
Prof. Haitian Lu

Co-Director (Green Finance)
Professor of Law
School of Accounting and Finance
Director of Mainland Development Office

Prof. Haitian LU is a Professor in law and Finance at the School of Accounting and Finance. He is also the Director of Chinese Mainland Affairs Office of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also the deputy director of the Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance (CESEF) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. Lu obtained his Ph.D in law from National University of Singapore, Master of Law from Liverpool University and Bachelor of Law from Nanjing University. During January to June 2016 he was visiting research professor at New York University Stern School of Business. Prof. Lu’s teaching and research interest centers on the legal development, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibilities in Hong Kong and mainland China. He is the author / co-author of the books Secured Finance Law in China and Hong Kong (2010 Cambridge University Press), Truths and Half Truths: China’s Socio-Economic Reforms 1978-2010 (2011 Chandos Publishing), and The Role of China in Global Dirty Industry Migration (2008 Chandos Publishing). Prof. Lu published widely in law, finance, economics and management journals. Prof. LU contributes to the academic and professional society by serving as Associate Editor of Journal of Financial Stability (SSCI), Associate Dean in Faculty of Business (2018-2020), and Associate Head in School of Accounting and Finance (2012-2017) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Vice-chairman of the Federation of Alumni Association of Chinese Colleges and Universities in Hong Kong (2018-present), Vice-chairman of Greater Bay Area Fintech Promotion Association Limited (2019-present) and Deputy-Director General of the Macau International Healthcare Think Tank (2019-). He was also the external subject reviewer for Tung Wah College, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Caritas Francis Hsu College; external expert member for PRC IQS Working Group of the Hong Kong Institute of Charted Secretaries (HKICS); external examiner for Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Public Accountant (HKICPA); judge panel member for the Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Award 2012-2017,; Academic Board Member of Asian Competition Forum (ACF), Vice-president of the Hong Kong Alumni Association of Nanjing University, etc.