
Overview of Blended Learning

    What is Blended Learning?  It can be defined as "the thoughtful fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences…such that the strengths of each are blended into a unique learning experience.  Blended learning is a fundamental redesign that transforms the structure of, and approach to, teaching and learning." [Garrison & Vaughan, 2008] In the global context of Higher Education today, we may also consider Blended Learning as the thoughtful fusion of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences....

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    Blended Learning: A Community of Inquiry approach

      The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (Garrison, Anderson and Archer, 2000) identifies three elements as critical to an online educational experience: cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence...

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      Blended online learning: A flipped classroom approach

        This section contains an introduction to the flipped classroom approach, which is one of the most popular ways to implement blended learning.

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        Hybrid Teaching

          Guides and resources for hybrid teaching.

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          Lecture Capture

            This section contains resources related to lecture capture. It includes guidelines and workshop recordings on using uRewind, powered by Panopto, a dedicated lecture capture tool, and three videoconferencing (VC) tools: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

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            Evaluating Blended Learning

              This section contains guiding principles in evaluating blended learning and five sets of evaluation questions based on your objectives for implementing blended learning. It then concludes with a popular framework that you can use to evaluate blended learning.

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