Prof. CHAN Ko-ling Edward Conferred the title “RGC Senior Research Fellow” by the Research Grants Council and Named Among World’s Top 2% Scientists according to Stanford University–Elsevier Report
Prof. CHAN Ko-ling Edward, Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, has been awarded the prestigious grant under the Research Grants Council's (RGC) Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) 2022/23, demonstrating his scholarship accomplishments and research excellence.
The RGC’s Senior Research Fellow Scheme aims to honour exceptionally outstanding researchers at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, and to facilitate their dedication to research and development. Nominees are assessed based on proven research track record, leadership quality and vision in the chosen area of research, the merit and the social impact of the research project. Prof. CHAN is awarded HK$7,798,380 for five years to implement his innovative project.
Research Project: “Family Polyvictimization and Social Policy Responses in East Asian Societies”
Prof. CHAN is the first to examine family poly-victimization (FPV), which refers to the co-occurrence of at least three types of family violence, including intimate partner violence, child abuse and elder abuse. He has developed innovative methodologies and digital assessment tools to measure FPV accurately. This project will be conducted in five East Asian cities, namely Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei. With cross-culture data from East Asian families, this project will examine the effects of traditional East Asian cultural practices and develop clinical protocols and policies in response to FPV. Findings will shed light on the application of early detection mechanisms for FPV by adopting a family-oriented approach and using the family as the basic unit of service. It will also facilitate the development of integrated prevention and multi-disciplinary collaboration in East Asian contexts. The improvements in social policy and service delivery approach aim to bring very significant social impact and benefits to families victimised by FPV and to East Asian cities as a whole.
The new project builds on previous success which was awarded the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme in 2016.
Prof. CHAN Highly Ranked Among Top 2% of Scientists in the World
Prof. CHAN’s excellence in scholarship has been consistently recognized as one of the top 2% scientists worldwide, according to Stanford University report published from 2019 to 2022. Compared to scholars in related fields, including social sciences, he is ranked top 1% among social scientists.
Ioannidis, John P.A. (2022), “September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.5
Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2021), “August 2021 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Mendeley Data, V3, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.3
Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2020), “Data for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Mendeley Data, V2, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.2
Ioannidis, John; Baas, Jeroen; Klavans, Richard; Boyack, Kevin (2019), “Supplementary data tables for "A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field" (PLoS Biology 2019)”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.1
RGC Award Presentation Ceremony
The Research Grants Council (RGC) held an award presentation ceremony on 7 Nov 2022 to honour 87 academics from the eight University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities for their distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to the higher education sector. Prof. CHAN was awarded the RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme for his project “Family Polyvictimization and Social Policy Responses in East Asian Societies”.
Prof. CHAN is the first in the globe to examine family poly-victimisation (FPV), which refers to the co-occurrence of at least three types of family violence. Further coverage was published in Nov 2022, elaborated on Prof Chan’s award-winning research in an interview with am730. He said that the study does not only aim at understanding the issues, but also helps society to prevent family violence and save lives.