

The Symposium is open to all interested academic and administrative staff in the Hong Kong tertiary education sector. If you are interested in attending the Symposium, please provide the required information below. We will send you an acknowledgement email after we have processed your information.

Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Registration deadline: 4 December 2009 (Friday)

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First Name
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Please select one presentation that you would like to attend for each of the Experience Sharing - Parallel Session:

  • 1120-1150
    Experience Sharing - Parallel Session I
    (choose ONE only)
  • 1155-1225
    Experience Sharing - Parallel Session II
    (choose ONE only)
  • 1230-1300
    Experience Sharing - Parallel Session III
    (choose ONE only)
Outcomes Based Curriculum Design of BSc (Hons) in Geomatics
Prof. Esmond Mok, PolyU
Towards Outcome-based English Learning and Computer Skills Training Dr Li Lan, PolyU
Prof. Winnie Cheng, PolyU
Articulating Programme and Course Outcomes in the Sciences: Synergies Across the Faculty of Science at CUHK Prof. Poon Wai Yin, CUHK
Using e-Case Studies to Align Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Students in Clinical Case Management: Professional Learning Outcomes Prof. Cecilia Li-Tsang, PolyU
Integrating Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO's) with Programme Outcomes for a Year 2 Continually Assessed Compulsory Subject using Criteria Referenced Assessment (CRA) Mr Steve Frankland, PolyU
Approaches to Assessing Learning Outcomes in General Education Programme: Experience at CUHK Dr Leung Mei Yee, CUHK
Assessing Learning Outcomes Achieved through the "Undergraduate Experience" (A facilitated discussion session) Dr David Mole, HKUST;
Mr Nick Noakes, HKUST
Reforming Undergraduate Student Assessment Prof. Esmonde F. Corbet , HKU
Professional Development for Supporting Strategic Initiatives Around Outcomes Based Approaches to Student Learning Dr. Diane Salter, HKU
Developing Experiential Learning: Experience at CUHK Mr Raymond Leung, CUHK
Formative Feedback for our Outcomes-based Approach Efforts Dr Eva Wong , CityU
Dr John Coombes, CityU
Online Courses Forms and Course Evaluation (Programme Management and Assessment) Dr Cheung Sai On, CityU;
Dr Paul H.F. Lam, CityU
The Role of Technology in Curriculum Planning for 3+3+4 at CUHK Prof. Paul Lam, CUHK
Mr Morris Kwok, CUHK