- Knowledge Management for Development [link]
- CPSquare - The Community of Practice on Communities of Practice [link]
- Instructions for setting up a course in CourseSites [link]
- CourseSites Q & A [download]
- Tsui, E. (2013, September). Developing & Sustaining Communities of Practice. Presented at the ikclub in Bangkok, Thailand. [link]
- Tsui, E. (2013, November). Personal Learning Environment & Network (PLE&N) & Community of Practice (CoP) at HKPolyU. Presentation to the DCC delegation from Waseda University, PolyU, HK. [link]
Books/ Articles
- Wenger, E., White, N., & Smith, J. (2009). Digital habitats: stewarding technology for communities. Portland: CPsquare. (Google Book Resource) [download]
- Wenger, E. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
- Wenger, E., & Snyder, W. (2000). Communities of practice: The organizational frontier. Harvard Business Review, January - February Issue, 139-145. [download]
- Gongla, P., & Rizzuto, C. R. (2001). Evolving communities of practice: IBM global services experience. IBM Systems Journal, 40, 842-862. [download]
- Etienne Wenger on “What is a CoP” [link]
- Etienne Wenger’s Keynote Address at KM Singapore 2009 [link]
- Nancy White on CoP [link]
- Etienne Wenger talks about “Walking the Landscape of Practice” [link]

Prof. Eric Tsui promoting CoP to Waseda University delegation |