
Stephen Politzer-Ahles

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This a course on pragmatics (obviously). It is intended to be done as a "flipped" class, in which students read or watch some materials online before class, and then do some deeper discussion and activities in class. I have divided the materials into small chunks—modules—, and each module includes both some stuff for students to read or watch before class and some suggestions for in-class activities or discussion topics that students can do together after that.

This class does not include grades or assessments; instead, students grade themselves. Specifically, as a class we work together to come up with a set of learning goals and evaluative criteria, and then throughout the semester students work on projects that will help showcase their accomplishment of those goals. At the end of the semester students evaluate their own progress on meeting those goals, and work through some guided reflection questions to decide what grade they think they have earned and to use evidence from their work throughout the semester to justify that grade. This self-assessment approach is one of several approaches that fall under the broad umbrella called "ungrading" or "going gradeless". For more information, see my explanation of how this works and why I do it.

Activities and assignments

Here are the things students do in the class.

All work done in this class must be plagiarism-free; I don't accept work that includes plagiarism. Students are highly recommended to read the page "What is plagiarism?" as early as possible to make sure they correctly understand what plagiarism is, to avoid having to redo work later.


The content in the modules is mostly stuff I have tried to condense from elsewhere, so I don't really assign any reading other than the modules themselves. My main sources for these modules are the following texts. In the modules, wherever I refer to an author without providing a date or link or whatever (e.g., if I say something like "Noveck argues that..."), I am referring to these.

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2022-04-22. CC-BY-4.0.