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Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Scheme in Accounting and Finance (21453 / JUPAS Code: JS3060)

General Minimum Entrance Requirements

The minimum entrance requirements are the University’s General Minimum Entrance Requirements for Bachelor’s degree programmes, as specified below:

1.   For those applying on the basis of HKDSE results: 
  • Level 3 in English Language and Chinese Language, and TWO other Elective Subjects; AND
  • Level 2 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies
  • Preferred subjects: English Language and Mathematics

2.   For those applying on the basis of other local qualifications:
  • An appropriate Diploma passed with credit or a Higher Certificate from a recognised institution; OR
  • An appropriate Associate Degree / Higher Diploma from a recognised institution (suitable candidates will be considered for advanced standing entry to the senior year curriculum).
  • Holder of other non-local qualifications (please refer to our Guidelines on Non-local Qualifications for more details about our general requirements for such qualifications) AND satisfy the English Language Requirement.

3.   Other local/non-local qualifications deemed to be acceptable for admission purpose

(i) For those who are applying on the basis of A-Level qualifications#:


Applicants who gain admission, typically, attain at least 1A2B in 3 AL subjects.

(i) For those who are applying on the basis of A-Level qualifications#:


Applicants who gain admission, typically, attain at least 1A2B in 3 AL subjects.

4.   Language requirements:

(i)  Applicants are required to meet any one of the following English language requirements for admission consideration:


  • A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 80 or above for the Internet-based test* or 550 or above for the paper-based test;
  • An overall Band Score of 6 or above in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS);
  • Grade C or above in GCEOL English;
  • Grade C / 4 or above in GCSE / IGCSE English Language or English Literature;
  • Grade E or above in GCEAL / GCEASL / IAL / IAS English Language or English Literature;
  • Grade 4 or above in English or English Literature at International Baccalaureate (IB);
  • Grade E or above in HKASLE Use of English;
  • Grade C or above in Certificate in Advanced English (CAE);
  • HKDSE English is an acceptable alternative for meeting the English language requirements. For applicants applying for admission to Bachelor's Degree Schemes / Programmes, an attainment at Level 3 or above is required. 

* MyBestTM Score is not accepted as meeting our English language requirements.

(ii)  As for Chinese Language, non-HKDSE applicants are allowed to use GCEASLE Chinese Language at Grade B or above, or GCSE / IGCSE Other Languages at Grade C or above to fulfill the requirement.

(iii)  Individual cases will be considered on their own merit.  Applicants concerned may be required to attend interviews or tests to further ascertain their language proficiency.





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