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Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation (APJT)

Edited by Dr Jody Wong, Dr Percy Wong, Mr Philip Hung, Dr Kelvin Mak and Mr Webster Ng, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation (APJT) is a joint publication of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and the School. The journal is issued on a biannual basis.

Publishes research papers, commentary notes, book reviews and article abstracts that address significant issues in the field of taxation of relevance to Hong Kong, China and the Asian Pacific region. The APJT consists of a variety of columns for articles with different topics, such as the Hong Kong Technical Column, PRC Technical Column, International Technical Column, and the Belt & Road Column etc.

It aims to provide quality service to the readership by making its content more informative and thorough, and by striking a proper balance between professionalism and intellectual stimulation. 

Jody Wong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Percy Wong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Philip Hung The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Carol Liu The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Kelvin Mak The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Nancy Su The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Nigel Eastaway MHA MacIntyre Hudson
Michael Olesnicky To be updated
Charles Swenson University of Southern California
Daniel Thornton Queen's University
Jefferson VanderWolk Squire Patton Boggs
Marcellus Wong AMTD Group
Brian Andrew University of Wollongong
Wilson Cheng Ernst & Young Tax Services Limited
Cheng Chi KPMG, China
Sarah Chin Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Hong Kong
Jeremy Choi PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong
Spencer Chong PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong
Wilson Chow The University of Hong Kong
Daniel Ho Hong Kong Baptist University
Patrick Ho FTMS Training System Limited
Simon James University of Exeter
Jeyapalan Kasipillai Monash University Malaysia
Betty Kwok The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Patrick Kwong Ernst & Young Tax Services Limited
David Lai Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Stephen Lee Sinotax Services Limited
Thomas Lee Thomas Lee & Partners
Tak Yan Leung University of Sunshine Coast
Poh Eng Hin Nanyang Technology University
Anthony Tam Mazars
Kalloe Vinod KPMG, Netherlands
Jingyi Wang Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fergus Wong PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong
Chris Xing KPMG, China
Eugene Yeung KPMG, China


Editorial Policy

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation (APJT) publishes research papers, commentary notes, book reviews and article abstracts that address significant issues in the field of taxation of relevance to Hong Kong, China and the Asia-Pacific region.


Research papers should be analytical, which either be empirically or theoretically based. Studies of comparative practices or international research reports in the field of taxation are encouraged.


Editorial Procedures

Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Joint Editors of APJT.


Work submitted for consideration must be original and unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Manuscripts submitted to APJT will be reviewed by the Joint Editors for general suitability for publication. Those considered appropriate will be sent to two reviewers for evaluation using a double blind review procedure. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Joint Editors will then decide whether the particular article should be accepted as it is (and the publication schedule), revised or rejected. The process so described is a general one. The Joint Editors, however, may, in some circumstances, vary this process at their discretion.


Non-exclusive License of the Article

By submitting your article to APJT, you hereby agree to give to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (the “Publishers”) the right to be the first publisher of the your article in any part of the world, in any language, in print and electronic forms, to take effect if and when the said article is accepted for publication.


After first publication in print and electronic forms, the Publishers will have an ongoing but non-exclusive license to publish and republish the said article in any part of the world, in any language, in print and electronic forms in APJT, and anthologies derived from APJT.


Guidelines for Manuscripts

All manuscripts are to be typewritten double spaced on one side (international-size A4 preferred; North American 8” x 11” letter size also acceptable). Margins should be about 25 mm or 1 inch to facilitate editing and duplication.


Cover page The cover page should include the title of the manuscript, the name, title, affiliation, address, phone and fax number of each author, and any acknowledgement of financial, technical and other assistance.


Abstract page The abstract page should have the title of the manuscript and a 100–150 words abstract but should not identify the author(s).


Text — Begin the text on a new page with the title but without the name of the author(s). Headings should be bold-faced, entirely in upper case while subheadings within the main headings should be bold-faced, in upper and lower cases. Footnotes, if unavoidable, should be kept to a minimum. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript, typed with double-spacing and collected on a separate page with the heading “Endnotes”. The endnotes should follow the last page of the text. Reference citations within the text should consist of the cited author’s last name and the year of publication, enclosed in parentheses, for example: (Alm 1991), or (Brent, Morse and Stice 1990). If the author’s name appears in the sentence, only the year of publication should be in parentheses, for example: as discussed by Brent, Morse and Stice (1990). References to multiple works should occur within one set of parentheses, separated by semi-colons, for example: (Alm 1991; Brent, Morse and Stice 1990; and Lewellen and Mauer 1988).


References — References should be listed on a separate, double spaced page. This listing should only contain those references cited in the text of the manuscript. References are listed in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name.


Samples of entries are as follows:

Alm, James (1991), “A Perspective on the Experimental Analysis of Taxpayer Reporting”, The Accounting Review, July, pp. 577–593.

Brent, Averil, Morse, Dale and Stice, E.K. (1990), “Short Interest: Explanations and Tests”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, June, pp. 273–289.


Halkyard, Andrew and Vanderwolk, J.P. (1993), Hong Kong

Tax Law—Cases and Materials, Butterworths Asia.

Lewellen, W.G. and Mauer, D.C. (1988), “Tax Options and Corporate Capital Structures”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, December, pp. 387–400.


Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the author(s) will be requested to submit a carefully-edited version of the manuscript. The author(s) will be required to sign a publication agreement with APJT. Author(s) of accepted manuscripts will be provided with proof copies of their articles for proofreading. Neither the Joint Editors nor APJT will accept responsibility for errors, omissions, loss or damage to manuscripts..




Joint Editors
Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation
The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
21/F, Kam Sang Building
255-257 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong

Tel. (852) 2810 0438 Fax: (852) 2523 1263

Year Vol. No. Column Title Author(s)
2023 27 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2023 27 2 HK Technical Column Quo Vadis, DIPN 38? Stefano Mariani 
2023 27 2 HK Technical Column Money Laundering – What you need to know as a Tax Professional Martin Lim
2023 27 2 PRC & International Technical Column “ 實質性運營 ” 看中國區域性企業所得稅優惠政策的變遷 Jessica Ma, Aimee Li
2023 27 2 PRC & International Technical Column PILLAR 2 – The Emergence of Divergence within QDMITTS and the Globe Rules Jonathan Culver
2023 27 2 PRC & International Technical Column Canadian Residence of Individuals Michael Cadesky, Matthew Cho
2023 27 2 Belt & Road Column New Zealand – 2023 Tax Update Article Darshana Elwela, Robert Grignon
2023 27 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2023 27 1 HK Technical Column Tax implications for SaaS business in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific Jo An Yee, Jerry Lau
2023 27 1 HK Technical Column iXBRL與香港稅收數位化改革簡述 Desmond Wong, Emily Hui
2023 27 1 Belt & Road Column Doing Business in Cambodia Reangsey Touch
2023 27 1 Budget Column 2023-24 Budget Proposals TIHK
2023 27 1 Budget Column 2023-24 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2022 26 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Jody Wong
2022 26 2 HK Technical Column The Trends and Challenges for Family Offices in Hong Kong Joy Chen, Karina Wong
2022 26 2 HK Technical Column Refinements to Hong Kong’s Foreign-Sourced Income Exemption Regime for Passive Income Gwenda Ho, Chun Sing Cheung, Pason Ngan
2022 26 2 PRC & International Technical Column 淺析經濟數字化“支柱二”全球最低稅規則對中國內地稅制的影響及應對 國家稅務總局廣州市稅務局課題組
2022 26 2 PRC & International Technical Column Implications of New Section 89A of Indian IT Act on Taxation of Private US Retirement Accounts Diana Pence, Arpita Shroff, Raghu Venugopalan
2022 26 2 Belt & Road Column 2022 Chilean Tax Reform Overview Loreto Pelegrí H., Belén Tajmuch P.
2022 26 2 Tax Policy Paper Competition 2022 BEPS2.0 背景下粵港澳大灣區稅收協調與合作問題研究 晏洋
2022 26 2 Tax Policy Paper Competition 2022 “ 雙 碳 ” 背 景 下 對 粵 港 澳 大 灣 區 碳 稅 問 題 研 究 黃一航、楊梅
2022 26 2 Tax Policy Paper Competition 2022 粵 港 澳 大 灣 區 稅 收 協 調 問 題 及 優 化 路 徑 研 究 于紅、趙君佩、文悅逸
2022 26 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2022 26 1 HK Technical Column The New Law Amendments Concerning the Special Tax Treatments of Corporate Amalgamations Desmond Wong, Emily Hui
2022 26 1 PRC & International Technical Column
Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing in China
Karen Lau, Anthony Tam
2022 26 1 PRC & International Technical Column Pillar Two – Challenges in the Coordination of Domestic Minimum Taxing Rights Jonathan Culver
2022 26 1 Belt & Road Column South Korea – An Important Trading Partner of China and Hong Kong Carol Lam, Celestine Yeung
2022 26 1 Budget Column 2022-23 Budget Proposals TIHK
2022 26 1 Budget Column 2022-23 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2021 25 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong, Jody Wong
2021 25 2 HK Technical Column Trajectories for the Development of the Inland Revenue Ordinance in Hong Kong Stefano Mariani
2021 25 2 HK Technical Column Charities and Taxation - Updates Philip Hung, Felix Tsang
2021 25 2 PRC & International Technical Column China tax policies in the Greater Bay Area – a new landscape and prospect Rebecca Wong, Cherie Li
2021 25 2 PRC & International Technical Column 海南自貿港税收政策解讀 李雁、劉昭華、路遙、胡音
2021 25 2 Article of Interest Belt & Road Column
2021 25 2 Article of Interest Philippines – Changing the Tax Landscape Maria Carmela M. Peralt
2021 25 1 PRC & International Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Jody Wong
2021 25 1 PRC & International Technical Column The Changing Role of Hong Kong Taxation in Fiscal Policy in the Last Thirty Years and its Prospective Future YY Butt, Patrick Ho
2021 25 1 PRC & International Technical Column Hong Kong Enhanced Research and Development Tax Deduction Regime Ada Ma, Danny Law
2021 25 1 PRC & International Technical Column Indian Tax Implications of Holding a US Individual Retirement Account Raghu Venugopalan, Darshan Wadhwa
2021 25 1 PRC & International Technical Column Tax Residency and Permanent Establishment issues during the COVID-19 Disruption Period and in the New Reality Eugene Yeung, William Wong
2021 25 1 Article of Interest Belt & Road Column
2021 25 1 Article of Interest 2021 Luxembourg Corporate Taxation Overview Cedric Carnoye
2021 25 1 Budget Column 2021-22 Budget Proposals TIHK
2021 25 1 Budget Column 2021-22 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2020 24 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2020 24 2 HK Technical Column The Taxing and Spending Powers of The Hong Kong Government Michael Littlewood
2020 24 2 HK Technical Column Charities and Taxation – Evolving Practices of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department and Strategies for Charities Philp Hung, Felix Tsang
2020 24 2 PRC & International Technical Column 增值稅專用發票電子化對企業運營的影響探討 郭萍、黄毓、樊幸幸
2020 24 2 PRC & International Technical Column Will multinational companies be able to guaranty a profit to their limited risk subsidiaries in 2020? Anthony Tam, Frédéric Barat, Frédéric Lubczinski
2020 24 2 PRC & International Technical Column BEPS 2.0 – Pillar 2 Jesse Kavanagh
2020 24 2 PRC & International Technical Column Rethink Transfer Pricing under BEPS 2.0: Business Ethics of MNEs through the Lens of Adam Smith Enoch Hsu
2020 24 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong , Percy Wong
2020 24 1 PRC & International Technical Column Mainland China Issued Individual Income Tax Related Policies to Improve the Talent Mobility in the Greater Bay Area Jessica Ma, Aimee Li
2020 24 1 PRC & International Technical Column Exploring Internal Enablers of Workforce Agility in Tax Consulting Services Big-Four Practitioners’ Perspective P V Thayyib, Mohd Asif Khan
2020 24 1 PRC & International Technical Column BEPS 2.0: Reshaping the International Tax Landscape and What this Means for Businesses Martin Richter, Zakariya Modan
2020 24 1 Article of Interest Belt & Road Column
2020 24 1 Article of Interest Capital Gains in Fiji: Legislative Framework and Key Issues Gaurav Shukla, Suesh Kumar Pandey
2020 24 1 Budget Column 2020-21 Budget Proposals TIHK
2020 24 1 Budget Column 2020-21 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2019 23 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2019 23 2 HK Technical Column Taxation of Carried Interest - View from Hong Kong Nigel Hobler, Darren Bowdern
2019 23 2 HK Technical Column “BEPS 2.0” and the Future of Intra-Group Financing in Hong Kong Gwenda Ho, Peter Brewin
2019 23 2 HK Technical Column A critical Assessment of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department’s Revised Departmental Interpretation and Practice Note No. 28 on the Deductibility of Foreign Tax Stefano Mariani
2019 23 2 HK Technical Column The “Unified” Fund Exemption Regime in Hong Kong Roy Phan
2019 23 2 PRC & International Technical Column The Impact of Tax-related Incentives on Innovation: Evidence from China T. Y. Leung, Jody Wong, C.Y.J. Liu
2019 23 2 PRC & International Technical Column 簡評台灣境外資金課稅概況暨新境外資金匯回專法介紹 徐丞毅 、黃蓉
2019 23 2 Articles of Interest Belt & Road Column
2019 23 2 Articles of Interest Overview of Tax Rules in Uzbekistan Doniyorbek S Zulunov
2019 23 2 Articles of Interest Article
2019 23 2 Articles of Interest Optimise Your Risk Identification and Management Processes by Blending External Company Information with Your Own Tax Data Maqbool Lalljee
2019 23 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Teresa Fung, Jody Wong
2019 23 1 HK Technical Column New Tax Deduction of Three Additional Types of Intellectual Property Rights Reignites the Controversies Surrounding Sections 16EC(4)(b) and 39E(1)(b)(i) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance Patrick Kwong
2019 23 1 HK Technical Column Cost of Information and Life under the New Transfer Pricing Regime Enoch Hsu
2019 23 1 HK Technical Column The Uneasy Relationship between Permanent Establishments and Section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance Stefano Mariani
2019 23 1 PRC Technical Column Managing China Customs and Trade in the Era of a New Global Trade Order and Industry 4.0 Derek Lee, Iris He, Trista Li
2019 23 1 International Technical Column Tax Litigation and the System of Appeal in Pakistan Bilal Hassan
2019 23 1 International Technical Column Rising Global Tax Controversies – A Business’s Best Plan for Managing Tax Controversies amid Greater Transparency and Scrutiny Chung-Sim Siew Moon
2019 23 1 Belt & Road Column Mauritius: An Investment Gateway to Africa for Chinese Companies Anthony Tam, Roomesh Ramchurn
2019 23 1 Budget Column 2019-20 Budget Proposals TIHK
2019 23 1 Budget Column 2019-20 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2018 22 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2018 22 2 HK Technical Column Positioning Hong Kong to Collaborate with the Greater Bay Area Jeremy Choi, Anita Tsang
2018 22 2 HK Technical Column Hong Kong Tax Rules on Intellectual Property: Driving Growth or Driving in the Wrong Direction? Edwin Bin
2018 22 2 HK Technical Column Taxation of Charities in Hong Kong – Pressure for Change? David Smith
2018 22 2 HK Technical Column Taxation of Initial Coin Offerings – View from Hong Kong Nigel Hobler
2018 22 2 PRC & International Technical Column Development of the Determination of Beneficial Owners in China Carol Liu, Joice Wang
2018 22 2 Belt & Road Column A General Overview of Singapore’s Tax System Sivakumar Saravan, Liew Kin Meng
2018 22 2 Letters to the Editors Onus of Proof Lies with the Taxpayer - But IRD is Making It Hard Lusan Hung
2018 22 2 Letters to the Editors Is Two-Tiered Profits Tax System Really Beneficial To SMES? Michael Chung
2018 22 2 Letters to the Editors Some Observation about the IRD’s Recent Practice H.W.T.
2018 22 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2018 22 1 HK Technical Column Potential Issues for Hong Kong’s R&D Tax Incentive Policy Formulation Roger Di
2018 22 1 HK Technical Column New Hong Kong Transfer Pricing Rules Wengee Poon, Deborah Li
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column CRS and Exchange of Information Development in Taiwan Lin Yishian
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column Articles of Interest Belt, RoadColumns
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column Israel: An Increasingly Important Trading Partner for China and Hong Kong Carol Lam, Abigail Li
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column Investing into Indonesia John Lauwrenz
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column Article
2018 22 1 PRC& InternationalTechnical Column Income and Capital David Goldberg QC
2018 22 1 Budget Column 2018-19 Budget Proposals TIHK
2018 22 1 Budget Column 2018-19 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2018 22 1 Letters to the Editors IRD, please be Fair to Taxpayers Lusan Hung
2018 22 1 Letters to the Editors Certainty vs Uncertainty Tracy Pu
2018 22 1 Letters to the Editors Recommendations on Circular 88 Nancy Guan
2017 21 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent board of Review Cases Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2017 21 2 HK Technical Column Punishment Promotes Compliance: What do the Researchers Say? A Case study of Hong Kong Betty Kwok
2017 21 2 HK Technical Column A 20-year Review of Hong Kong’s Tax System and the Way Forward Anita Tsang, Fergus Wong
2017 21 2 HK Technical Column Source, Residence, and the Future of Hong Kong Tax Stefano Mariani
2017 21 2 PRC Technical Column 如何利用個人所得稅改革為中國構建更和諧的社會 龔永德、何曉宜、王瑞
2017 21 2 International Technical Column UK Residential Property and Non-Resident Owners Graham Moore
2017 21 2 International Technical Column Legal Ownership of Intangible Assets versus Economic Substance Anthony Tam
2017 21 2 Belt & Road Column Thailand – Moving towards a More Attractive Tax Regime Wirat Sirikajornkij
2017 21 2 Belt & Road Column Investing in Malaysia Ong Guan Heng, Florence Tan
2017 21 2 Belt & Road Column Doing Business in Vietnam Jessica Ma, Heron Yang
2017 21 2 Belt & Road Column Tax Incentive under the Belt and Road Initiative Dicky To, Steven Wong
2017 21 1 HK Technical Column Lessons Learnt from Recent Board of Review Decisions Teresa Fung, Jody Wong
2017 21 1 HK Technical Column Addressing Housing Affordability through “One Person, One Flat” Tax Stephen Ching
2017 21 1 HK Technical Column A critical Assessment of the Inland Revenue Department’s Revised and Updated Guidance on the Tax Consequences of Company Amalgamations Stefano Mariani
2017 21 1 HK Technical Column Hong Kong’s Responses to BEPS – Implications for the Territorial Profits Tax System David Smith
2017 21 1 International Technical Column Looking at Devolution of ‘VAT on Services’ in Fiscal Federalism - A Case of Sindh Revenue Board Najeeb Memon
2017 21 1 International Technical Column Sovereign Immunity and Tax Treaties: A Comparative Analysis of the Taxation of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia Sally-An Joseph
2017 21 1 International Technical Column FATCA Update Josh Maxwell
2017 21 1 International Technical Column Taiwan's Reaction to Tax Challenge of E-Commerce Stefan, Shih Chou, Huang
2017 21 1 Budget Column ACCA Hong Kong Budget Submission 2017/18 ACCA
2017 21 1 Budget Column 2017-18 Policy Address cum Budget Submission HKGCC
2017 21 1 Budget Column Tax Policy and Budget Proposals 2017-18
Joining the Dots… Connecting the Tax System with the Needs of the Economy and the Community
2017 21 1 Budget Column 2017-18 Budget Proposals & Commentaries TIHK
2016 20 1 HK Technical Column A Critical and Comparative Assessment of the Utilisation of Losses in Company Amalgamations Stefano Marini
2016 20 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2016 20 1 PRC Technical Column The Chinese IIT Liability of Foreign Director and Senior Manager on Directors' fees Qingyang Wang, Zhou Mi
2016 20 1 PRC Technical Column A 360-Degree Look: How China’s New EIT Incentive Rules Can Encourage R&D Activities in China Daniel Chan, Windson Li, Hengka (Henry) Ji
2016 20 1 International Column The Use of Discretion in the GST Regime of Pakistan
Bilal Hassan
2016 20 1 Belt & Road Column Be Ready for Taxation in the United Arab Emirates Tobias Lintvelt, Franky Ting
2016 20 1 Belt & Road Column Doing Business in Russia Vladimir Abramov
2015 19 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Jody Wong , Percy Wong
2015 19 2 PRC Technical Column Localisation of BEPS Transfer Pricing Recommendations in China
- Consultation Draft of “Implementation Measures for Special Tax Adjustments”
Kenny Wei, David Chamberlain, Carol Cao
2015 19 2 Features FATCA: What it Is, What it Isn’t, and What’s Next Josh Maxwell
2015 19 2 Features Hong Kong Continues to Enhance its Information Exchange on Taxation Matters – A Stocktake Adrian Sawyer
2015 19 2 Budget Column ACCA Hong Kong Budget Submission 2016/17 ACCA
2015 19 2 Budget Column 2016-17 Policy Address cum Budget Submission HKGCC
2015 19 2 Budget Column Tax Policy and Budget Proposals 2016-17
A Modern Tax System, a Stronger Economy and a Closer Community
2015 19 2 Budget Column 2016-17 Budget Proposals TIHK
2015 19 2 Budget Column 2016-17 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2015 19 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2015 19 1 HK Technical Column Aviation Fuel Supply Company Limited v CIR — Dismissal of Appeal Due to Concern for “Unfairness” to the Taxpayer Karina Wong, Anthony Luk
2015 19 1 HK Technical Column The OECD’s Approach to Tackling Treaty Shopping and Its Impact on Hong Kong Cherry Lam, Joshua Colman
2015 19 1 HK Technical Column The Taxation of Grants, Subsidies and Similar Financial Assistance in Hong Kong Stefano Mariani
2015 19 1 PRC Technical Column Transformation of Manufacturing Business in Southern China in the Changing Tax Environment: Opportunities and Challenges Jeremy Choi, Emily Chak
2015 19 1 International Technical Column Tax, Governance and Administration: Challenges and Opportunities in China, Indonesia and Thailand Chris Evans, Sally-Ann Joseph
2015 19 1 International Technical Column Divergence in Effective Tax Rates: Evidence in Malaysian Listed Firms Ravichandran K. Subramaniam, Thenesh Kannaa
2015 19 1 Features ACCA Hong Kong Budget Submission 2015/16 ACCA
2015 19 1 Features 2015–16 Policy Address cum Budget Submission HKGCC
2015 19 1 Features Tax Policy and Budget Proposals 2015–16
Planning for Hong Kong’s Future
2015 19 1 Features 2015–2016 Budget Proposals TIHK
2014 18 1 HK Technical Column Lesson Learnt From Recent Board of Review Decisions Samuel YS Chan, Helen SM Wong
2014 18 1 HK Technical Column Can the Issuance of a Protective Assessment Extend the Six-Year Time Limit for a Section 70A Claim? Patrick Kwong, Kathy Kun
2014 18 1 PRC Technical Column Transfer Pricing for China’s Outbound Investment in an Anti-avoidance Context Kenny Wei, Wei Wang
2014 18 1 International Technical Column Presumptive Taxation under Pakistan’s Income Tax Bilal Hassan
2014 18 1 Features Ushering in the “Age of Transparency” Martin Richter
2013 17 2 HK Technical Column Review of Recent Board of Review (Inland Revenue) Decisions Godwin Ng
2013 17 2 HK Technical Column A Final Answer on The Tax Treatment of Unrealized Gains Wilson Cheng, Ada Ma
2013 17 2 PRC Technical Column Examining China’s Transfer Pricing Regime within the Context of the OECD’s BEPS Action Plan Cheng Chi, Ho Yin Leung, Eden Yamaguchi
2013 17 2 PRC Technical Column How is China’s VAT Reform Progressing? Sarah Chin, Polly Wan
2013 17 2 International Technical Column New Canada/Hong Kong Double Tax Agreement: Comments on Selected Aspects Michael Cadesky, Grace Chow
2013 17 2 Features (Budget Submission) ACCA Hong Kong Budget Submission 2014/15 ACCA
2013 17 2 Features (Budget Submission) 2014–15 Policy Address cum Budget Submission HKGCC
2013 17 2 Features (Budget Submission) Tax Policy and Budget Proposals 2014–15
Facing Hong Kong’s Challenges
2013 17 2 Features (Budget Submission) 2014–2015 Budget Proposals TIHK
2013 17 2 Main Article General Anti-Avoidance Rule Experiences David Russell
2013 17 1 HK Technical Column 27th Vol. of Decisions of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue) Godwin Ng
2013 17 1 HK Technical Column Special Measures on Stamp Duty for Hong Kong Property Transactions Davy Yun, Doris Chik
2013 17 1 PRC Technical Column Chinese Anti-tax Avoidance Measures in Action Matthew Mui, Fergus Wong, Joyce Qian
2013 17 1 PRC Technical Column Circular 165: China’s Most Recent Guidance Concerning the Meaning of “Beneficial Owner”. Yi Ying Cheng, Yiu Hong Chung, Leonard Teik Gin Khaw
2013 17 1 International Technical Column Marketing Intangibles — An Increasing Area of Focus in Transfer Pricing Shanto Ghosh, Neeta Punjabi, Rahul Tomar
2013 17 1 Features Charting The Future: How is Hong Kong Responding to International Pressure for Enhanced Transparency, Cooperation, and Information Exchange on Taxation Matters? Adrian Sawyer
2012 16 2 HK Technical Column Commentary of Recent Board of Review Decisions Godwin Ng
2012 16 2 HK Technical Column Tax Treatment of Unrealised Gains and Losses in Hong Kong Wilson Cheng, Ada Ma
2012 16 2 HK Technical Column Lesson from Li and Fung (Trading) Limited Case Decided by the Court of Appeal Samuel Chan, Daniel Cheung
2012 16 2 HK Technical Column Exchange of Information — Is the Right of Taxpayers to Privacy and Confidentiality of Information Adequately Protected under Current Safeguards? Patrick Kwong, Kathy Kun
2012 16 2 PRC Technical Column Licensing Intellectual Property to China — Transfer Pricing Challenges Cheng Chi, Ho-Yin Leung, Mimi Wang
2012 16 2 PRC Technical Column Assessment of Beneficial Ownership in China Lawrence Cheung, Carol Liu
2012 16 2 PRC Technical Column International Technical Column
2012 16 2 PRC Technical Column Reigning Tax Discretion: A Case Study of VAT in Bangladesh Ahmed Munirus Saleheen
2012 16 2 Features ACCA Hong Kong’s Budget Submission 2013/14 ACCA Hong Kong
2012 16 2 Features Tax Policy and Budget Proposals 2013–14
Nurturing the Future of Hong Kong
2012 16 2 Features Policy Address cum Budget Submission HKGCC
2012 16 2 Features 2013–14 Budget Proposals TIHK
2012 16 1 HK Technical Column Lessons from Recent Board of Review Decisions Teresa Fung, Jody Wong
2012 16 1 HK Technical Column New legislation in respect of tax deductions for intellectual property rights — its provisions and controversies Tracy Ho, Patrick Kwong
2012 16 1 HK Technical Column From bad to worse — The non-deductibility of bad debts in Hong Kong Nigel Hobler, Conrad Turley
2012 16 1 PRC Technical Column Permanent Establishment Arising from Services and Secondment Arrangements in China Hong Ye, Qi Wei Chen, Jie Shao
2012 16 1 International Technical Column A Qualitative Evaluation of Income Tax designs for the Informal Economies in Pakistan and Thailand Najeeb Memon
2012 16 1 Features To APA or not APA? Practical Considerations for the Tax Director and CFO Colin Farrell, Cecilia Lee, Deborah Li
2012 16 1 Features Hong Kong’s Advance Pricing Agreement Martin Richter, Patrick Cheung
2012 16 1 Features Developments in China’s Advance Pricing Agreement Programme Anthony Tam
2012 16 1 Main Article Understanding Tax Compliance in Malaysia: The Significance of Fairness, Enforcement Risk personality and Taxpayer Type Ern Chen Loo, Margaret McKerchar
2012 16 1 Main Article Trends in Tax Reform Graeme S Cooper
2011 15 2 HK Technical Column Commentary of Recent Board of Review Decisions Godwin Ng
2011 15 2 HK Technical Column Issues Hong Kong Faces when Negotiating and Implementing Double Taxation Agreements Jo-An Yee, Mark Forrester
2011 15 2 HK Technical Column Contemporary Tax Issues Arising from Recent Court Decisions Samuel Chan
2011 15 2 HK Technical Column Should the Hong Kong Tax Authority Rethink and Clarify how to Follow the “Tax Follows Accounting” Principle? Davy Yun, Kelvin Mak
2011 15 2 PRC Technical Column China’s Turnover Tax Regime on Outsourcing and Cross-border Services Bolivia Cheung, Maggie Mao, Amy Huang
2011 15 2 PRC Technical Column Non-China Tax Resident Enterprises: Eyes on Tax Issues Due to Service Rendered to Daisy Kwun
2011 15 2 PRC Technical Column Foreigners’ and Hongkongers’ Participation in China’s Social Security System Angie Ho, Maggie Chen, Wendy Wang
2011 15 2 International Technical Column Effective Information Sharing: A Case Study of The Cook Islands And Its Tax Information Exchange Agreements Bradley Moore, Adrian Sawyer
2011 15 2 Features Division amidst Diversity: The Customs-Transfer Pricing Nexus in Asia Alex Capri, Kari Pahlman
2011 15 2 Features Growing Concerns: Indirect Equity Transactions in China Anthony Tam, Shanice Siu
2011 15 2 Features Watch out for Chinese Outbound Investments Anthony Tam, Shanice Siu
2011 15 1 HK Technical Column Commentary on Recent Board of Review Decisions Godwin Ng
2011 15 1 HK Technical Column Hong Kong Special Stamp Duty: Issues and Alternatives Lok-king Wong, King, Kai-hong Yung, Patrick
2011 15 1 PRC Technical Column Tax Structuring Considerations for Chinese Outbound Investments — Pitfalls and Opportunities Chris Xing, Yvette Chan
2011 15 1 PRC Technical Column Advance Pricing Arrangements — A Risk-Management Tool for Business Restructuring? Helen Chan, Cecilia Lee
2011 15 1 PRC Technical Column The Evolving Transfer Pricing Landscape in China — Challenges for High-Tech Companies in China Cheng Chi, Ho Yin Leung, Robert Xu
2011 15 1 International Technical Column Islamic Finance in Australia: Methods of Tax Reform Brett Freudenberg, Mahmood Nathie
2011 15 1 International Technical Column Revisions to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and Their Implications for Transfer Pricing Analysis Shanto Ghosh, David Grecian, Paul Riley, Marc Simpson
2011 15 1 Features ACCA Hong Kong Recommends Tax Measures to Build a Favourable Business Environment ACCA
2011 15 1 Features HKGCC Response to Budget Proposals HKGCC
2011 15 1 Features The Chamber’s Response to the Revised Budget Proposals HKGCC
2011 15 1 Features Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Says Government’s Budget Wins Marks for Community Care but Lacks Measures on Business HKICPA
2011 15 1 Features 2011/2012 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2010 14 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Godwin Ng
2010 14 2 HK Technical Column Is a Tax-Exempt Charitable Institution Really Tax Exempt in Hong Kong Davy Yun, Christine Sung
2010 14 2 HK Technical Column Whether a CDTA Can Import an Additional Assessing Power into the Inland Revenue Ordinance in Relation to Transfer-Pricing Adjustments Patrick Kwong
2010 14 2 HK Technical Column The Vexed Question of Source of Profits from Cross-border Processing Arrangements Samuel Y S Chan, Daniel K C Cheung
2010 14 2 PRC Technical Column How the Changing Enterprise Income Tax Law Affects PRC Companies Investing Overseas Alan Tsoi, Derek Lo
2010 14 2 PRC Technical Column Tax Deferral or Double Taxation of Chinese Outbound Investments? CFC & FTC Lawrence Cheung, Shanice Siu
2010 14 2 PRC Technical Column The Impact of Import Tax on Leased Goods Susan Ju
2010 14 2 International Technical Column Tax-avoidance in New Zealand: An Important Recent Court of Appeal Decision David Dunbar
2010 14 2 Features Chinese Tax Authorities Issue Practice Guidance on Implementing the China-Singapore DTA Chris Xing, Tracy Zhang, Yong Yong Ng, Wee Leng Lee
2010 14 2 Features Double Taxation of Employees in Hong Kong and the Mainland: Time for a Re-think? David Smith
2010 14 2 Features Attracting Investments with Tax Treaties — An Analysis of Singapore’s Tax Treaty Policy Harvey Koenig
2010 14 1 HK Technical Column Obtaining Stamp Duty Relief under Section 45 for Structures Involving a Partnership — A Possibility? Wilson Cheng
2010 14 1 HK Technical Column Commentaries on Recent Board of Review (Inland Revenue) Decisions Godwin Ng
2010 14 1 HK Technical Column Extending Measures on Stabilising the Hong Kong Property Market Yvonne Law, Alfred Chan
2010 14 1 HK Technical Column Debate on Depreciation Allowance Claims on Manufacturing Plant and Machinery Used in Import-Processing Arrangements Agnes Wong
2010 14 1 HK Technical Column Denial of Depreciation Allowances — Is There Equity in Tax Law Anthony Tam, Shanice Siu
2010 14 1 PRC Technical Column The Tax Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring in China Danny Po, Danny Kwan, Eric Zhao
2010 14 1 PRC Technical Column Recent Development in the General Anti-tax Avoidance Rules in China and Future Impacts on and Challenges for Offshore Investment Structuring Karmen Yeung, Daniel Hui
2010 14 1 International Technical Column Re-igniting Export Incentives in Malaysia: Lessons from the Past Jeyapalan Kasipillai, Lydia Thiagarajah
2010 14 1 Features Budget 2010: Shaping Singapore’s Economic Landscape for the Decade Tay Hong Beng, Caley Mac
2010 14 1 Features The 2010 UK Emergency Budget — Hard Times Debbie Annells
2010 14 1 Main Article Is the Income Tax Responsible for Large Informal Economies in Developing Countries? Najeeb Memon
2010 14 1 Main Article Relief from Double Taxation: The “Subject to Tax” and Similar Terms in Singapore’s Domestic Tax Law and Tax Treaties How Teck Tan
2010 14 1 Book Review A Review of the Book: Taxation Without Representation
2010 14 1 Book Review Author: Michael Littlewood, published by Hong Kong University Press, 2010 Samuel Chan
2009 13 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Percy Wong
2009 13 2 HK Technical Column Decision of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) in Shui On Credit Company Limited v. CIR Patrick Kwong
2009 13 2 HK Technical Column 2010/2011 Budget Submission TIHK
2009 13 2 HK Technical Column 2010/2011 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2009 13 2 PRC Column An Overview and update on China VAT Regime & Export VAT Refund Bolivia Cheung, Alice Zhang, Philip Xia
2009 13 2 PRC Column New Regime for Non-Resident Taxation in China — Have you budgeted for additional cost Daisy Kwun, Rebecca Wong
2009 13 2 PRC Column Cost Sharing Agreements in China: Opportunities and Challenges
Past, Present, and Future
Lawrence Cheung, Victor Li, Jack Pan
2009 13 2 PRC Column Some Practical Problems and Concerns regarding China Corporate Income Tax Treatments for Corporate Restructuring under the Implementation of Circular Caishui [2009] No. 59 Rongsheng Zeng
2009 13 2 International Technical Column Malaysia’s Tax Response to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions Jeyapalan Kasipillai, Mei Yee Lee
2009 13 2 International Technical Column The OECD’S Project on Harmful Tax Competition: The Brazilian Perspective Flavio F. T. Padilha
2009 13 2 International Technical Column Ethics and Integrity in Tax Administration Michael Walpole
2009 13 2 Features Implications to Hong Kong of Adopting More Liberalised Tax Information Exchange Provisions Monica Pheny
2009 13 2 Features The New World of Tax Information Exchange Jefferson P. VanderWolk
2009 13 1 Technical Column Discussion of Recent Board of Review Case Monica Pheny
2009 13 1 Technical Column Tax Implications of Passive Income and Capital Gains derived by Hong Kong Companies from Mainland China Matthew Mui, Raymond Wong, Fergus Wong
2009 13 1 Technical Column Pre-requisites for General Anti-Avoidance Provisions of Section 61A—Lessons from the Court of Final Appeal Decision in the Ngai Lik Case Samuel Chan
2009 13 1 Technical Column Apportionment in Import Processing Arrangements—A Recent Court of Appeal Decision Samuel Chan and Daniel Cheung
2009 13 1 PRC Column Tax Issues Faced by Offshore Funds Investing in the People’s Republic of China Rex Chan, Oliver Kang, David Kan, Terry Tam
2009 13 1 PRC Column Recent Changes to China’s Value-Added Tax and Business Tax Regimes Chun M Li
2009 13 1 PRC Column Implementation of a New Round of Tax Reform under a Structural Tax Reduction Pei Yong Gao
2009 13 1 International Technical Column The Tax Implications of Leveraged Buyouts with Islamic Bonds Jeyapalan Kasipillai, Mei-Sen Pak
2009 13 1 International Technical Column Paying Homage to Emperor Cash after your Acquisition—Taxes Can Help Chris Woo, Chin Chin Lim
2009 13 1 Features Hong Kong Budget Proposals 2009/10 ACCA
2009 13 1 Features Proposals For The 2009–10 Budget HKGCC
2009 13 1 Features Turning challenges into opportunities
Budget Proposals 2009–10
2009 13 1 Features 2009/10 Budget Proposals TIHK
2009 13 1 Features Chamber’s Response to 2009/10 Budget HKGCC
2009 13 1 Features HKGCC’s Response to Supplementary Budget Measures HKGCC
2009 13 1 Features Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Says Budget Could Do More to Soften the Impact of the Current Financial Crisis HKICPA
2009 13 1 Features 2009/10 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2009 13 1 Features The Disingenuous 2009–10 Budget Stephen Ching
2009 13 1 Main Article A Commentary and Critique on the New Tax Incentives for Research and Development in Singapore Poh Eng Hin, Clement Tan Kai Guan
2008 12 2 HK Technical Column Recent Board of Review Decisions: An Overview Aldous Mak, Teresa Fung
2008 12 2 HK Technical Column A Proposal for Reforming Appeals to the Board of Review Andrew Halkyard
2008 12 2 HK Technical Column Observation From A Recent Court of Appeal Decision on General Anti-avoidance Provision — Section 61A Samuel Chan, John Lee
2008 12 2 PRC Column China Transfer Pricing 2008: Economic Downturn and Final Implementation Measures Patrick Cheung
2008 12 2 PRC Column Developments in processing trade in China since 2008 Michael To, Newton Shum, Peter Law
2008 12 2 International Technical Column Are Asia-Pacific Companies Effective in Managing Their Tax Burdens? A Global Analysis Namryoung Lee, Charles Swenson
2008 12 2 Features A Carbon Tax to Address the Climate Change Problem Brian Andrew
2008 12 2 Features Pollution Taxes to Protect the Environment Brian Andrew, Mary Kaidonis, Jane Andrew
2008 12 2 Features Hong Kong and Green Taxes Bernand Chan
2008 12 2 Features China’s Olympian Challenge from the Environment: Motor Vehicles and the Role of Taxation Bill Butcher
2008 12 2 Main Article The effect of External Advisors on the GST Compliance Costs of Businesses in Australia Dean Hanlon, Thaddeus Hwong
2008 12 1 HK Technical Column Lessons from Recent Board of Review Decisions Samuel Chan, Jody Wong
2008 12 1 HK Technical Column The Stain of Spotless Services Spreads to Hong Kong: The Tai Hing Cotton Mill Case Jefferson VanderWolk
2008 12 1 HK Technical Column Ngai Lik Electronic Company Limited v. CIR — group transfer pricing arrangements successfully attacked under the general anti-avoidance provision of section 61A Patrick Kwong
2008 12 1 HK Technical Column How Powerful are the General Anti-Avoidance Provisions in Hong Kong? — An analysis of the Tai Hing, HIT, and other recent court cases Anita Tsang, Marcellus Wong
2008 12 1 PRC Column Formula Apportionment — A Cure-all for International Tax Anarchy and Its Implications under China’s New Corporate Income Tax Regime Robert Halperin, Daniel Cheung
2008 12 1 International Technical Column The Relevance of Accounting Standards and Commercial Principles in Recognising Intangible Assets in the Tax Consolidation Process Les Nethercott
2008 12 1 Features Hong Kong Budget Submission 2008/09 ACCA
2008 12 1 Features Proposals For The 2008–09 Budget HKGCC
2008 12 1 Features Threats and Opportunities: Hong Kong’s Olympian Challenges Budget Proposals 2008–09 HKICPA
2008 12 1 Features 2008/09 Budget Proposals TIHK
2008 12 1 Features ACCA Hong Kong Welcomes Budget and Recommends Tax Measures to Build a Favourable Business Environment ACCA
2008 12 1 Features Chamber Welcomes Financial Secretary’s 2008/09 Budget HKGCC
2008 12 1 Features Ballooning Surplus Allows Pragmatic Concessions HKICPA
2008 12 1 Features 2008/09 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2008 12 1 Features The Visionary 2008–09 Budget Stephen Ching
2008 12 1 Features The 2008/09 Budget: From Leaving Wealth with the People to Compliance with Article 107 of the Basic Law Shu-hung Tang
2008 12 1 Features 2008–09 Budget commentary — A More “Balanced” Budget is Needed (Some Thoughts for the Middle Class) Lusan Hung, Percy Wong
2008 12 1 Features Singapore Budget 2008 “Creating a Top Quality Economy, Building a Resilient Community” Shanker Iyer
2007 11 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Selected Cases from Recent Board of Review Decisions Teresa Fung, Percy Wong
2007 11 2 HK Technical Column Business Profits — To What Extent The Work Done By Persons Other Than The Taxpayer Himself Is Relevant To Determine The Source of Profits? Samuel Y S Chan, John W S Lee
2007 11 2 PRC Column The Future of Transfer Pricing in China Julian Hine, Elis Tan
2007 11 2 PRC Column Regulatory Changes in Bonded Processing — Challenges and Opportunities Susan Ju
2007 11 2 International Technical Column Australian FDI In India — The Impact of Bilateral Tax Treaties Sunita Jogarajan
2007 11 2 Features Developing a Strategy for Tax Reform Simon James
2007 11 2 Features Unified China Corporate Income Tax Law Effective January 1, 2008 — Tax Accounting Considerations Brian Foley
2007 11 2 Features The New Era in China Taxation: The Implementation Rules and Guidelines Ryan Chang, Anthony Tam
2007 11 2 Main Article Degree of Understanding and Responsibility of Taxpayers on Collection and Payment of Sales Tax Jeyapalan Kasipillai, Deep Singh
2007 11 1 HK Technical Column Taxability of Income and Deduction of Expenses — Lessons from Some Board of Review Decisions Samuel Chan
2007 11 1 HK Technical Column The Popular 2007–08 Budget Stephen Ching
2007 11 1 PRC Column Tax Implications of Cost Contribution Arrangements under the New Corporate Income Tax Law in China Daniel Cheung
2007 11 1 International Technical Column GST and the Reverse Charge in New Zealand: A Review and Analysis of the Legislation and Revenue Guidelines Andrew J Maples
2007 11 1 Features Hong Kong Budget Submission 2007/08 ACCA
2007 11 1 Features Proposals for the 2007–08 Budget HKGCC
2007 11 1 Features Budget Proposals 2007/08 HKICPA
2007 11 1 Features 2007/08 Budget Proposals TIHK
2007 11 1 Features ACCA HK Welcomes Budget and More Measures Could Help Strengthening Hong Kong’s Competitiveness
2007 11 1 Features The Hong Kong Institute of CPAs says Budget Plan Long on Short Term Concessions Short on Long Term Tax Policy
2007 11 1 Features 2007/08 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2007 11 1 Main Article Business Profits — To What Extent Can Interest Payable On Borrowed Funds Used to Pay Dividends Qualify For Deduction Andrew Halkyard, Samuel Chan
2006 10 2 HK Technical Column Tax Issues Associated with Plant and Machinery under Lease Agreements Alexandra Hui
2006 10 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Case Jody Wong, Percy Wong
2006 10 2 International Technical Column Looking East — The Indian Tax System and Australian FD Sunita Jogarajan
2006 10 2 Features A Critical Review of the 2006 Consultation Document on Broadening the Tax Base in Hong Kong Tang Shu-hung
2006 10 1 HK Technical Column Carrying On Business in Hong Kong: An Offshore Experiment Gone Wrong Andrew Halkyard, Jacqueline Shek
2006 10 1 HK Technical Column Understanding the Accounting Standard on Income Taxes — Part 2 Stephen Cardew
2006 10 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decision Aldous Mak, Teresa Fung
2006 10 1 International Technical Column Preventing Tax-avoidance Through Settlements/Transfers: A Comparison of Malaysian and Indian Laws Abdul Haseeb Ansari
2006 10 1 Features Hong Kong’s Strategy to China’s Plan Stephen Ching
2006 10 1 Features A Commentary on Hong Kong’s 2006/2007 Budget — “Hong Kong Outperforms Against Budget — But Underperforms Against Expectations” Guy Ellis
2006 10 1 Features The 2006/07 Budget: Annual Fiscal Measures Versus Inherent Fundamental Issues Tang Shu-hung
2005 9 4 HK Technical Column Taxation Issues for REITs in Hong Kong - A Practical Perspective Yvonne Law, Angus Ho
2005 9 4 HK Technical Column The Relationship between Accounting Rules and Profiles Tax Computation Yvonne Law, Fergus Wong
2005 9 4 HK Technical Column General Anti-Avoidance Provisions: Lessons from Some Recent Board of Review Cases Samuel Y.S. Chan
2005 9 4 International Technical Column Hong Kong Tax Reform, A Low Rate Indirect Tax Which Does Not Sacrifice Efficiency for Conformity Brian Andrew
2005 9 4 Features Hong Kong Budget Submission 2006/07 ACCA
2005 9 4 Features Proposal for the 2006-07 Budget HKGCC
2005 9 4 Features Budget Proposals 2006/07 HKICPA
2005 9 4 Features 2006/07 Budget Proposals TIHK
2005 9 3 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2005 9 3 HK Technical Column ING Baring Securities (Hong Kong) Limited v. CIR - Should All Agents' Activities Overseas Be Attributed to Their Principals in Hong Kong for the Source Rule? Patrick Kwong
2005 9 3 HK Technical Column The Territorial Taxation Concept in Hong Kong - Is It User-Friendly? Kaushal Tikku, Gary Fung
2005 9 3 PRC Technical Column The Tax Challenges for Hong Kong and Foreign Investors in China and How to Manage Them Jeremy Ngai, Danny Kwan
2005 9 3 PRC Technical Column Reform of Foreign Exchange Regulations of Capital Investment by Foreign Investment Enterprise: The Past, Present & Future Anthony Tam, Yolanda Li
2005 9 3 International Technical Column Reform of the Australian Personal Tax System Brian Andrew
2005 9 3 Features "Not a Weapon of Mass Destruction": Can theRamsayApproach Apply to the Inland Revenue Ordinance In Hong Kong? Andrew Halkyard
2005 9 2 HK Technical Column Reforming Hong Kong's Double Taxation Arrangement with Mainland China Kwok Yan Cheng Connie
2005 9 2 HK Technical Column Lessons from Recent Board of Review Cases Samuel Chan
2005 9 2 PRC Technical Column Customs Exemption on the Importation of Capital Equipment John Robinson, Susan Ju
2005 9 2 International Technical Column The Taxation of Trans-Tasman Cross-Border Property Investment David Dunbar
2005 9 2 Features The Political Economy of Tax Reform in Hong Kong Shu-Hung Tang
2005 9 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Aldous Mak, Teresa Fung
2005 9 1 HK Technical Column CIR v. Yung Tse Kwong - Taxability of a Contractual Severance Payment with Strings Attached Patrick Kwong
2005 9 1 PRC Technical Column Is There a Space for Further Tax Reduction in China? Lingguang Bao
2005 9 1 International Technical Column The Taxation Consequences of Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards in Australia Les Nethercott, Dean Hanlon
2005 9 1 International Technical Column A Thin Capitalisation Regime for Foreign-Owned Banks Operating in New Zealand Andrew J. Maples
2005 9 1 Features 2005/2006 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2005 9 1 Features A Commentary on Hong Kong's 2005/2006 Budget - "Back to the Future" Guy Ellis
2005 9 1 Features Commentary on 2005-06 Budget Paul Chan
2004 8 4 HK Technical Column Understanding the Accounting Standard on Income Taxes - Part 1 Stephen Cardew
2004 8 4 HK Technical Column Recent Development in "Source of Employment Income": Is the "Three-Factor" Test Still Applicable? Berin Chan
2004 8 4 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2004 8 4 HK Technical Column 2005/06 Budget Proposals TIHK
2004 8 4 PRC Technical Column Developing a Fringe Benefits Tax System for China in the 21st Century Ann Hansford, Margaret Mckerchar, Zhaohui Song
2004 8 4 PRC Technical Column Taxation of Foreign Permanent Representative Offices in China: Past, Present, and Future Lingguang Bao
2004 8 4 International Technical Column The Legacy of the OECD's Harmful Tax Practices Initiative: Implications for Australia and Vanuatu Justin Dabner
2004 8 4 Features A Goods and Services Tax for Hong Kong: Issues and Concepts Rick Krever
2004 8 4 Features The Singapore GST: A Possible Model for Hong Kong? Eng Hin Poh
2004 8 4 Features Fiscal Performance and the Introduction of the Goods and Services Tax in Hong Kong Kui Wai Li
2004 8 3 HK Technical Column Source of Profits: The Practical Application of the Principle Fergus Wong
2004 8 3 HK Technical Column Recent Board of Review Cases: Lessons to Learn Daniel Ho, Brossa Wong
2004 8 3 HK Technical Column Latest Regulatory Development of Advance Pricing Arrangements in China Spencer Chong, Rhett Liu, Kevin Tsoi
2004 8 3 PRC Technical Column Transfer Pricing Tax System in China: Rules and Procedures Lingguang Bao
2004 8 3 International Technical Column Tax Aspects of US Mergers & Acquisitions: An Overview of Acquisitive Reorganisations David E. Rossi
2004 8 3 Features Consultation Document on Estate Duty Review TIHK
2004 8 3 Features The Death of Estate Duty? The Case for Retention and Reform Andrew Halkyard, Wilson Chow
2004 8 3 Features Retaining the Estate Duty Shu-hung Tang
2004 8 3 Features An Alternative to abolishing Estate Duty Stephen Ching
2004 8 2 HK Technical Column Timing of the Taxability of Employees' Restrictive Share Award Schemes Patrick Kwong
2004 8 2 HK Technical Column Recent Board of Review Decisions: Review and Analysis Rebecca Luo, Pauline Wong
2004 8 2 PRC Technical Column Transfer Pricing Documentation - An Effective Way to Manage Transfer Pricing Risks in China Spencer Chong, Rhett Liu, Wengee Poon
2004 8 2 Features Globalisation and International Trends in Taxation Simon James, Adrian Sawyer
2004 8 2 Features Towards Removing Tax-Induced Distortions to Investment Location: The Choice between International Competition and Co-ordination in Corporate Taxation Richard S. Simmons
2004 8 2 Features Locational considerations in attracting multinational corporate regional headquarters: the relevance and role of tax law and tax incentives Justin Dabner
2004 8 1 HK Technical Column The Tax Treatment of Exchange Difference and its Relation to DIPN 40 Patrick Ho
2004 8 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Aldous Mak, Teresa Fung
2004 8 1 HK Technical Column The Hong Kong Tax System - Is It Becoming Too Collection Driven? Debbie Annells
2004 8 1 PRC Technical Column China Customs' Focus on Valuation in Related Party Transactions Gregory Nichols
2004 8 1 International Technical Column The Japan - US Income Tax Treaty in Focus: Key Developments Peter H. Blessing, Itai Ran
2004 8 1 Features The 2004/05 Budget: Business as Usual Tang Shu Hung
2004 8 1 Features A Commentary on Hong Kong's 2004/05 Budget Guy Ellis
2004 8 1 Features Can Fiscal Balance Be Restored in 2008-09? Stephen Ching
2003 7 4 HK Technical Column Taxation of Unrealised Gains and Losses: The Impact of International Accounting Standard 39 Andrew Halkyard
2003 7 4 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2003 7 4 HK Technical Column Mergers and Acquisitions - Hong Kong Tax Implications Kenneth Leung
2003 7 4 International Technical Column Perspectives on the Equity Effects of a General Consumption Tax: A Literature Review Eng Hin Poh
2003 7 4 International Technical Column Pertinent Aspect of Corporate Taxation in Thailand and Malaysia Jeyapalan Kasipillai, Mohamad Tayib
2003 7 4 Features Budget Submission 2004/05 ACCA
2003 7 4 Budget Proposals 2004/05 Evolution and Innovation "Building Solid Foundations for the Future" HKICPA
2003 7 4 Budget Proposals 2004/05 2004/05 Budget Proposals TIHK
2003 7 4 Budget Proposals 2004/05 Proposals for the 2004/05 Budget HKGCC
2003 7 4 Main Article The US Earnings Stripping Rules and Proposed Modifications Peter H. Blessing
2003 7 3 HK Technical Column Taxation of Holiday Benefits from Employment in Hong Kong Samuel Chan
2003 7 3 HK Technical Column Repeal of the Tax Exemption for Holiday Benefits Patrick Kwong
2003 7 3 HK Technical Column Recent Board of Review Decisions: Review and Analysis Rebecca Luo, Pauline Wong
2003 7 3 PRC Technical Column The Engines of China's Economic Development in the 21st Century: A Brief Introduction to Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shenzhen, and the Existing Foreign Investment Policy of China Kevin Ng, George Zhao
2003 7 3 PRC Technical Column Comments on Tax Stamps in PRC chiwei Yan, Lixin Rao, Yaohui Zen
2003 7 3 International Technical Column Moderating the Distributive Impact of the Increase in the GST Rate in Singapore Eng Hin Poh
2003 7 3 International Technical Column Macau Offshore Institutions: Opportunities and Challenges May Leung, Michael Chow
2003 7 3 Features The New Step of Tax Reform - Basic Considerations Zhigang Yang
2003 7 3 Features Comprehensive Tax Reforms in China on the Horizon Anthony Tam
2003 7 3 Main Article Transfer Pricing in China: Is the SAT Ready to Take It to the Next Level? Robert Ackerman, Lisa Lim, Philip Anderson
2003 7 2 HK Technical Column Hong Kong Profits Tax and Manufacturing in China Marcellus Wong, Samuel Barns
2003 7 2 HK Technical Column Tax Issues and Perspectives from Recent Board of Review Decisions Daniel Ho, Brossa Wong
2003 7 2 PRC Technical Column China Introduces New Tax Administration Measures Petrina Tam, Jiang J.J. Kai
2003 7 2 PRC Technical Column New Opportunities and Challenges in the PRC Merger and Acquisition Regime: Regulatory and Tax Updates Becky Lai, Jeremy Ngai
2003 7 2 International Technical Column "Securing Orders" and the Agency-Permanent Establishment in the ASEAN Model Tax Treaty Edwin van der Bruggen
2003 7 2 Features Exchange of Information: A Higher Priority for Hong Kong Tax Policy?
A Practical Look at the Tools Currently Available
Simon Peat
2003 7 2 Features The "Exchange of Information" Age and Its Implications for Hong Kong Anthony Tam, Patrick Ho
2003 7 2 Features Offshore Centres and International Initiatives to Enhance Transparency and Information Exchange Colin Powell
2003 7 1 HK Technical Column Inland Revenue Departmental Interpretation and Practice
Notes No. 40: -Guidance or Misguidance
Wilson W.S. Chow
2003 7 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2003 7 1 PRC Technical Column Post-WTO: Planning for Investing in China's Wholesale and Retail Industries Lili Zheng, Andrew Zhu
2003 7 1 International Technical Column New Tools for Corporate Reorganisations in Japan Hiroaki Sasaki, Sunie Oue, Duncan Adrain
2003 7 1 International Technical Column Corporate Inversions: US Multinationals Going to the Beach Michele R. Zinn
2003 7 1 International Technical Column Pre-US Immigration Personal Tax Planning Patrick Yip, Victor Yung
2003 7 1 Features 2003/04 Budget - A Trend Changing Budget Yvonne Law
2003 7 1 Features The Incredible 2003/04 Budget Stephen Ching
2003 7 1 Features The 2003/04 Budget: The Battle to Solve the Structural Deficit Problem Shu-hung Tang
2002 6 4 HK Technical Column Stamp Duty - A Tax Easily Overlooked Yiu Yu Butt, Patrick Ho
2002 6 4 HK Technical Column Recent Board of Review Decisions: Review & Analysis Daniel Ho and Brossa Wong
2002 6 4 PRC Technical Column Policy Implications of the Tightening of the Tax administration around High-Income Individuals in China Edward Shum, Rebecca Lai
2002 6 4 PRC Technical Column Tax Implications of the New Accounting Regulations for Foreign Investment Enterprises in the People's Republic of China Charles Leung, Jackey Wong
2002 6 4 International Technical Column Transfer Pricing in India - A Critical Analysis Keshav Jetsey
2002 6 4 Features 2003/2004 Budget Proposals TIHK
2002 6 4 Features Highlights of Recent Tax Changes in Taiwan Heidi Liu, George Chou
2002 6 4 Features Recent Tax Changes in Singapore Florence Nguyen Tan
2002 6 4 Features Malaysia: The Role of Tax-related Measures in the Years of Economic Downturn Frances Po
2002 6 4 Main Article The Arrowtown Case: Stamp Duty and the Ramsay Principle Winnie Chung, Michael Littlewood
2002 6 3 HK Technical Column CIR v. Indosuez W I Carr Securities Ltd Source of Profits - Hinges on the Intriguing Issue of Agency Patrick Kwong
2002 6 3 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2002 6 3 PRC Technical Column The Impact of China's Accession to the WTO Becky Lai, Jeremy Ngai, Susan Ju
2002 6 3 PRC Technical Column China Holding Companies - Best Practices and Critical Latest Developments Walter Tong, Vickie Tan
2002 6 3 International Technical Column US-owned Hong Kong Companies Manufacturing in China Patrick Yip, Sharon Lam
2002 6 3 International Technical Column Hong Kong as a Centre of Wealth Management Debbie Annells
2002 6 3 International Technical Column Distributing Profits to Canadian Shareholders - Beware of Adverse Tax Consequences Michael Cadesky, Elaine Pui
2002 6 3 Features Thoughts on the Use of Accounting Principles to Determine Taxable Income: A Side Effect of Globalisation? Jefferson VanderWolk
2002 6 3 Features The Relationship between Accounting Principles and Taxation: A UK Perspective Simon James
2002 6 3 Main Article Tax Consideration Regimes — Australia and Japan Compared Justin Dabner
2002 6 2 HK Technical Column Estate Planning, Controlled Companies and the Commissioner's Dilemma Andrew Lam, Michael Littlewood
2002 6 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Cases Percy Wong
2002 6 2 PRC Technical Column China Considers Corporate Income Tax Reform Wendy Guo
2002 6 2 PRC Technical Column The Tax Audit Framework in China Kai JJ Jiang, Tao Xu
2002 6 2 International Technical Column Global Transfer Pricing Strategies for Multinational Enterprises: Implementing Transfer Pricing Policies and Procedures and Defending Them with Global Core Documentation Nick Raby, J. Joe Wu
2002 6 2 International Technical Column Information Technology and India - An Overview Keshav Jetsey
2002 6 2 Features Harmful Tax Practices: An Overview and Reflection William Cunningham
2002 6 2 Features Harmful Tax Competition: Is There Anything Left to Discuss? Steven Sieker
2002 6 2 Features You Have Been Warned! ?Continuing International Developments Lloyd Deverall, Richard Ellard
2002 6 2 Main Article A Comparison of the Australian and Japanese Corporation Tax Reorganisation Rules Justin Dabner
2002 6 1 HK Technical Column The Incumbrance Faced by Couples under the Current Tax Legislation in Hong Kong Rose Yeung
2002 6 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions Aldous Mak
2002 6 1 PRC Technical Column The Incumbrance Faced by Couples under the Current Tax Legislation in Hong Kong Rose Yeung
2002 6 1 PRC Technical Column A Review of Recent Board of Review Decisions
Aldous Mak China Tax Considerations Regarding Foreign Invested Enterprises' IPO Restructuri
Martin Lin
2002 6 1 PRC Technical Column A Discussion of the Role and the Tax Reform of China's Wealth Tax System Huijun Wang
2002 6 1 International Technical Column A Review of the OECD Report on Corporate Tax Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: Lessons for Developing Countries? Edwin van der Bruggen
2002 6 1 International Technical Column Transfer Pricing: Do I need to be Concerned? Gary James
2002 6 1 International Technical Column Trends in Corporate Restructuring and M&A in Japan with regard to the Introduction of the Consolidated Tax Filing System Hiroaki Sasaki, Megumi Ishihara
2002 6 1 Features 2002/2003 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2002 6 1 Features Highlights of the 2002/03 Budget and a Comparison with Various Budget Proposals Made by Professional Bodies Samuel Chan
2002 6 1 Features The 2002/03 Budget: A Critical Review Stephen Ching
2002 6 1 Features 2002/03 Budget Commentary: Economic Growth vs. a Balanced Budget Yvonne Law
2002 6 1 News and Announcements China's Tax Incentives for Foreign Investment Enterprises
2001 5 4 HK Technical Column Another Pong Case ?A Different Subject Matter - S45, Stamp Duty Ordinance Thomas Lee, Danny Chan
2001 5 4 HK Technical Column A Review of Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Brossa Wong
2001 5 4 PRC Technical Column Thoughts on the Reform of China's Central Taxes and Local Taxes Yurong Chen
2001 5 4 PRC Technical Column The Function of Individual Income Tax in China: The Adjustment of Individual Income Distribution Aiqing Wu
2001 5 4 International Technical Column Asia-Pacific Cross-Border Transfer Tax Planning Michael H Shikuma
2001 5 4 International Technical Column Tax Review 2001: Where to Now for New Zealand? Adrian J Sawyer
2001 5 4 International Technical Column Reaching across Boundaries in Taxation Research: A Personal Perspective from the UK Margaret Lamb
2001 5 4 Features 2002/2003 Budget Proposals TIHK
2001 5 4 Features Coping with the Recession: Singapore's Approach How Teck Tan
2001 5 4 Features Equity Consideration of the Hong Kong Tax System Shu-hung Tang
2001 5 4 Main Article Tax and Accounting: Two Concerns, One System? The Relationship between Accounting and Taxation Principles for Hong Kong Profits Tax Andrew Halkyard
2001 5 3 HK Technical Column A Controlled Company and Its Application Alexander Mak, Leo Wong
2001 5 3 HK Technical Column Business Attitudes Harden against New Taxes Ian K Perkin
2001 5 3 HK Technical Column Comments on Recent Board of Review Decisions Percy Wong
2001 5 3 PRC Technical Column A Discussion on the Issues related to the Establishment of a Tax System to Protect the Environment in China Meng KunDu
2001 5 3 International Technical Column New Zealand Moves towards International Tax Recovery Agreements Andrew MC Smith
2001 5 3 International Technical Column Malaysia: A Re-examination of Source Rules in the Electronic Era Jeyapalan Kasipillai
2001 5 3 International Technical Column E-business and Intellectual Property: The Problem of Income Characterisation in Hong Kong Content Colin Farrell
2001 5 3 International Technical Column Taxation Issues in regard to "Carrying on a Business as an Owner of Ships in Hong Kong" Reynold Hung, Belinda Lee
2001 5 3 Features Legislative Development of Transfer Pricing in China Agnes Lo
2001 5 3 Features Korean Transfer Pricing Practice Brian Park
2001 5 3 Features It's Wake-up Time ... India Introduces Transfer Pricing Legislation Hiresh Wadhwani
2001 5 3 Main Article The Ramsay Doctrine: Taxing the End Result Jefferson VanderWolk
2001 5 3 Main Article Satisfaction and Loyalty of Tax Clients of Small-to-Medium CPA Firms: An Exploration of the Determinants Dennis W Taylor, Jeannette Ng
2001 5 2 HK Technical Column Employee Share Option Benefits Samuel Chan
2001 5 2 HK Technical Column A Review of Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Brossa Wong
2001 5 2 PRC Technical Column Export Processing Zone ?A Choice of Foreign Investments? Calvin Lam, Clara Yip
2001 5 2 International Technical Column Legal Issues in Relation to Charter-Parties Entered into between Shipowners and Charterers Reynold Hung, Gary Fung
2001 5 2 Features US Tax Issues Related to the Migration of Intellectual Property Offshore Lynn Kealy, Anthony Tong
2001 5 2 Features International Licensing of Intellectual Property Nigel Eastaway
2001 5 2 Features To Use or Not to Use Trade Marks? The Taxation of Royalty Income Andrew Halkyard
2001 5 2 Main Article The Possible Introduction of a Goods and Services Tax in Hong Kong Abe Greenbaum
2001 5 2 Book Review A Review of Laws of Taxation in the Hong Kong SAR Shu-hung Tang
2001 5 1 HK Technical Column Asset-Backed Securitisation and Its Tax Implication in Hong Kong Patrick Ho
2001 5 1 HK Technical Column Comments on Recent Board of Review Decisions Percy Wong
2001 5 1 PRC Technical Column A Critical Consideration on the Value Added Tax Reform in China Xiang Ju Li
2001 5 1 International Technical Column Employee Share Option Plans ?Does Tax Matter? Gary James, Lusan Hung
2001 5 1 Features 2001/2002 Budget Commentaries TIHK
2001 5 1 Features 2001/2002 Budget Summary and Comparison Table with Various Proposals Made by Professional Bodies Samuel Chan
2001 5 1 Features 2001/2002 Budget: A Budget with No Surprises! Mandy Tam
2001 5 1 Features New Accrual Framework for the Hong Kong SAR Government Peter Yu, Stephen C Bruce
2001 5 1 Features Has the Budget Addressed the Deficit Problem? Stephen Ching
2001 5 1 Features Cyclical and Structural Problems Hit Government Revenue, Says Business: Chamber Survey Reveals Substantial Opposition and Uncertainty on Consumption Tax Option Ian K Perkin
2000 4 4 HK Technical Column The Emerson Case Rose Yeung
2000 4 4 HK Technical Column A Review on Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Aldous Mak, David Tam
2000 4 4 HK Technical Column 2001/2002 Budget Proposals TIHK
2000 4 4 PRC Technical Column Taxation Aspects of Research and Development Efforts in China Edward Shum, Dave Wong
2000 4 4 PRC Technical Column Comparison of Two Operation Modes - Import Manufacturing and Contract Processing - Available to Foreign Investment Enterprises in China Eileen Sun, Jackey Wong
2000 4 4 International Technical Column The Difficulties of Achieving Tax Harmonisation: The Case of the European Union Simon James
2000 4 4 Features Is Confidentiality a Thing of the Past? Recent OECD, and US Measures against Tax Havens Deborah Annells
2000 4 4 Features Tax Havens Beware - International Development Lloyd Deverall, Richard Ellard
2000 4 4 Features Offshore Financial Centes and "Harmful Tax Competition": Recent Developments Steven Sieker
2000 4 4 Features Harmful Tax Practices: The OCED Perpective in Context Marika Toumi
2000 4 4 Main Article Tax Burdens around the World: How Do Asia Pacific Companies and Countries Compare? Joe Lu, Charles Swenson
2000 4 3 HK Technical Column Challenges Faced by "Source" Principle in Hong Kong Betty Kwok
2000 4 3 HK Technical Column A Review of Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Brossa Wong
2000 4 3 PRC Technical Column What is the Rationale behind China's Reforms from Levies to Taxes? Peiyong Gao
2000 4 3 International Technical Column Strategic Development of the Malaysian Tax System Jeyapalan Kasipillai
2000 4 3 International Technical Column Changes to Canadian Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts Michael Cadesky, Grace Chow
2000 4 3 Features Tax Incentive in Hong Kong Are Lagging behind Those Available in Singapore Jim Fulton, Mandy Tam
2000 4 3 Features Tax Incentives for High-Tech Industries Challenges of New Millennium Eva Yeung
2000 4 3 Features The Importance of Tax Incentives in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Hong Kong: Some Recent Survey Evidence Richard S Simmons
2000 4 2 HK Technical Column The Pong Case: Final Encounter? Wilson W S Chow, Andrew C S Lam
2000 4 2 HK Technical Column Planning around section 24 at the Stamp Duty Ordinance Christian Stewart
2000 4 2 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng
2000 4 2 PRC Technical Column Recent Development of VAT Regime in the PRC: A Critical Review Antony Ting
2000 4 2 International Technical Column Introducing a Broad-Based Consumption Tax - The Australian Experience Edwin Bin
2000 4 2 Features China's Association of the WTO and Its Implications for the Chinese Economy Thomas M H Chan
2000 4 2 Features The Impact of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Its Tax System Marcellus Wong, Jeremy Ngai
2000 4 1 HK Technical Column A Review of Some Recent Board of Review Decisions Brossa Wong, Aldous Mak
2000 4 1 PRC Technical Column Tax Reduction: Feasible for China? Peiyong Gao
2000 4 1 PRC Technical Column International Dimensions of Income in China: A Critique Kenny Z Lin
2000 4 1 International Technical Column The Deductibility of Interest Expense in the United Kingdom and Australia: A Tale of Two Contrasting Approaches Grant Richardson, Keith Kendall
2000 4 1 Features Comments on the 1st Budget in the New Millennium TIHK
2000 4 1 Features 2000/2001 Budget Analysis: Budget Speech Buys Time for Significant Fiscal Reform Yvonne Law, Andrew Wong
2000 4 1 Features Hong Kong Budget 2000: No Change or Change in Disguise Julian Lee
2000 4 1 Features The 2000/01 Budget: Reaffirms the Importance of Financial Stability Objective Shu-hung Tang
2000 4 1 Features Fiscal Deficits: A Structural or Cyclical Phenomenon Hon Eric Li Ka-cheung JP
2000 4 1 Features Summary of the 2000/2001 Budget and Comparison Table with Various Proposals Made by Professional Bodies Samuel Chan, Betty Kwok
2000 4 1 Main Article Corporate Taxation and the Investment Location Decision of Multinational Corporations Richard S Simmons
1999 3 4 HK Technical Column A Comparative Study of Double Taxation Arrangement in China with Conventional Models Daniel Ho, Antony Ting
1999 3 4 HK Technical Column A Review on Some Board of Review Decisions David Tam
1999 3 4 HK Technical Column 2000/2001 Budget Proposals TIHK
1999 3 4 PRC Technical Column Taxation Issues Faced by Hong Kong Entities Deriving Service Fee Income in China Betty L M Chan
1999 3 4 PRC Technical Column Categorization of Processing Enterprises in the PRC to Tighten Customs Control Antony Ting, Edwin Bin
1999 3 4 PRC Technical Column Transfer Pricing in China - Audit Adjustments and their Implications Cassie Wong, Spencer Chong, Glenn Desouza
1999 3 4 International Technical Column US Tax Aspects of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Anthony Tong, Paul Ho
1999 3 4 International Technical Column Tax Implications for Foreign Investment in Myanmar Darin Kobatake
1999 3 4 Features Making Hong Kong a Greener City W Ping Leung
1999 3 4 Features Tax Shifting - We Could Pay Less Tax and Protect the Environment David Cho
1999 3 4 Features Green Taxes: Prospects and Challenges Eric Walker, Plato Yip
1999 3 4 Features Environmental Accounting Reporting and Disclosure Practices in Hong Kong: A Call to the Accounting Profession Marinilka Kimbro
1999 3 4 Main Article Interaction of Tax Planning and Financial Reporting: Reaction of Canadian Corporations to the Taxation of Preferred Dividends Hussein A Warsame, Daniel B Thornton
1999 3 3 HK Technical Column The Pong Case: Episode II Wilson W S Chow, Andrew C S Lam
1999 3 3 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Samuel Chan, Christina Ng
1999 3 3 PRC Technical Column Tax Appeals Procedures in China Edward Shum
1999 3 3 International Technical Column Hong Kong Tax System - The Simplest Tax System in South East Asia? Yvonne Law, Constant Tse
1999 3 3 International Technical Column VAT in New Zealand: The Experience of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Andrew M C Smith
1999 3 3 Features E-Commerce - Challenges and Opportunities Christina Lam
1999 3 3 Features A Matter of Trust -The Development of WebTrust Andy Lee
1999 3 3 Features From Ideas to Marketable Products and Services: The Financing of Innovation Paul Brockman
1999 3 3 Main Article An Analysis of the Taxation of Income from Capital in the Asian Region W R Singleton
1999 3 2 HK Technical Column A New Era for Tax Investigation in Hong Kong Patrick K W Ho, Andy Y Ng
1999 3 2 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Daniel Ho, Aldous Mak
1999 3 2 PRC Technical Column Taxation of International Transport and Shipping Companies Operating in Mainland China Wilson Kwok
1999 3 2 International Technical Column The Tax Sparing Provision in Singapore's Tax Treaty Policy - A Commentary How Teck Tan
1999 3 2 International Technical Column Anti-Dumping Duties on PRC Exports to the European Union: Compliance and Planning Antony Ting, Edwin Bin
1999 3 2 Features Tax Reform Seeking Politics: The Four Dimensions of Tax Policy-Making Kitty Poon
1999 3 2 Features Consumption Tax - Is It Feasible in Hong Kong? Paul Chow, Dicky Fong
1999 3 2 Features Consumption-Based Taxation in Hong Kong Hon Howard Young JP
1999 3 2 Features A Broad-Based Consumption Tax for Hong Kong? David R Vos
1999 3 2 Main Article Gender Differences in Tax Compliance John Hasseldine
1999 3 2 Main Article Anti-Avoidance in Hong Kong Estate Duty: From Kwok to Pong Wilson W S Chow, Andrew C S Lam
1999 3 1 HK Technical Column A Tax Consideration Between Rental Refund and Home Loan Interest Relief Rose Yeung
1999 3 1 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Daniel Ho, Christina Ng
1999 3 1 PRC Technical Column Hong Kong and PRC Tax Issues of Debt Restructuring Yvonne Law, Wilson Tam
1999 3 1 PRC Technical Column Tax Audits on Foreign Investment Enterprises in China Terry Wang
1999 3 1 International Technical Column The Valuation and Transfer Pricing of Intellectual Property Nigel Eastaway
1999 3 1 International Technical Column Tax Implication on Derivative Financial Instruments : A Malaysian Perspective Jeyapalan Kasipillai
1999 3 1 Features Highlights of the 1999/2000 Budget and Comparison Table with various Proposals Made by Professional Bodies Betty Kwok, Shirley Kan
1999 3 1 Features The Hong Kong Budget 1999/2000 Taxation Aspects K K So, Samuel Barns
1999 3 1 Features Not Much Said By Donald in 1999/2000 Budget Jennifer Wong, Ian Jones
1999 3 1 Features Comments on the Hong Kong 1999/2000 Budget Marcellus Wong
1999 3 1 Features Hong Kong SAR Budget Strategy: Are We Headed in a New Policy Direction? Ian Perkin
1998 2 4 HK Technical Column What Constitutes a Change of Intention? Patrick Kwong
1998 2 4 HK Technical Column Hong Kong's Once - and Future? - Capital Gains Tax Michael Littlewood
1998 2 4 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng, Shirley Kan
1998 2 4 HK Technical Column 1999/2000 Budget Proposals TIHK
1998 2 4 PRC Technical Column Oil Taxation in China - Implications for Foreign Companies Kenny Z Lin
1998 2 4 PRC Technical Column Implementation of Inheritance Tax in the PRC Alan B Davis, Yong Jing Sun
1998 2 4 International Technical Column The Tax Aspects of an Offshore Trust - A Canadian Example Brandon Fahy, Ann Lau
1998 2 4 Features Give Wholesale Sales Tax a Fair Hearing in Hong Kong Hon Eric Li Ka-cheung JP
1998 2 4 Features Hong Kong Budget 1999/2000 - A Preview Tim Lui
1998 2 4 Features Tax Policy under Economic Recession in Hong Kong: Challenges for the 1999/2000 Budget Shu-hung Tang
1998 2 3 HK Technical Column New Deductions for Hong Kong Income Tax Samuel Y S Chan
1998 2 3 HK Technical Column Advance Rulings System Sarah McGrath
1998 2 3 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Shirley Kan, Christina Ng
1998 2 3 HK Technical Column Flexible Benefit Plan and Its Hong Kong Tax Implications Betty Yuk-sim Kwok
1998 2 3 PRC Technical Column Taxation of Services Provided by Foreign Enterprises in China Desmond Yeung, Pauline Zhang
1998 2 3 PRC Technical Column Value Added Tax on Export - Impacts on Foreign Investment Enterprises Antony Ting, Edwin Bin
1998 2 3 PRC Technical Column PRC Individual Income Tax - Its Recent Development in Law and Practice Charles Leung
1998 2 3 International Technical Column New Conduit Tax Relief Regime Introduced for Non-Resident Investors in New Zealand Andrew M C Smith
1998 2 3 Features ORSO/MPF Interface - Options for Employers Joshua C S Ku
1998 2 3 Features Taxation Aspects of Retirement Arrangements Phillip Mak
1998 2 3 Features Mandatory Provident Fund - A Comparison of Hong Kong's Proposal with Schemes Currently Operated in Other Countries James Clemence, Caroline Beeton
1998 2 3 Main Article Accounting in Tax Law: Timing for Deduction Andrew C S Lam, Wilson W S Chow
1998 2 2 HK Technical Column Recent Developments in Revenue Law Andrew Halkyard
1998 2 2 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng, Shirley Kan
1998 2 2 HK Technical Column New Relief for Professional Reinsurers Jimmy Chung
1998 2 2 HK Technical Column Tax Due Diligence Betty Yuk-sim Kwok
1998 2 2 HK Technical Column A Discussion of the Revenue's Investigative Power under the Inland Revenue Ordinance Samuel Chiu
1998 2 2 PRC Technical Column Deed Tax in China: What Are Its Implications for Foreign Investors? Brossa Cheung, Daniel Cheung
1998 2 2 PRC Technical Column PRC Tax Implications for Hong Kong Service Companies Operation in the Mainland Alfred Choi, Oscar Lau
1998 2 2 International Technical Column Appeals to the Inland Revenue Board of Revenue - Is there a Need to Reform? Dora Lee
1998 2 2 International Technical Column Simplified Equity Classification Rules Provide Flexibility to US Taxpayers in Organising Their Business Structures in Foreign Countries Paul Ho
1998 2 2 Features Tax Issues Associated with Credit Derivatives Jeffrey May
1998 2 2 Features Taxation of Financial Institutions in Hong Kong Andrew Ku
1998 2 2 Features The Special Tax Treatments of Financial Institutions Patrick Ho
1998 2 1 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Shirley Kan, Christina Ng
1998 2 1 HK Technical Column Present Trends of Penalties Imposed by the Inland Revenue Department Rose Yeung
1998 2 1 PRC Technical Column Restructuring of Red Chips for Listing in Hong Kong Yvonne Law, Wilson Tam
1998 2 1 PRC Technical Column Foreign Banking in China John Lee, Bolivia Cheung
1998 2 1 PRC Technical Column Developments in China's Customs Duty Policies on Importation of Equipment by Foreign Investors Spencer Chong
1998 2 1 International Technical Column Tax and Electronic Commerce Jeffrey May, Suzanne Wat
1998 2 1 International Technical Column Double Taxation Arrangement between PRC and Hong Kong -- Use of a Hong Kong Company in International Tax Planning Deborah Annells
1998 2 1 International Technical Column Tax Treaties for Hong Kong Michael Cadesky, Grace Chow
1998 2 1 Features A Summary of the 1998/99 Budget Shirley Kan
1998 2 1 Features Comparison of the 1998/99 Budget with Various Proposals Made by Professional Bodies Samuel Chan, Betty Kwok Yuk-sim
1998 2 1 Features Comments on the Hong Kong 1998/99 Budget Thomas Lee
1998 2 1 Features The Hong Kong Budget 1998/99 -- A Generous Budget for a Lean Year? Henry Y Y Tang JP
1998 2 1 Features A Budget That Has Breadth But Not Depth Christina Lam
1998 2 1 Features The Hong Kong Budget 1998/99 Sarah McGrath
1998 2 1 Features Hong Kong Budget 1998/99 and Proposed Legislative Changes Jeffrey May
1998 2 1 Features Hong Kong: Is the 1998/99 Budget Over Conservative? Shu-hung Tang
1998 2 1 Main Article Effects of Taxation and Rewarding Systems on Managerial Performance Mohamed E Ibrahim, Simon T W Leung
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column Recent Developments in Revenue Law Andrew Halkyard
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng, Shirley Kan
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column Deduction of Severance Payments -- The Cosmotron Case Samuel Y S Chan
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column Change of Shareholding Interest: A Revisit of Sharkey v Wernher Principle on Chargeability of Notional Profits C K Lam
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column Profits Tax Review TIHK
1997 1 4 HK Technical Column 1998/99 Budget Proposals TIHK
1997 1 4 PRC Technical Column Due Diligence Reviews in China Cassie Wong
1997 1 4 PRC Technical Column A Wholly Foreign Owned Trading Company in Free Trade Zone Antony Ting
1997 1 4 PRC Technical Column Retail Business with Foreign Investment in the PRC Pauline Yim
1997 1 4 International Technical Column International Anti-Avoidance Nigel Eastaway
1997 1 4 International Technical Column The Harmonisation of Corporate Taxation in the European Union: Over Thirty Years of Debate and Still a Long Way to Go Richard S Simmons
1997 1 4 Features Taxation of International Airlines in Hong Kong Lloyd Deverall, Chris Ho
1997 1 4 Features Aircraft Financing & Tax-based Leasing Johnny H Y Lau
1997 1 4 Features Leveraged Leasing of Aircraft in Hong Kong Paul K Wood, Richard J I Stock
1997 1 3 HK Technical Column Tax Audit Indicators Philip Hung
1997 1 3 HK Technical Column Issues Concerning Double Taxation and Tax Relief in Hong Kong after July 1997 Alfred Chan Kwok-ki, Alan B Davis
1997 1 3 HK Technical Column Recent Changes in Tax Law and Practice Samuel Y S Chan
1997 1 3 HK Technical Column Source of Interest Income -- An Area of Uncertainty Daniel Ho and Shirley Kan
1997 1 3 HK Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng
1997 1 3 PRC Technical Column Taxation Aspect of Mergers & Acquisitions of Foreign Investment Enterprises in the PRC Edward Shum
1997 1 3 PRC Technical Column An Overview of Double Taxation on Cross-border Transactions between China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Daniel K C Cheung
1997 1 3 PRC Technical Column A Revisit on Customs and Tariff Exemption Policy: The Case for the PRC Foreign Invested Property Developers Wilson Kwok
1997 1 3 PRC Technical Column PRC Tax Withholding -- An Overview from a Practical Perspective Betty Yuk-sim Kwok
1997 1 3 Features Capital Gains Tax Does Not Suit Hong Kong Wing-ching Shih
1997 1 3 Features Taxation of Real Property in China -- Implications for Return on Investment Joseph Fu
1997 1 3 Features A Study of the Tax Considerations for Real Property Investment in some Asian-Pacific Countries Patrick Kin-wai Ho
1997 1 3 Main Article Hong Kong: Revenue Policy Under the British Administration Shu-hung Tang
1997 1 2 Technical Column Unit Trust and Mutual Fund Corporations: A Tax Perspective in Hong Kong Daniel Ho, Shirley Kan
1997 1 2 Technical Column The Privy Council Decision on Wharf Properties Limited: Interest Deductions in Hong Kong Samuel Chan
1997 1 2 Technical Column Comment on Some Board of Review Decisions Christina Ng
1997 1 2 Technical Column Common Errors in Canadian Immigrant Tax Planning Michael Cadesk, Grace Chow
1997 1 2 Technical Column Unification of China's Income Tax Laws for Foreign Enterprises and Domestic Enterprises Daniel K C Cheung, Fusheng Zhang
1997 1 2 Technical Column Business Tax in China Brossa Cheung
1997 1 2 Technical Column Transfer Pricing in China Bill Chan, Spencer Chong
1997 1 2 Technical Column Individual Income Tax (IIT) for Foreign Expatriates Working in China Isabella Lam
1997 1 2 Features The Development of the Region's Securities and Futures Markets in the Next Decade: The Role of Regulation Anthony Neoh, QC
1997 1 2 Features PRC Taxation on Share Transactions Stephen Lee
1997 1 2 Features Taxation of Share Options Michael Olesnicky
1997 1 2 Features A Study on the Charge of Transfer Tax on Stock Transactions in Hong Kong as Compared with Some Asian-Pacific Countries Patrick Kin-wai Ho
1997 1 2 Main Article Managerial Tax Planning -- Principles and Applications (part 2) Daniel B Thornton
1997 1 1 Technical Column Changes in Hong Kong Income Tax Law and Practice in 1996 Samuel Y S Chan
1997 1 1 Technical Column Locality of Profits in Hong Kong: Recent Cases Daniel Ho and Shirley Kan
1997 1 1 Technical Column Comments on Some Board of Review Decisions Shirley Kan, Christina Ng
1997 1 1 Technical Column Chinese Holding Company Isabella Lam
1997 1 1 Technical Column Exemption of Tariffs on Import of Equipment and Materials by Foreign Daniel Cheung
1997 1 1 Technical Column Recent Developments in Taxation of Resident Representative Offices Brossa Cheung
1997 1 1 Features A Summary of the 1997/98 Budget Patrick Ho, Aldous Mak
1997 1 1 Features Comparison of Budget Proposals by Various Professional Bodies The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1997 1 1 Features Comments on the Hong Kong 1997/98 Budget Thomas Lee, Marshall H Byres, Petrina Tam
1997 1 1 Main Article Managerial Tax Planning -- Principles and Applications (part 1) Daniel B Thornton
1997 1 1 Main Article Hong Kong Estate Duty: Basic Principles, Misconceptions, Planning Tips Peter Willoughby

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