Welcom to Hou-Duo Qi's Home Page
Qi Hou-Duo (戚厚铎)
Department of Applied Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact information
- Phone: +852 2766 4401
- Office: TU708, Yip Kit Chuen Building
- Email: houduo.qi@polyu.edu.hk
Education and Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Operational Research (1996), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- MSc in Operational Research (1993), Qufu Normal University
- BSc in Statistics (1990), Peking University
Research Interests
- Numerical Optimization
- Data Science
- Portfolio Optimization
Publications (Google Scholar)
- Preprints
- Yitian Qian, Shaohua Pan, Shujun Bi, Houduo Qi, Error bounds for rank-one DNN reformulation of QAP and DC exact penalty approach. arXiv:2403.11210, 2024.
- Penghe Zhang, Naihua Xiu, Hou-Duo Qi. Sparse SVM with Hard-Margin Loss: a Newton-Augmented Lagrangian Method in Reduced Dimensions. arXiv:2307.16281, 2023.
- Penghe Zhang, Naihua Xiu, Hou-Duo Qi. iNALM: An inexact Newton Augmented Lagrangian Method for Zero-One Composite Optimization. arXiv:2306.08991, 2023.
- Chao Ding, Hou-Duo Qi. An Optimization Study of Diversification Return Portfolios. arXiv:2303.01657, 2023.
- Publications
- Deliang Yang and Houduo Qi. Supervised Maximum Variance Unfolding. To appear in: Machine Learning, 2024.
- Shaoyan Guo, Hou-Duo Qi, Liwei Zhang, Perturbation analysis of the Euclidean distance matrix optimization problem and its numerical implications. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2023.
- Hou-Duo Qi, Geometric characterization of maximum diversification return portfolio via Rao's quadratic entropy. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 14(2), 525-556, 2023.
- Chen Zhao, Naihua Xiu, Houduo Qi, and Ziyan Luo, A Lagrange–Newton algorithm for sparse nonlinear programming. Mathematical Programming 95, 903-923, 2022.
- Jian Shen, Jein-Shan Chen, Houduo Qi, and Naihua Xiu, A penalized method of alternating projections for weighted low-rank Hankel matrix optimization. Mathematical Programming Computation 14, 417–450, 2022.
- Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Global and quadratic convergence of Newton hard-thresholding pursuit, Journal Machine Learning Research 22(12), 599-643, 2021.
- Shenglong Zhou, Lili Pan, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Quadratic convergence of smoothing Newton's method for 0/1-loss optimization. SIAM Journal Optimization 31, 3184-3211, 2021
- Hongxin Zhao, Lingchen Kong, and Houduo Qi, Optimal portfolio selections via $\ell_{12}$‑norm regularization. Computational Optimization and Applications 80, 853-881, 2021.
- Houduo Qi, On the long-only minimum variance portfolio under single factor model. Operations Research Letters 49, 795-801, 2021
- Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Robust Euclidean embedding via EDM optimization. Mathematical Programming Computation 12, 337-387, 2020.
- Yue Lu, Ching-Yu Yang, Jein-Shan Chen, and Houduo Qi, The decompositions of non-symmetric cones. Journal of Global Optimization 76, 155-188, 2020.
- Lingchen Kong, Chuanqi Qi, and Houduo Qi, Classical multidimensional scaling: a subspace perspective, over-denoising and outlier detection. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67, 3842-3857, 2019.
- Chen Zhao, Ziyan Luo, Weiyue Li, Houduo Qi, and Naihua Xiu, Lagrangian duality and saddle points for sparse linear programming Science China Mathematics 62, 2015-2032, 2019.
- Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, A fast matrix majorization-projection method for penalized stress minimization with box constraints. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66, 4331-4346, 2018.
- Houduo Qi, Jian Shen, and Naihua Xiu, A sequential majorization method for approximating weighted time series of finite rank. Statistics and Its Interface 11, 615-630, 2018.
- Xianchao Xiu, Lingchen Kong, Yan Li, and Houduo Qi, Iterative reweighted methods for L1 minimization. Computational Optimization and Applications 70, 201-219, 2018.
- Lili Pan, Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, A convergent iterative gard thresholding for nonnegative sparsity optimization. Pacific Journal of Optimization 13, 325-353, 2017.
- Chao Ding and Houduo Qi, Convex optimization learning of faithful Euclidean distance representations in nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Mathematical Programming 164 341-381, 2017.
- Qingna Li and Houduo Qi, An inexact smoothing Newton method for Euclidean distance matrix optimization under ordinal constraints. Journal of Computational Mathematics 35, 467-483, 2017.
- Chao Ding and Houduo Qi, Convex Euclidean distance embedding for collaborative position localization with NLOS mitigation. Computational Optimization and Applications 66, 187-218, 2017.
- Houduo Qi, A convex matrix optimization for the additive constant problem in multidimensional scaling with application to locally linear embedding. SIAM Journal on Optimization 26, 2564-2590, 2016.
- Shuanghua Bai and Houduo Qi, Tackling the flip ambiguity in wireless sensor network localization and beyond. Digital Signal Processing 26, 85-97, 2016.
- Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, Yingnan Wang, Lingchen Kong, and Houduo Qi, A null-space-based weighted l1minimization approach to compressed sensing. Information and Inference 5, 76-102, 2016.
- Sohan Jahan and Houduo Qi, Regularized multidimensional scaling with radial basis functions. Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization 12, 543-563, 2016.
- Shuanghua Bai, Houduo Qi, and Naihua Xiu, Constrained best Euclidean distance embedding on a sphere: a Matrix optimization approach. SIAM J. Optimization 25, 439-467, 2015.
- Chao Ding and Houduo Qi, A computable characterization of the extrinsic mean of reflection shapes and its asymptotic properties. Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research 32, 1540005, 2015.
- Houduo Qi and Xiaoming Yuan, Computing the nearest Euclidean distance matrix with low embedding dimensions. Mathematical Programming, 147, 351-389, 2014.
- Houduo Qi, Conditional quadratic semidefinite programming: Examples and methods. Journal of Operations Research Society of China 2, 143-170, 2014.
- Houduo Qi, Naihua Xiu, and Xiaoming Yuan, A Lagrangian dual approach to the single source localization problem. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61, 3815-3826, 2013.
- Houduo Qi, A semismooth Newton method for the nearest Euclidean distance matrix problem. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34, 67-93, 2013.
- Houduo Qi and Naihua Xiu, A convex quadratic semidefinite programming approach to the partial additive constant problem in multidimensional scaling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82, 1317-1336, 2012.
- Qingna Li and Houduo Qi, A sequential semismooth Newton method for the nearest low-rank correlation matrix problem. SIAM Journal on Optimization 21, 1641-1666, 2011.
- Houduo Qi, A semidefinite programming study of the Elfving theorem. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 3117-3130, 2011.
- Qingna Li, Houduo Qi, and Naihua Xiu, Block relaxation and majorization methods for the nearest correlation matrix with factor structure. Computational Optimization and Applications 50, 327-349, 2011.
- Houduo Qi and Defeng Sun, An augmented Lagrangian dual approach for the $H$-weighted nearest correlation matrix problem. IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis 31, 491-511, 2011.
- Houduo Qi and Defeng Sun, Correlation stress testing for value-at-risk: an unconstrained convex optimization approach. Computational Optimization and Applications 25, 427-462, 2010.
- Qingna Li, Donghui Li, and Houduo Qi, Newton's method for computing the nearest correlation matrix with a simple upper bound. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 147, 546-568, 2010.
- Houduo Qi, Local duality of nonlinear semidefinite programming. Mathematics of Operations Research 34, 124--141, 2009.
- Houduo Qi, Positive semidefinite matrix completions on chordal graphs and constraint nondegeneracy in semidefinite programming. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 430, 1151-1164, 2009.
- Houduo Qi, New sufficient conditions for global robust stability of delayed neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -I: Regular Papers 54, 1131--1141, 2007.
- Houduo Qi, Zhonghang Xia, and G.Xing, An application of the nearest correlation matrix to Web document classification. Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization 3, 701-713, 2007.
- Houduo Qi and Xiaoqi Yang, Regularity and well-posedness of a dual program for convex best C1-spline interpolation. Computational Optimization and Applications 37, 409-425, 2007.
- Houduo Qi and Defeng Sun, A quadratically convergent Newton method for the nearest correlation matrix problem. SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications 28, 360-385, 2006.
- Xin Chen and Houduo Qi, Cartesian P-property and its applications to the semidefinite linear Complementarity problem. Mathematical Programming 106, 177-201, 2006.
- Houduo Qi and Xiaoqi Yang, Armijo Newton method for convex best interpolation. Optimization Methods and Software 21, 179-200, 2006.
- Houduo Qi and Xiaoqi Yang, Deriving sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of delayed neural networks via nonsmooth analysis II. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 16, 1701--1706, 2005.
- Houduo Qi and Liqun Qi, Deriving sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of delayed neural networks via nonsmooth analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 14, 99-109, 2004.
- Houduo Qi and Xiaoqi Yang, Semismoothness of spectral functions. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 25, 784-803, 2004.
- Xin Chen, Houduo Qi, Liqun Qi, and Kok-Lay Teo, Smooth convex approximation to the maximum eigenvalue function. Journal of Global Optimization 30, 253-270, 2004.
- Lizhi Liao, Houduo Qi, and Liqun Qi, Neurodynamic optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 28, 175-195, 2004.
- Houduo Qi, Liqun Qi, and Defeng Sun, Solving KKT systems via the trust region and the conjugate gradient methods. SIAM Journal on Optimization 14, 439-463, 2003.
- Houduo Qi and Liqun Qi, Finite termination of a dual Newton method for convex best C1 interpolation and smoothing. Numerische Mathematik 96, 317-337, 2003.
- Xin Chen, Houduo Qi, and Paul Tseng, Analysis of nonsmooth symmetric-matrix-valued functions with applications to semidefinite complementarity problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization 13, 960-985, 2003.
- Asen L. Dontchev, Houduo Qi, and Liqun Qi, Quadratic convergence of Newton's method for convex interpolation and smoothing. Constructive Approximation 19, 123-143, 2003.
- Christian Kanzow, Houduo Qi, and Liqun Qi, On the minimum normal solution of linear programs. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 116, 333-345, 2003.
- Defeng, Robert S Womersley, and Houduo Qi, A feasible semismooth asymptotically Newton method for mixed complementarity problems. Mathematical Programming 94, 167--187, 2002.
- Asen L. Dontchev, Houduo Qi, Liqun Qi, and Hongxia Yin, A Newton method for shape-preserving spline interpolation. SIAM Journal on Optimization 13, 588-602, 2002.
- Qiaoming Han, Lizhi Liao, Houduo Qi, and Lizhi Liao, Stability analysis of gradient-based neural networks for optimization problems. Journal of Global Optimization 19, 363-381, 2001.
- Lizhi Liao, Houduo Qi, and Liqun Qi, Solving nonlinear complementarity problems with neural networks: a reformulation method approach. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 131, 343-359, 2001.
- Asen L. Dontchev, Houduo Qi, and Liqun Qi, Convergence of Newton's methods for convex best interpolation. Numerische Mathematik 87, 435-456, 2001.
- Houduo Qi and Liqun Qi, A new QP-free, globally convergent and locally superlinearly convergent algorithm for the inequality constrained optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 11, 113-132, 2000.
- Houduo Qi and lizhi Liao, A smoothing Newton method for general nonlinear complementarity problems. Computational Optimization and Applications 17, 231-253, 2000.
- Houduo Qi, A regularized smoothing Newton method for box constrained variational inequality problems with $P_0$-functions. SIAM Journal on Optimization 10, 315-330, 2000.
- Houduo Qi and Yuzhong Zhang, A globally derivative-free descent method for nonlinear complementarity problems. Journal of Computational Mathematics 18, 251-264, 2000.
- Christian Kanzow and Houduo Qi, A QP-free constrained Newton-type method for variational inequality problems. Mathematical Programming 85, 81-106, 1999.
- Houduo Qi and Lizhi Liao, A smoothing Newton-type method for extended vertical linear complementarity problems. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 21, 45-66, 1999.
- Lizhi Liao and Houduo Qi, A neural network for the linear complementarity problem. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 29, 9-18, 1999.
- Houduo Qi, Lizhi Liao, and Zhenghua Lin, Regularized smoothing approximations to vertical nonlinear complementarity problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 230, 261--276, 1999.
- Houduo Qi, On stationary and minimizing sequences of a new class of merit functions for nonlinear complementarity problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 102, 411--431, 1999.
- Houduo Qi, Tikhonov regularization methods for general variational inequality problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 102, 93-101, 1999.
- Yunbin Zhao, Jiye han, and Houduo Qi, Exceptional families and existence theorems for variational inequality problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 101, 475--495, 1999.
- Houduo Qi, A monotone property of the projection operator onto closed convex sets. J. Math. Res. Exposition 18, 580-582, 1998.
- Guanghui Liu, Jieye han, Houduo Qi and Zhongling Xu, Convergence analysis of a class of conjugate gradient methods without sufficient decrease condition. Acta Math. Sci. (English Ed.), 1998, 18, 11-16.
- Houduo Qi and Jieye Han, Exceptional family and existence theorems in linear complementarity problems. Mathematica Numerica Sinica, 1997, 19, 70--77.
- Houduo Qi, Jiye Han and Guanghui Liu, Modified Hestenes-Stiefel conjugate gradient methods. Chinese Annual of Mathematics, 1996, 17, 277--284.
Rank-2 Optimization Model for Multidimensional Scaling Graph Drawing (Role: PI, 2020-2022)
The Royal Society. -
EDM Optimization: a new paradigm for dimension reduction (Role: PI, 2019-2021)
The Alan Turing Institute. - To be added ...
: solves the sparsity constrained optimization including CS, LR, LCP and etc. Global and quadratic convergence of Newton hard-thresholding pursuit.
- Under construction: Optimization Methods (graduate)
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