Categorical independent variables (3 hours)

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So far we have only examined regression models with continuous independent variables. Regression can also handle categorical variables, though. Imagine that instead of examining how frequency and length influence reaction time, we instead look at whether animal words or plant words are responded to faster:

Stripchart showing scatter of reaction times to plant words on the left, and reaction times to animal words on the right.

As we usually do, let's remake this graph using only dots, rather than spelling out the full words, to make it easier to see. I will also "jitter" the dots left and right a little bit, so that dots with similar reaction times aren't exactly on top of each other:

Beeswarm plot of reaction times to plant and animal words.

To use this variable in a regression equation, we have to represent it as numbers instead of as "plant" and "animal". There are many schemes to do this; the most common one, which we will look at here, is called dummy coding (also sometimes called treatment coding). To code a categorical variable, we need to assign each data point a number based on whether it's a plant or animal. For now, let's give plant words 0 and animal words 1. Then we'll do a regression analysis to figure out the numbers in the regression equation:


This time, our X1 variable can only be either 0 or 1 (0 for plants, and 1 for animals). This is different from the situation when we examined frequency, where X1 could be any number, since word frequency is continuous. In our current analysis, there are only two possible values for X1: 0 if this word is a plant word, or 1 if it's an animal word.

When we do the analysis, we get the following results:

(Intercept) Classanimal
6.381750976 0.005994602

To understand what these mean, it's easiest to put these numbers into the regression equation:


What does this mean for plant words and for animal words? If a word is a plant word, its value for X1 is 0. The coefficient 0.005994602, times X1 (which is zero), gives us zero. In other words, the expected reaction time for plant words is just the intercept: 6.381750976. (We call plant words the "baseline" condition, because they're the one that we coded as zero. The predicted value for the baseline condition, in a simple situation like this one, is just the intercept.)

As for animal words, their value for X1 is 1, so the coefficient 0.005994602, times X1, will still be 0.005994602. This gets added to the intercept (6.381750976). In other words, the predicted reaction time for animals is 0.005994602 higher than the predicted reaction time for plants; animals are responded to more slowly than plants. What this all means is, the b1 coefficient we get for animal words is directly telling us the difference between the average reaction time for animals and the average reaction time for the baseline condition (plants). Rather than thinking of this coefficient as representing the slope of a line, we can think of it as shifting the whole line up or down:

Same as before, but with horizontal regression lines added

Handling categorical variables in regression uses this basic concept. There are still a lot more details to know about how to deal with categorical variables, though. Complete the activities below to examine some more issues.

At the beginning of this module I said that other statistical methods in this subject, like t-tests and ANOVA, are actually just special versions of regression—in other words, anything you do with a t-test could also be done with regression. (A t-test is essentially just a shortcut to doing one specific kind of regression.)

Explain why this is the case.

So far we have only examined how to deal with categorical variables with two levels (e.g., plant vs. animal). Sometimes you might have more levels than that; for example, maybe you do a study comparing English speakers, Mandarin speakers, and Cantonese speakers. (Categorical variables with more than two levels are sometimes called "polytomous".)

Remember that when we do dummy coding, we turn the categorical variable into a comparison between two levels: the baseline level (plant words, in our example) and another level (animal words, in our example).

To handle a variable with more levels, we need to make more comparisons. Think about the English-Cantonese-Mandarin example I just mentioned. In such a variable, there are three possible comparisons:

  1. English vs. Cantonese
  2. English vs. Mandarin
  3. Mandarin vs. Cantonese

In reality, we only need to make two of these comparisons to fully describe all three conditions. (If I know that English speakers' score on some task is 50, and I know that Cantonese speakers are 15 points higher than English speakers, and I know that Mandarin speakers are 10 points higher than English speakers, then I don't need to specifically calculate the Mandarin vs. Cantonese difference; I can take the information I already mentioned above and use basic arithmetic to deduce that Cantonese is 5 points higher than Mandarin.)

Thus, for any categorical variable with K levels, we can represent it in regression as K-1 comparisons.

Sticking with dummy coding for now, we can transform our "language" variable (a categorical variable with three levels) into two numeric variables: one variable comparing English vs. Cantonese, and another variable comparing English vs. Mandarin. (The choice of which comparison to leave out will be based on your research question; if comparing Mandarin vs. Cantonese is important to your research, you can keep the Mandarin vs. Cantonese comparison and leave out one of the others.) Each data point will get two numbers (one for each variable), as follows:

  1. For the English vs. Cantonese comparison: Cantonese speakers will get 1, and everyone else will get 0;
  2. For the English vs. Mandarin comparison: Mandarin speakers will get 1, and everyone else will get 0.

Thus, after we assign the numbers to each data point, there will be the following combinations:

  Eng-vs-Can variable Eng-vs-Man variable
English speakers 0 0
Cantonese speakers 1 0
Mandarin speakers 0 1

When we do a regression, English speakers will have a value of 0 for each variable; in other words, English is the baseline level, and thus the predicted score for English speakers will just be the intercept.

Cantonese speakers, on the other hand, will have a value of 1 for Eng-vs-Can, and a value of 0 for Eng-vs-Man. Thus, their predicted score will be the intercept plus the Eng-vs-Can coefficient. In other words, the Eng-vs-Can coefficient in the regression results will tell us how much higher Cantonese speakers' score is than English speakers' score.

Finally, the coefficient for Eng-vs-Man will tell us the difference between English and Mandarin speakers, following the same logic.

There will be no coefficient showing the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese; as described above, this can already be inferred from the other coefficients. If you want to see the comparison between these directly, then you should choose one of these groups (Mandarin or Cantonese), rather than English, to be the baseline group when you code the variables.

You may have noticed here that there are a lot of possible comparisons that have not been covered; for example, we haven't looked at how to compare English vs. the average of Mandarin and Cantonese. When you do the reflection question below you will probably come up with more. This is intentional; we have only discussed dummy coding, and many other coding schemes exist. For some kinds of comparisons, other coding schemes would be more appropriate. This is a topic you could spend a very long time studying; but first, you need to at least understand dummy coding.

Think of a situation in your research where you might have a variable with four or more levels. Describe which level should be the baseline, and which comparisons you want to make. Make a table like the above one to show what the coefficients would be.

When you have finished these activities, continue to the next section of the module: "Centering".

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-05-16. CC-BY-4.0.