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Date: 3-4 May 2019 香港理工大學應用社會科學系專業實踐及評估中心主辦 「緊繫我心讓我飛翔」提升家庭關係組長培訓工作坊  

6 Mar, 2019

情緒取向治療專業培訓初階課程 (Externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy)

6 Mar, 2019

Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub on TVB Sunday Report (17 February 2019)

22 Feb, 2019

Congratulations to Ms Carmen Yau for being awarded Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship 2018/19

Ms Carmen Yau, PhD student at PolyU APSS, is selected to receive Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Disabled Students 2018/19 after having attended a selection interview conducted by Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council (the Council). The awards presentation ceremony will be held in March 2019. The Council administrates both fellowship and scholarship schemes for disabled students. The fellowship is offered to outstanding full-time students with special educational needs and/or mental health needs pursuing UGC-funded research postgraduate studies in Hong Kong, in recognition of their academic excellence, leadership potential, language proficiency and research achievement. There are only 2 awards in this academic year (unfixed proportion for fellowship and scholarship).

20 Feb, 2019

Call for papers “Social Entrepreneurship in Context “– Journal of Asian Public Policy

To further explore the role of context in social entrepreneurship research in Asia, Journal of Asian Public Policy now invites authors to submit their research to publish in the special issue on Social Entrepreneurship in Context.   If you are interested, please provide a 200-word abstract indicating the substantive topic of their paper and the methodology (and findings for completed papers) by 30 April 2019. Abstracts should be sent directly to: Yanto Chandra ( and Janelle Kerlin (   For more information, you may refer to

13 Feb, 2019

Launch of Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub (15 January 2019)

Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub was officially launched on 15 January 2019 at Senate Room of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Officiated guests included Prof. Daniel W.L. Lai, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), PolyU; Dr Cheuk Hay Chan, Principal of Hong Kong College of Technology; Mr Wai Yee Yip, Principal of Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College; Mr Dick Yan Yuen, Principal of St Paul’s College; and Ms Sik Yan Susanna Tsang, Section Head (Information Services), Pao Yue-kong Library, PolyU. The project, established by Dr Chitat Chan, Assistant Professor of PolyU APSS and his team, provides stories of more than 100 persons in Hong Kong and Asia in the form of text and video clips. It aims to promote social inclusion by supporting the education sector and the public to enhance their understanding of various real-life stories. The project received HK$11 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and will last for 3 years. Over 80 participants attended the event, including 23 different units in the education sector (e.g. Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College, St Paul’s College, St. Paul’s Secondary School, Hong Kong College of Technology, Hong Kong Baptist University, PolyU), 23 different NGOs (e.g. The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Christian Concern For The Homeless Association) and a number of service users and the media. News coverage: HK01: (1); (2) Ming Pao: Officiating guests at the Launch Ceremony Welcome address by Dr Chitat Chan, PolyU APSS Roundtable meeting for discussing the potential use of Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub Over 80 participants attended the Launch Ceremony    

18 Jan, 2019

Invitation to the launching ceremony and roundtable discussion of the Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub Stories, flipped classrooms, open-mindedness

Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub aims to support students and the public to explore and deepen their understanding of various kinds of real life stories, and hence encourage further reading and promote open-mindedness.  The website supports students to search and read inspiring stories, and it also allows students to interact with people behind the stories, by facilitating schools/organizations to make appointments for sharing sessions. Topics include: diverse career paths, mental health, ethnic minorities, etc. You may visit to try our beta version. We cordially invite you to take part in our event and explore collaboration opportunities on 15 January 2019, 2pm to 4pm, Room M1603, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A launching ceremony will be held to celebrate the official launch of the website, explain website functions and introduce various types of school-based services. Following the ceremony, a roundtable meeting will be held to discuss the potential use of this learning resource. Panelists include: LAI Wing Leung Daniel, Chair Professor and Head of APSS, PolyU CHAN, Cheuk Hay, Principal of Hong Kong College of Technology YIP Wai Yee, Principal of Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College YUEN Dick Yan, Principal of St Paul’s College TSANG Sik Yan Susanna, Section Head (Information Services), Pao Yue-kong Library, PolyU CHAN Chitat, Assistant Professor, APSS, PolyU; Principal Investigator    To register online, click here: Sincerely yours Chitat CHAN Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, PolyU Principal Investigator, Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub  誠邀出席「賽馬會理大真人圖書網絡」啟動禮及圓桌會議 不一樣的故事、翻轉教室、開拓思維 「賽馬會理大真人圖書網絡」旨在讓學生及公眾透過真實故事,啟發思考、延伸閱讀、擴闊視野。 這網站讓學生自主閱讀,也便利 學校/機構預約安排各類分享會,讓學生親身與故事主人翁互動交流。主題包括多元出路、精神健康、少數族裔及其他社會議題。測試版已上線,盼不吝指正。 為宣佈網站正式啟用,講解功能及介紹各類到校服務,我們定於2019年1月15日(星期二)下午2時至4時假香港理工大學李嘉誠樓M1603室舉辦啟動禮及圓桌會議,討論如何善用此學習資源。特邀 鈞座蒞臨參與,集思廣益。圓桌會議分享嘉賓包括: 黎永亮教授(香港理工大學應用社會科學系系主任及講座教授) 陳卓禧博士(香港專業進修學校校長) 葉偉儀校長(佛教黃允畋中學校長) 源迪恩校長(聖保羅書院校長) 曾錫欣女士(香港理工大學包玉剛圖書館資訊服務部門主任) 陳智達博士 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授、真人圖書網絡首席研究員) 網上報名,按此連結: 香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授 賽馬會理大真人圖書網首席研究員 陳智達謹上

15 Jan, 2019

Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-Centred Practice and Family Therapy) Promotional Workshops

1 Jan, 2019

Mental Health Seminars

Date: December 2018 – March 2019

1 Jan, 2019

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APSS Outstanding Alumni 2022 – Mr Charles CHAN’s Sharing on 27 August 2022

APSS Graduates Association is honoured to invite Mr Charles CHAN, Executive Director of The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) and APSS Outstanding Alumni 2022, to share on strategies and techniques for planning and designing service proposals.     Click here for registration and more details


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