Fostering a culture of peer support and collaborative professional development in higher education is one of the recommendations in the University Grants Committee (UGC) consultative report “Aspirations for the Higher Education System in Hong Kong” in December 2010. UGC has advocated the establishment of “Communities of Practice” (CoP) as a method in revitalising teaching and learning at both the system and institutional levels. In this connection, UGC has decided to support all tertiary institutions by providing seed funding to bring together a network of educators in higher education in Hong Kong who can lead communities of practice both within and across institutions.
PolyU is committed to the establishment of CoP as one of the many strategies for the enhancement of teaching and learning across the University. The University has adopted a transparent process in identifying the themes of CoP. The University’s Learning and Teaching Committee has concluded to establish five thematic CoPs for the triennium 2012-2015 through the consultative visits to all the eight Faculties/Schools as conducted by in 2011. The thematic CoPs are:
- Academic Advising
- Enhancing Students’ English Abilities
- Developing, Recognising and Rewarding Excellent Teaching
- Service Learning
- Using Blackboard LMS to Enhance Learning and Teaching
A cultural change in steering an institution to better teaching involves a paradigm shift in how we cultivate a collegial, collaborative and supportive atmosphere. Our CoP slogan is: “Connect ‧ Share ‧ Learn ‧ Grow”. We expect, through CoP, to connect colleagues who share a common interest in enhancing teaching and learning. Through CoP, we could instil a culture of sharing and learning for collaborative professional and teaching development. This culture of sharing helps members to grow in their ways of teaching. You will find in this Website useful information and resources; and upcoming events that you would like to join.
I appreciate very much that several enthusiastic faculty members have been making great efforts and contributions to PolyU as taking the lead as facilitators and co-facilitators in these five CoPs. I look forward to your support and participation. Let us embrace a sustainable growth of teaching and learning at PolyU!

Professor Chetwyn Chan
Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching)
Chairman of Learning and Teaching Committee