May 1, 2016 This subdirectory contains the following Matlab source codes and folders: <> FB_env_ls_l1_l2_lbfgs.m - main code for the algorithm FBS_{L-BFGS} (a bug fixed on May 19, 2016) fvalue.m gvalue.m LBFGS_two_loop.m - subroutines of FB_env_ls_l1_l2_lbfgs.m; soft_thresh.m is also used in major_ls_l1_l2.m proj.m sequence_update.m soft_thresh.m FBS_major_ls_l1_l2.m - main code for the algorithm NPG l1_l2_sub.m - subroutine of FBS_major_ls_l1_l2.m major_ls_l1_l2.m - main code for the algorithm NPG_major Implementation and numerical experience with the above codes are described in the paper: Tianxiang Liu and Ting Kei Pong "Further properties of the forward-backward envelope with applications to difference-of-convex programming", Submitted. This code was last updated on Oct 10, 2016. Questions/comments/suggestions about the codes are welcome. Tianxiang Liu, Ting Kei Pong,