On 24 January, 21 members of the Association as well as PolyU representatives joined the 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM). During the EGM, they approved the amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, allowing for the inclusion of "Associate Members" who are outstanding alumni awardees at the faculty, school and department levels.
Following the EGM, the AGM took place, where members received the President's Report, adopted the Association's accounts for the year ending June 30, 2024, and appointed BDO Limited as the Honorary Auditors for the ensuring year. They also appointed new members of the Board of Directors for the term 2024-2026. Additionally, members extended their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Ir Dr Samson Tam Wai-ho, JP who has made tremendous contributions to the Board over the years.
The newly elected seventh Board of Directors (2024-2026) includes:
Mr Dennis HO Chiu-ping (2017 Awardee)
Deputy President
Ir Prof. Alfred SIT Wing-hang, GBS, JP (2021 Awardee)
Honorary Secretary
Mr Elton NG Chun-ting (2019 Awardee)
Honorary Treasurer
Mr Jack CHAN Hoi, JP (2021 Awardee)
Mr Stephen AU Ling-ming (2017 Awardee)
Mr CHIANG Tung-keung (2024 Awardee)
Mr Bayern CHUI Kin-pong (2022 Awardee)
Mr Tino KWAN Wing-kuen (2021 Awardee)
Ir Dr Kelvin LEUNG Kai-yuen (2021 Awardee)
Sr Augustine WONG Ho-ming, JP (2021 Awardee)
Ms Mary YU Wah (2021 Awardee)
The 1st Board of Directors’ Meeting was held right after the AGM. With the diverse backgrounds, strengths and rich experience of the new Board of Directors, the Association will continue to be proactive in bringing together resources to enhance the education, research and knowledge transfer of PolyU. Everyone gathered for lunch after the Board of Directors’ Meeting, fostering mutual acquaintance and exchanging recent updates. The Board of Directors expressed gratitude for all the enthusiastic opinions, and eagerly anticipated future occasions to convene and contribute to the alma mater.