What ANOVA is (2 hours)

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(I recommend you complete the "Introduction to inferential statistics and t-tests" module before attempting this module.)

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a sort of weird technique. I actually have not done an ANOVA in many years, because the things that ANOVA does can be accomplished with other methods and I prefer those other methods. Nevertheless, learning about ANOVA is useful because it will introduce you to some concepts that are important for other statistical techniques as well: particularly, the concept of a factorial design (including main effects, simple effects, and interactions), and the concept of multiple comparisons. Therefore, let's learn the basics of what ANOVA is, because that will allow you to learn about those other concepts, and those concepts will continue to be relevant even if you never run an ANOVA again in your life.

Complete the activities below to get familiar with what ANOVA does and how it works.

By now you should know that t-test tests whether the means of two groups of data are different (this might be two independent groups, such as native speakers vs. L2ers, or it might be two dependent/paired groups, such as people's pretest scores and those same people's post-test scores). ANOVA tests whether the means of two or more groups are different. If you do ANOVA with two groups of data, it's equivalent to a t-test. But if you have more than two groups, ANOVA tests whether there is a significant difference anywhere within that set of groups. For example, imagine you compare speakers of three languages (English, Mandarin, and Cantonese) on some measure. There are three pairwise comparisons you could make here: English vs. Mandarin, English vs. Cantonese, or Mandarin vs. Cantonese. (And that's not even starting to think about more complex comparisons, like "English vs. the average of Mandarin and Cantonese".) You could analyze this by doing three separate t-tests. Or, you could first do an ANOVA, which will tell you whether any of these comparisons shows a significant difference. If your ANOVA suggests that there are no significant differences among these groups, then you don't need to bother doing the three t-tests; the ANOVA already told you there's nothing to find here. On the other hand, if your ANOVA suggests that there is a significant difference among these groups, then you will need to go ahead and do t-test to figure out exactly which pair of groups (or which complex difference) shows the difference.

The reason I rarely do this is because I don't do research like this. Think about the module on research questions and hypotheses: "there is some difference somewhere within these three groups I measured" is a crappy hypothesis. Usually if I bothered to collect data from three groups, then I already have some specific hypotheses (e.g., "I think Cantonese will be significantly higher than English but not significantly higher than Mandarin") and I just directly go to those t-tests. However, there may be some limited situations where this kind of ANOVA is useful. For example, if you truly do have a ton of data from a ton of groups and you don't have predictions about it, then doing an ANOVA (rather than a ton of t-tests) can at least tell you whether it's worthwhile to look into the comparisons in more detail. If the ANOVA doesn't come out significant, then you know you have no justification to look into more specific comparisons.

Describe a situation relevant to your own research in which you might use ANOVA. Also describe an alternative way you could analyze the same data with one or more t-tests.

Remember that t-tests work by comparing the mean of one condition to the mean of another condition (review the "Introduction to inferential statistics and t-tests" module to review the specific formula for this). How does ANOVA work? Let's first think about how ANOVA works for an analysis with only two conditions (groups), and then generalize that to analyses with more conditions. We won't get into the specific math or formulae here (you can find that in any statistics textbook or many websites and online tutorials), but just the general logic.

As its name implies, ANOVA works by analyzing the variance in your dataset. In a dataset with two groups, there are two kinds of variance: within-group variance and between-groups variance. Between-groups variance is how much different one group is from the other. Within-group variance is how much the data (e.g. the people) within the same group are different from each other. ANOVA essentially takes a ratio between the two:


If the between-groups variance is much bigger than the within-group variance, that means that two people from different groups tend to be much more different than two people from the same group—in other words, the group difference is pretty big. In this situation, this ratio will be higher than 1, and the ANOVA will be likely to be significant.

On the other hand, if the between-groups variance is smaller than the within-group variance, that means there is very little difference between the groups. In this situation, this ratio will be lower than 1, and the ANOVA will not be significant.

For example, imagine if we took a group of 2-year-old babies and a group of adult NBA basketball players and measured their heights. 2-year-old babies are pretty short, and NBA basketball players are pretty tall, so the between-groups variation is very big. Likewise, there's not a lot of variation in height among two-year-old babies (they're all small), and not a lot of variation among NBA basketball players (they're all tall), so within-groups variation is very small. The between/within ratio will be very big, and the ANOVA will surely come out significant.

Alternatively, imagine if we took a group of PhD students from PolyU and a group of PhD students from HKU. I don't have any particular reason to believe that PolyU students tend to be taller or shorter than HKU students; the between-groups difference is probably pretty small. But there's a lot of variation within groups; even in our own class we probably have some short students and some tall students. (Thinking about CBS professors, who used to be PhD students, there are some short ones like me and Yao, and some tall ones like Prof. Huang.) So the within-groups variation is big. The between/within ratio in this case will be small (probably below 1), and the ANOVA will surely not be significant.

This stuff all works the same for an ANOVA with more than two groups. It's still examining how much variation there is between the groups (in this case, several groups), vs. how much variation there is within each group.

From this discussion, you should realize there are at least four possible combinations of variances (here I'm ignoring more complicated situations where one group has a lot of within-group variance and another group doesn't):

For this question, choose at least three of the above combinations, and for each one prepare the following stuff:

A pair of univariate scatterplots (strip charts), showing the data distributions for two fake groups.

When you have finished these activities, continue to the next section of the module: "Factorial designs".

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-05-15. CC-BY-4.0.