Entrance Year September 2024
Programme Code JS3030
Mode of Study Full Time
Normal Duration 4 years
Programme Intake
Fund Type Government-Funded
Credits Required for Graduation 133
Programme Leader(s)
Prof. Y.H. Tsang
BSc, PhD
Eligible students who are admitted to our programme via JUPAS will be awarded entry scholarship from the Department. To learn more, please visit the Entry Scholarships section.Aims and Characteristics
Acquire a Major with a Secondary Major degree in 4 years
This programme is a brand new Bachelor of Science programme of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). It cultivates students with knowledge spanning the disciplines of Physics and their chosen Secondary Major (AIDA or IE). By combing the strengths of the two fields, graduates will be ready to take on future challenges and excel in the contemporary workplace.
Students enrolled on the Physics X Secondary Major programmes follow a common curriculum in the first year before they choose either AIDA or IE in Year Two, according to their own preference. They will graduate with one of the following degrees upon successful completion of the corresponding graduation requirements:
• BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics*
• BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship*
*JUPAS code: JS3030
4年時間 同步完成主修及副主修課程
• 物理學(榮譽)理學士副主修人工智能及數據分析*
• 物理學(榮譽)理學士副主修創新及創業*
*大學聯招課程編號: JS3030
PolyU 全新學士課程
包含兩大領域 - 物理及人工智能及數據分析(AIDA) 或 物理及創新及創業(IE),靈活應對未來改變。
JS3030|Physics X AIDA|Physics X IE
包含兩大領域 - 物理及人工智能及數據分析(AIDA) 或 物理及創新及創業(IE),靈活應對未來改變。
BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA)

Learning Outcomes
The rapid advances of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have far-reaching impacts on our lives, ranging from mobile apps, smart home systems and health-monitoring devices to industrial process optimisation. AI is intimately linked to physics in various ways, and seamless collaboration between physics and AI enables accurate observations of the environment and realistic formulation of solutions. Physics principles can be deployed to optimise AI components, facilitating the discoveries of critical workflows and parameters, as well as enhancing the training of AI systems. Conversely, AI plays a pivotal role in modern physics research by rapidly screening potential solutions, thereby saving resources needed for experimental studies.
The Physics X AIDA programme is tailored to students with interests in both physics and AI. With a strong emphasis on applications, students are exposed to both fundamental and applied physics topics in addition to the principal theories of AI. The fusion of these two disciplines throughout the curriculum allows students to consolidate their learning, providing them with a competitive edge in their future careers.
Distinguish Features of PHYSICS X AIDA
Multidisciplinary nature
The combination of physics and AI provides graduates with a robust skillset suited to a wide range of career paths, such as innovation, health care and postgraduate studies.
An application-oriented approach
The learning experience is supported by well-equipped laboratories, including an AI laboratory tailored to the curriculum. Collaborations with industrial partners and renowned universities provide excellent internship and exchange opportunities for students.
Well-rounded development
Students also develop their ‘soft skills’, such as lateral thinking, communications skills, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are critical assets for future leaders.
BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IE)

Learning Outcomes
This programme offers a very diverse curriculum that covers fundamental and applied physics, innovation and business. A major highlight of this curriculum is the extended internship training in major technology enterprises or start-ups, providing golden opportunities for students to become innovation leaders in Hong Kong. The programme is ideal for students with great entrepreneurial spirit who wish to join the next-generation of physics innovators.
Distinguish Features of PHYSICS X IE
Multidisciplinary nature
The combination of scientific and entrepreneurial skills promotes the development of our graduates into future technology leaders.
An application-oriented approach
The learning experience is supported by well-equipped laboratories. Collaborations with industrial partners and renowned universities provide excellent internship and exchange opportunities for students.
Well-rounded development
Students also develop their ‘soft skills’, such as lateral thinking, communications skills, leadership, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are critical assets for future entrepreneurs.