serve as an important platform to forge closer links between academics and business for their mutual benefits. By harnessing the expertise and resources of the University, IfE provides a wide range of services, facilitating entrepreneurship development as well as assisting industry to create innovative products and strengthen the competitive edge of enterprises in the global marketplace.

Knowledge Transfer Forum

Established by PolyU Faculty of Business, the Knowledge Transfer Forum aims to generate exchanges and potential partnerships between academics and businesses to translate knowledge and research into commercial applications that foster economic and social development through commercialisation.

Knowledge transfer has long been a strong DNA strand of PolyU that strives to bring together teaching, research, and real-life application as its core missions. PolyU Faculty of Business strives to create a platform to promote commercialisation and forge closer links with the business community and academia through a series of Knowledge Transfer Forum.

Offering funding to promote knowledge transfer and commercialisation

PolyU Micro Fund Scheme is one of the key funding initiatives to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial ambience in the PolyU community and to promote knowledge transfer and commercialisation of PolyU’s innovations and technologies. Launched in 2011, the Micro Fund has been nurturing 350+ socially responsible young people with a ‘Do Well Do Good’ entrepreneurship spirit through hands-on business endeavours.


  • Patents Filed cumulative


  • Patents granted cumulative


  • Inventions



Start-ups Nurtured




International and Local Awards

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