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Department School of Accounting and Finance

Entrance Year Sept 2022

Programme Code 02402-YFS

Mode of Study Full-time

Programme Intake 5 (for cohort of students admitted in 2021/22 promoted to Year 2 in academic year 2022/23)

Credits Required for Graduation 18 credits (at least 9 credits must be at level 3 or above)

Programme Leader(s)

Dr Derek YIM

PhD, MBA(York), CFA

Aims and Characteristics


  • To broaden the awareness and horizons of PolyU graduates in their knowledge and understanding about financial globalization outside their chosen major.
  • To enable students from other departments to better understand the products and operations of financial institutions as they can be related to their chosen area of specialization and future career.
  • To provide our graduates with basic theories and skills such that they will be able to manage the risks more effectively for their own financial investments and their companies in their career.

On successfully completion of the minor programme in Financial Services and Institutions, the students will be able to:

  • enhance their global outlook through studies on the globalizations of financial services sectors.
  • apply basic economic and financial theories, analyse pricing and features of financial products and examine the operations of financial markets.
  • identify and analyze the channels by which value is created in financial products and services and delivered to users.

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