Research Student Attachment Programme (RSAP) 2023
Through the Research Student Attachment Programme (RSAP) 2023, APSS PhD students will be going on a three- to six-month exchange in world-renowned universities. Also, PhD students from internationally acclaimed overseas universities will visit APSS. This year, APSS is proud to announce the following outgoing and incoming PhD student arrangements:
Outgoing Student to University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA:
Ms Xiaoyan CHEN is a 3rd year PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Edward CHAN (Chief Supervisor) and Dr Camilla LO (Co-supervisor). Ms Chen will spend three months at the School of Social Work, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Prof. Richard M. TOLMAN will serve as Ms Chen’s host supervisor at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Prof. Tolman is an outstanding scholar in the field of family violence.
Outgoing Student to National University of Singapore, Singapore:
Mr Bo LI will spend six months at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (NUS). Mr Li is a 3rd year PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Juan CHEN (Chief Supervisor) and Dr Chengpang LEE (Co-supervisor). Dr Natasha HOWARD will serve as Mr Li’s host supervisor at NUS. Dr Howard is an interdisciplinary health policy and systems researcher, focusing primarily on low and middle-income countries.
Incoming Student from The University of Chicago, USA:
Miss Linyun FU is a doctoral student from the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice at The University of Chicago, under the supervision of Prof. J. Curtis MCMILLEN. Miss Fu’s research focuses on promoting the well-being of rural children in China through a social-emotional learning-based intervention. Miss Fu will visit APSS for three months to collaborate on multiple projects on the resilience of migrant children with Dr Lu YU, who will serve as Miss Fu’s supervisor.
Incoming Student from University of Antwerp, Belgium:
Mr Benjamin Muhoza KANZE is a doctoral student from the University of Antwerp, under the supervision of Prof. Tom DE HERDT. Dr Karita KAN will supervise Mr Kanze during his three-month attachment at APSS. Mr Kanze’s thesis aims to examine the mechanisms of accumulation and the extent of economic inequality in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). During his attachment at PolyU, he also aims to finish writing two manuscripts, participate in APSS events, and disseminate his research findings in seminars.