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Personal Hygiene

Nail Clipper with Magnifier & LED Light

Product IDPH001

Size≈(L) 18.0cm x (W) 6.5cm x (H) 4.0cm
Weight: ≈ 86g

Product and Accessories

    1 Nail clipper 2 Batteries

Situation:Difficult to see clearly when trimming nails and afraid of cutting yourself?
Description:Precise nail trimming with a nail clipper with magnifier & LED light

Design Features

With Magnifying and Extra Lighting Function Bright LED light illuminates and magnifier magnifies the nail for safe grooming Place the magnifying glass at the front to see the target area clearly Ergonomic Design Easy grip long handle which is convenient for holding and clipping

Other Features

    Nail file at the back

People Suit for

    General elderly People with weak seeing


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