Advanced level (3 hours)

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Choose a real dataset (it could be from your own research, from a paper, or another publicly available dataset such as the ones in this psycholinguistics directory).

Choose at least one contrast or hypothesis within that dataset, and create an informative (i.e., informative for making statistical inferences) graph. You don't need to plot everything in the dataset (it may include other variables which you want to ignore), but you do need to make a graph that accurately shows variation in the data and assists the viewer in making statistical conclusions.

An informative graph can be made using simple tools like Excel, or even by hand, but you might need to first do some processing of the data (for example, if you want to show participant-wise and item-wise averages). See the barbarplots website for several other useful resources.

Along with your graph, provide a description of what you are illustrating in it.

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-05-17. CC-BY-4.0.