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Multiple independent variables (2 hours)

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In the previous example we considered a study in which you examine the relationship between word frequency and reaction time. Now let's consider you have another factor you also care about: word length (measured here in number of letters).

I would expect that longer words take more time to respond to. It would be easy to make a graph of this. But imagine you want to examine how both frequency and word length influence reaction time. For that, you will need a three-dimensional graph. (In reality we almost never make graphs like this, because they are super hard to read, but I will include some here just for illustration.) Here's what the data look like:

A rotating 3-d scatterplot showing word frequency (x-axis), word length (y-axis), and reaction time (z-axis)

As you watch this spin you can notice a few things. First of all, words with higher frequency are responded to faster; this is the pattern we already observed in the previous section. But also, longer words are responded to more slowly. (You may need to watch for a minute or two to be able to see this.)

Now imagine we want to draw a regression line through this. What we'll actually need is a regression plane. At every frequency, we'll need a line showing the relationship between length and RT. (Or, to think of it another way: at every length, we'll need a line showing the relationship between frequency and RT.) Putting all those lines together will make a 2-dimensional plane. (When we had two variables and made a 2-dimensional graph, we could draw a 1-dimensional regression line through it. When we have three variables and make a 3-dimensional graph, we need a 2-dimensional plane through it. See the pattern?) Here is what it looks like (but I've removed the dots for the individual words, to make the regression plane easier to see):

Same graph as before, but showing a 2-d regression plane (surface) rather than a scatter

You can see the same pattern here as we did in the scatterplot, but more clearly. High-frequency words have faster RTs than low-frequency words; short words have faster RTs than long words.

This is just like the previous regression example we saw, but with an extra independent variable added. Remember that for the previous example, we could describe the line with a slope-intercept formula:


where X1 represents a given word's frequency, b0 represents the intercept, and b1 represents the coefficient (slope) for frequency. Likewise, for the new dataset, we can describe the plane with a bigger slope-intercept formula:


where X2 represents the word length and b2 represents the coefficient for length.

These are the coefficients I got for this regression model in R:

 (Intercept)    Frequency       Length
 6.505755965 -0.037028265  0.009347907

Plugging them into the new regression formula gives us the following:


What does this mean? Let's think of it by comparing to what we did in the previous example. In the previous example, we used the regression line as a way to predict what a given word's reaction time would be: if we have a word with a frequency of 6, we can look at the graph (or put the frequency into the regression equation) to know what the expected reaction time would be. That's exactly what we do with this bigger equation, as well. Imagine we test a word with a frequency of 4 and a length of 6 letters long. We can plug those numbers into the equation to find the expected reaction time:


Now, by itself, just predicting the reaction time of a word is not particularly interesting. The thing that makes this kind of regression useful is that we can disentangle the effects of different variables. What do I mean by that? Well, think about the relations between frequency, word length, and reaction time. In English, frequent/common words like "the" and "of" probably tend to be shorter than rare words like "paprika". Therefore, if I just examine the relationship between frequency and RT, like I did in the initial example of this module, I may be left with a confound: if high-frequency words like "cat" are responded to faster than low-frequency words like "paprika", is that really evidence that frequency is related to reaction time, or is it actually just a length effect? (In other words, is "cat" responded to faster than "paprika" because it's more common, or just because it's shorter?) Including both frequency and length in the regression model allows us to separate these effects. Imagine that you take the second graph above (the one of the regression plane) and "slice" it anywhere along the length axis. You would get a cross-section, showing the relationship between frequency and RT just for words of that particular length. That is exactly what the regression equation does. If I put in some number for length (X2), but leave frequency (X1) as a variable, then I will get a regression line showing the frequency effect at that particular length. In other words, I can examine the relationship between frequency and RT while holding length constant. And, as you can see from the regression equation I got here, there is still a relationship between frequency and RT (higher-frequency words get lower RTs) even when length is being accounted for.

This ability is one of the most useful features of regression. It allows you to test hypotheses of interest while accounting for (also known as "regressing out") potentially confounding factors. Of course, the best way to test things is to control the confounds (e.g., to get low- and high-frequency words with the same lengths), but that is not always possible or feasible. (For example, think about research on language in children with and without ASD. Children with ASD often have lower scores on tests of certain kinds of "language ability" than children in the same age range but without ASD. This kind of research sometimes includes two different kinds of control groups of children without ASD: "age-matched controls" [children who are the same age as the children with ASD, but who have higher scores on tests of language ability] and "language-matched controls" [children who get the same scores on the language test as the children with ASD, but are younger]. Because ASD tends to affect language, it's pretty much impossible to get a control group of children without ASD who have the same age and same language test scores as the children with ASD.) In situations like that, where perfect control is not possible, regression is a powerful alternative.

Accounting for new variables in the model can even substantially change, or even reverse, the effects of other variables. See this ResearchGate thread for an example. (This example includes a categorical variable, so it may be easier to understand if you revisit it after reading the later sections in this module about categorical variables.)

What we have looked at here is an example with two independent variables, leading to a three-dimensional graph. The regression model can be extended indefinitely, to include more and more variables. Of course, for any more than we have here, it becomes difficult to visualize, because it would require a four-dimensional (or more) graph, and humans aren't capable of seeing in four dimensions. (Although you can read the novel 死神永生 [Death's End, the final book in Liu Cixin's "Three-Body" trilogy] for an interesting exploration of what it would be like if we could see and move in four dimensions. That novel is a real slog, though.) However, the same logic as what we've seen above still applies.

Describe a situation in your own research area where multiple regression could be used to examine the effect of the variable you're interested in while accounting for the confounding effects of one or more other variables.

When you have finished these activities, continue to the next section of the module: "Interactions".

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-05-16. CC-BY-4.0.