On 30 November 2024, the international conference titled “Synthesizing Knowledge: Chinese Social Work Practices Research and Its Dialogue with the World” was successfully held at the Peking University, China. The event brought together numerous experts and scholars in social work from both domestic and international backgrounds to discuss the latest advancements and future directions in social work practice research.
The seminar was co-organised by the Department of Sociology at Peking University, the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Peking University - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China Social Work Research Centre, and the China and Global Development Network at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It was jointly supported by UNICEF China Office and the China Association for Social Work Education.
Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology and Head of APSS, Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Former Vice-President (Student and Global Affairs) at PolyU and Honorary Professor of APSS, Prof. Ben KU, Professor of APSS and Centre Director of China and Global Development Network at PolyU, Prof. Elsie YAN, Professor of APSS and Dr Herman LO, Associate Professor of APSS and Co-Centre Director of Professional Practice and Assessment Centre at PolyU delivered remarks and speeches to over 300 participants, including social work educators and students, professionals from social work institutions, and representatives from various sectors across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Argentina, Belgium, the Philippines, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Moldova, the United States, South Africa, Thailand, Italy, India, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
The seminar fostered rich discussions on integrating social work practices and research, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants from diverse backgrounds.
Online coverage:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yw8MfAJ9Z8QUNbvCbPnyQQ