fMRI (2 hours)

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Summarize and critique any one fMRI experiment from the list below, in 300 words or less. (Some of these papers include multiple experiments; in those cases, you only need to discuss the fMRI part.)

You should choose based on which paper looks most interesting to you, not based on length. A shorter paper is not necessarily an easier paper to understand or summarize; sometimes a paper is short because the background concepts are not explained clearly.


Remember that, to complete this module, you need to do three of the extra activities, and they should cover at least two different neurolinguistic methods (i.e., you can't pass the module by just doing three tasks about EEG). If you haven't finished three yet, you can choose another from the list below:

  1. Measuring aphasia
  2. The N400
  3. The Lateralized Readiness Potential
  4. The Mismatch Negativity
  5. The N400 vs. the P600

When you have finished three extra activities, you are done with the module (assuming all your work on this and the previous tasks has been satisfactory). If you are interested in leading a discussion on this module, you can go on to see the suggested discussion topics. Otherwise, you can return to the module homepage to review this module, or return to the class homepage to select a different module or assignment to do now.

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-07-15. CC-BY-4.0.