Make a simple DMDX experiment (1 hour)

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For this task, all you need to do is make a simple DMDX experiment following one of the tutorials here. It can be any kind of experiment. You should use your own words/sentences (i.e., don't just directly copy-and-paste one of the experiments from the tutorial), but other than that it can be very similar to what was in the tutorial (or you can try to be adventurous and try something different if you like).

Note: if you do the Advanced task for this module, you don't need to do this task. You can complete this module by doing either this task or the Advanced task.

When you finish this activity, you are done with the module (assuming all your work on this and the previous tasks has been satisfactory). However, you may still continue on to the advanced-level task for this module if you wish to complete this module at the advanced level (if you're aiming for a higher grade or if you are just particularly interested in this topic). Otherwise, you can return to the module homepage to review this module, or return to the class homepage to select a different module or assignment to do now.

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-05-14. CC-BY-4.0.