2007.11.15PolyU strikes new deal with China’s National Sports Training Centre

PolyU strikes new deal with China’s National Sports Training CentrePolyU strikes new deal with China’s National Sports Training Centre

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), which has been designated by the Chinese Olympics Committee as a Partner in Research and Technology Development for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, has further strengthened its collaboration with national sports authorities by signing a new pact with China’s National Sports Training Centre (NSTC).

The new pact was signed by Mr Yan Siduo, Director of NSTC, and Mr Alexander Tzang, PolyU Deputy President; as witnessed by Mr Sun Weimin, Deputy Director of NSTC, Prof. Thomas Wong Kwok-shing, Dean of PolyU’s Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS), and Dr Carly Lam, Head of PolyU’s School of Optometry (SO), at an on-campus signing ceremony held on 10 November.

Following the signing of this pact, PolyU has been designated by NTSC as the state authority’s long-term collaborative research partner; and its School of Optometry as an official sports vision care partner of NSTC for the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tzang said PolyU is privileged to enjoy a long-term collaborative relationship with NSTC. He said: “This pact has given due recognition to PolyU’s contribution in the area of sports health. It is also a milestone in Mainland-Hong Kong’s joint development of sports health care.”

The new pact will further extend the provision of sports rehabilitation services and sports health care by PolyU to the national sports squads beyond the Beijing Olympics. In addition, PolyU and NSTC will jointly explore the possibility of launching a unique, intensive educational programme for retired or retiring Chinese athletes, preparing them for a professional career utilising their wealth of experience in sports.

In addition, the pact covers a new agreement for collaboration between SO and NSTC. Under the agreement, SO will also send forth specialists to provide a full range of eye care and sports vision services to the national sports squads in their preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics at a new sports vision centre recently established in Beijing.

In support of this development, PolyU will set up Hong Kong’s first sports vision training centre in its Optometry Clinic to provide professional training in sports vision for staff and students, equipping them with advanced knowledge to serve athletes in the future.

The University, particularly FHSS, is actively engaged in rendering its expertise for the preparation work of 2008 Beijing Olympics. As a designated research-and-technology-development partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee since May 2006, PolyU has sent forth its multi-disciplinary experts from FHSS to help athletes prepare for the Olympic Games.


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Ms Shirley Chong

Senior Marketing and Communications Manager, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Email(852) 3400 3972 / 9301 2353