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Dr Yiye Liu
PolyU Scholars Hub

Dr Yiye LIU

Research Assistant Professor



Dr. Yiye Liu is a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Prior to joining PolyU, she obtained her Ph.D. in Accounting from City University of Hong Kong in 2023, and B.S. in Finance from Wuhan University in 2018.Her research interests include auditing, cross-border regulation, corporate finance, and labor issues. 

Research Interests

  • Auditing
  • International Regulations
  • Corporate Disclosure
  • Coporate Finance

Research Output

  1. Insider ownership and stock price crash risk around the globe
  2. The dark side of mandatory IFRS adoption : Does IFRS adoption deteriorate accrual reliability?
  3. Political institutions, stock market liquidity and firm dividend policy: Some international evidence.

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