Ir Ricky WONG Chi-pan, JP
Head, Civil Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR Government
Ir Ricky Wong Chi-pan, a civil engineer by profession, has over 30 years of experience in Hong Kong in both the design and practical aspects of various engineering fields, including civil, coastal, and building engineering. His expertise spans project management, feasibility studies, design and construction supervision for urban development, environmental protection, site formation, drainage, sewerage, roads, and historic building revitalisation. In 2017, Ir Wong became Chief Engineer/Port Works, overseeing the construction and maintenance of port facilities and technical studies related to reclamation projects. While in this role, he was also involved in research and development aimed at enhancing marine structure design standards and maintenance, and their resilience under the effects of climate change. In June 2018, Ir Wong was appointed Deputy Head of the Civil Engineering Office (Port and Land) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD). He is now Head of the CEDD’s Civil Engineering Office.