September, 2009 This subdirectory contains the following Fortran/Matlab source codes: sensoresdp_gen.m This generates problem instances and stores them in Prob.mat sensor_init_esdp.m This takes Prob.mat as input and generates an ASCII file sensorprob.dat sensor_esdp.f This takes sensorprob.dat as input and implements the LPCGD algorithm. It outputs sensorsoln.dat and (optionally) sensorsoln2.dat sensoresdp_read.m This takes in sensorsoln.dat (and optionally sensorsoln2.dat), computes the errors and produces a drawing Implementation and numerical experience with sensor_esdp.f are described in the paper: Ting Kei Pong and Paul Tseng, "(Robust) Edge-based semidefinite programming relaxation of sensor network localization", Math. Program., 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s10107-009-0338-x. This code was last updated on August 4, 2009. They were all written jointly with Paul Tseng. The Fortran source codes were written to run and report CPU time on a Unix machine but they should run on other machines with minor modifications as they conform to the FORTRAN77 standard. Questions/comments/suggestions about the codes are welcome. Ting Kei Pong,