Jun 2017 This subdirectory contains the following Matlab source codes: NPG_ls_log.m Solving log regularized least squares problem using GIST. pro_gra_extra_log.m Solving log regularized least squares problem using pDCAe, with restart scheme as in FISTA with both fixed and adaptive restart. pro_gra_log.m Solving log regularized least squares problem using pDCA. random_dc_log_1e3.m random_dc_log_5e4.m run codes. soft_thresh.m Subroutine for l1 prox ls_log_sub.m Subroutine for NPG_ls_log.m Implementation and numerical experience with the above codes are described in the paper: Bo Wen, Xiaojun Chen and Ting Kei Pong "A proximal difference-of-convex algorithm with extrapolation", Submitted. This code was last updated on Jun 17, 2017. Questions/comments/suggestions about the codes are welcome. Ting Kei Pong tk.pong@polyu.edu.hk