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PolyU research papers published in Nature series journals

Three research papers contributed by the Department of Applied Physics of PolyU were recently published in the Nature series journals: (a) Optoelectronic resistive random-access memory (ORRAM) for neuromorphic vision sensors – “Nature Nanotechnology” Dr Chai Yang, Associate Professor, and his team developed an optoelectronic device that mimics the functions of human retina in image sensing, memorisation, and pre-processing, with image recognition rate and efficiency exceeding existing artificial visual systems. It offers promising contribution towards the development of applications in edge computing and Internet of Things.   (b) Continuous artificial synthesis of glucose precursor using enzyme-immobilised microfluidic reactors – “Nature Communications” Dr Zhang Xuming, Associate Professor, and his team discovered technology to replicate the opto-fluidic system of leave vein to create micro-reactors for conducting the first phase reaction of CO2 fixation in natural photosynthesis. The innovation contributes to artificial photosynthesis developments and will help relieve food crisis and produce biofuel.   (c) Enhanced sieving from exfoliated MoS2 membranes via covalent funcationalisation – “Nature Materials” Dr Nicolas Onofrio, Assistant Professor, and his team developed a nanolaminate membrane based on covalently functionalised molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets. The control of the surface chemistry of exfoliated 2-dimensional (2D) materials allows further exploration of the nanofluidic phenomena inside nanolaminate membranes at fundamental and practical levels for water purification or osmotic energy. Prof Daniel Lau, Head of the Department of Applied Physics, takes pride in the contributions of the three researchers and said, “the Department will continue to devote its efforts in the pursuit of excellence in teaching and research”. Prof. Alex Wai, Vice President (Research Development) of PolyU, said, “PolyU has been undertaking cutting-edge research that delivers real impact to academia and to the world. We are committed to nurturing our academics and researchers to collaborate locally and internationally in fundamental and translational research. We are very pleased that their research findings were published in prestigious and world-renowned journals.” (Sing Tao Daily F01, Sky Post P16) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - See original media release on PolyU website on here. Online news coverage: Chron (PRweb) - Three Research Papers Published in Nature Series Journals Sky Post - 研儀器持續合成葡萄糖 理大新發明紓糧食危機 Sing Tao Daily - 理大三項科研論文刊《自然》期刊

18 Oct, 2019

PolyU-developed platform to facilitate secondary school students doing experiment out of classroom

PolyU-developed platform to facilitate secondary school students doing experiment out of classroom

RTHK radio programme, 敎學有心人, featured the “AP Sensor” developed by Dr Jim Kwok-lung and Dr Choy Siu-hong from the Department of Applied Physics, PolyU. “AP Sensor” is a remote experiment platform that allows users to do Physics experiments with the built-in sensors in their mobile phones. The project aims to encourage secondary school students to make observations on the daily environment by using their mobile phones via this specially designed APP.  So far, 20 secondary schools have joined the programme and are using the platform.  The radio programme is available online:

10 Oct, 2019

香港電台 #387 遙距實驗室 嘉賓: 理工大學應用物理學系詹國龍博士,蔡紹康博士

5 Oct, 2019

Outstanding Alumni Award 2019

Congratulations to our outstanding alumni, Ir Arthur Lee Kam-hung, on receiving the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award 2019! Ir Lee is Founder and Chairman of Kolinker Group, one of the leading manufacturers in the quartz crystal industry worldwide. His company has received numerous industrial awards including 2002 and 2011 Hong Kong Awards for Industry. The accomplished industrialist has also been heavily involved in public and educational affairs. Currently he is a Member of Election Committee of 13th National People's Congress of China, Chairman of Kowloon City District Committee (Hung Hom District), Founder Chairman of Kowloon City District Senior Police Call Honorary Presidents Council, Vice President of Foundation Board of Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council (2003 Awardee of Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong), and Honorary Life Vice President of PolyU Foundation. He has offered supports to PolyU's industrial research on a continuous basis and established scholarships for students at PolyU. His technical publications are adopted as the de facto standard in the industry, such as his "Direct Impedance Method for Load Resonant Measurement of Crystal" presented in the US Piezoelectric Device Conference and Exhibition in 1999.

23 May, 2019


理大應用物理學系 培育光電子學專才 擁抱全球機遇 - 明報升學網

31 Jan, 2019

Innovation GPS 創科導航 - Prof Daniel S.P. LAU

Professor Daniel Lau, Head of PolyU’s Department of Applied Physics (AP), was interviewed in a tech-focused TVB programme “Innovation GPS” (創科導航), on the features, applications and developments of graphene -- a superior material having been widely used in various aspects of science, technology and business sectors. The semitransparent perovskite solar cells with graphene electrodes developed by AP research team in 2015 was cited as an example of graphene application. PolyU researchers is further developing another two-dimensional material black phosphorus (BP). They found that lithium battery with BP can be recharged for 1,000 times, five times more than the existing battery. TVB “Innovation GPS (創科導航)” (in Chinese):    

28 Nov, 2018

TechConnect Global Innovation Awards 2018

The innovation "Composite multilayers capacitors with colossal permittivity for electronics and energy storage applications" developed by Professor HAO Jianhua, Professor & Associate Head, and Ms TSE Mei-yan, Department of Applied Physics, wins the "Global Innovation Award" at TechConnect World Conference and Expo 2018 staged in the United States. [For details, please refer to TechConnect official website: ]

16 May, 2018

理大科研成果揚威國際 連續第二年獲「TechConnect全球創新獎」

13 May, 2018

理大實時遙距平台 用手機做物理實驗 - 星島日報

18 Oct, 2017

理大實時遙距平台推手機版 學生能隨時做物理實驗 - 巴士的報

18 Oct, 2017

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