2007.05.04PolyU partners with private hospitals to groom nursing professionals

PolyU partners with private hospitals to groom nursing professionals

To address the acute manpower shortage for qualified nursing professionals, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Nursing (SN) partners with two major private hospitals in jointly launching a self-financed degree programme in nursing.

The launch of this pioneering programme is initiated and supported by the St Teresa’s Hospital and St Paul’s Hospital. The agreement was signed by Prof. Suleyman Demokan, PolyU Vice President (Academic Development) and Mother Jacqueline HO, The Mother Superior of the Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres (Hong Kong) at a special ceremony held yesterday (4 May) on the university campus.

Addressing at the ceremony, Prof. Demokan remarked, "Our School of Nursing is devoted to offering nursing education in Hong Kong. The current joint venture is the first collaboration with local private hospitals for degree level pre-registration education for nurses. The programme is launched at the right time to address the manpower shortage of nursing professionals, and to better prepare registered nurses for promoting and engaging in nursing education, which will ultimately enhance the well-being of the community at large.”

Mother Ho also anticipated a stronger demand for manpower with the two Hospitals’ further expansion of their existing services and introduction of new services in the near future.

This new programme will admit the first cohort of 40 students in 2007/2008. It is targeted for graduates of Associate Degree/Higher Diploma or equivalent, and applicants with HKALE who are interested to further pursue professional education and training in the field. Upon completion of the programme, students will be eligible for application with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong as Registered Nurse.

The four-year programme will equip students with holistic care that encompasses safe, ethical, legal and culturally sensitive nursing therapeutics provided to clients of all ages and their families in various healthcare settings. On top of essential nursing training theories and placements, the programme also covers a subject in Chinese Medicinal Nursing to help nursing students acquire knowledge of traditional Chinese medicines and understand the changing health concerns of our community.

Apart from placements at the two collaborating hospitals, nursing students will be arranged to undergo intensive training in more than 20 hospitals, homes for the elderly as well as community-based institutions. In order to broaden nursing students’ horizons, overseas summer placements will also be organized.


Press Contacts

Dr Kin Cheung

Assistant Professor and Programme Coordinator, School of Nursing

Email(852) 2766 6773