January, 2011 This subdirectory contains the following Fortran/Matlab source codes: sensor_gen.m This generates problem instances and stores them in Prob.mat and Prob1.mat range_gen.m This takes Prob.mat and Prob1.mat as input, appends lower bound constraints, and stores them in Prob2.mat sensor_init_rgesdp This reads in Prob2.mat and rewrite data in ASCII format file sensorprob.dat sensor_esdp_routine.f This takes sensorprob.dat as input and implements the LPCGD/LPCGD(r) algorithm. It outputs sensorsoln.dat and (optionally) sensorsoln3.dat, sensorsoln2.data This is the code for N/F/FL strategy. sensor_esdp_whole.f This takes sensorprob.dat as input and implements the LPCGD/LPCGD(r) algorithm. It outputs sensorsoln.dat and (optionally) sensorsoln3.dat, sensorsoln2.data This is the code for VL strategy. sensor_esdp_read.m This takes in sensorsoln.dat (and optionally sensorsoln3.dat, sensorsoln2.dat), computes the errors and produces a drawing ESDP_lb_test.m This loads Prob, Prob1 and Prob2, and implements VL strategy for ESDP/ESDP_lb. ESDPD.p Writing input for SeDuMi for solving ESDP. A code written by Zizhuo Wang, Song Zheng, Stephen Boyd and Yinyu Ye. Also available at http://www.stanford.edu/~yyye/Col.html ESDPDlb.p Writing input for SeDuMi for solving ESDP_lb. This code is largely based on ESDPD.p. Implementation and numerical experience with the above codes are described in the paper: Ting Kei Pong, "Edge-based semidefinite programming relaxation of sensor network localization with lower bound constraints", Technical Report, University of Washington. This code was last updated on January 3, 2011. The Fortran source codes were written to run and report CPU time on a Unix machine but they should run on other machines with minor modifications as they conform to the FORTRAN77 standard. Questions/comments/suggestions about the codes are welcome. Ting Kei Pong, tkpong@math.washington.edu * The Fortran codes are written based on the code sensor_esdp.f jointly written with my advisor, Paul Tseng.