02 Sep 2024
The 2024 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research and The 2024 Structures Congress were held in Seoul, Korea, from 19 to 22, August, 2024. The Congress aims at providing the first step fusion approach to solve the global problems of infrastructure, new materials, and environmental issues. Each conference of the Congress is independently organized within ACEM24 in cooperation with other neighboring conferences. Thus the Congress is a premier international forum that brings together academics and practicing engineers to exchange the frontier research results in the allied technologies under the topics of infrastructure, environmental, and materials research. Prof. Yi-Qing Ni led six other TRS group members to attend this conference.
Prof. Ni delivered a keynote speech titled "Urban Risk Mitigation of Tall Building Clusters in Coastal Cities Due to Tropical Storms". During the conference, he also chaired the keynote sessions and three special sessions on " Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments”.
Fig. 1 Presentation by Prof. Yi-Qing Ni at ACEM24
Dr. Yue Dong, a Postdoctoral Fellow, attended the Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments I Session of ACEM24 and gave a presentation entitled “Fragility Modeling of Tall Buildings Subjected to Windborne Debris During Hurricanes”.
Fig. 2 Presentation by Dr. Yue Dong at ACEM24
Dr. E Deng, a Research Fellow, attended the Session: Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments I and gave a presentation entitled “Synchronous wind-rain monitoring network during typhoons in Hong Kong”.
Fig. 3 Presentation by Dr. E Deng at ACEM24
Dr. Zheng-Wei Chen, a Research Assistant Professor, attended the Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments session of ACEM24 and gave four presentations entitled “Tracking Tropical Cyclone Based on Deterministic Meteorological Variables Prediction Using Novel Moving Window Inverted Vision Transformer”, “Effects of Building Complexes on Low-level Wind Shear Around an Airport: A Wind Tunnel Test”, “Multi-scale modeling of urban wind fields in tropical storm environments”, and “Research on Safety Strategies for Rail Transit in Near-Ground Severe Wind Environments:Mitigation Measures and Flow Control”.
Fig. 4 Presentation by Dr. Zheng-Wei Chen at ACEM24
Dr. Zi-Jian Guo, a Postdoctoral Fellow, attended the Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments session of ACEM24 and gave a presentation entitled “Aerodynamic threat of a severe wind condition to the running safety of trains-A case study of tornados”.
Fig. 5 Presentation by Dr. Zi-Jian Guo at ACEM24
Dr. Xiu-Yu Chen, a Research Associate, attended the Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments Session of ACEM24 and gave a presentation entitled “Investigation on unsteady aerodynamic forces on a rectangular section with 3:2 side ratio under accelerating airflow”.
Fig. 6 Presentation by Dr. Xiu-Yu Chen at ACEM24
Mr. Kang Cai, a Research Assistant, attended the Risk mitigation of coastal infrastructure in extreme meteorological environments Session of ACEM24 and gave a presentation entitled “Nonstationary turbulent wind speed models and their effects on wind-induced responses of tall buildings”.
Fig. 7 Presentation by Mr. Kang Cai at ACEM24