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Cooling Smart Coating

An eco-friendly smart coating to keep buildings cool without air conditioners

As heat waves continue to ravage the planet, air conditioners are becoming more and more common. However, these “active” cooling devices are posing circular problems because their excessive electricity consumption and emission of ozone-depleting chemicals only further exacerbates the greenhouse gas effect, resulting in the creation of heat islands and further thermal pollution. Therefore, “passive” cooling, which uses no electricity and generates no greenhouse gas emissions, has attracted considerable attention from both scientific and technological communities in recent years. In a recent study published in Advanced Materials, a team of researchers based in China and US presented an eco-friendly, low-cost smart coating to keep buildings cooler while consuming zero electricity. Infrared radiation-based passive cooling has been investigated since 2014, but challenges, such as the expensive and unsustainable design and fabrication of existing passive cooling platforms, have greatly limited their large-scale and widespread application. To add to these troubles, the imbalance in cooling ability of these coatings during the day vs. night tends to lead to drastic day-night temperature differences as more heat is lost than gained at night. The solution therefore requires a “smart” cooling mechanism that can both enhance daytime cooling and minimize nighttime heat loss. To do this, the researchers created a new smart coating that is comprised of conventional building materials, including titanium dioxide nanoparticles, fluorescent microparticles, and glass microspheres that were engineered to reflect most of the sunlight hitting the building, minimizing its heat absorption while simultaneously re-emitting infrared radiation. Specifically, the titanium dioxide particles effectively reflect sunlight through light scattering while the fluorescent particles further increase the amount of reflected light by effectively converting the absorbed sunlight to fluorescence emissions, which are dissipated away from the building. Meanwhile, the glass microspheres re-emit mid-infrared broadband radiation, allowing not only heat dissipation, but also allow heat exchange to take place between the building and the sky. The former enables the coating’s sub-ambient cooling ability while the latter makes use of the sky as a temperature regulator to narrow its day-night temperature difference, leading to smart sub-ambient radiative cooling. The coating was tested on the surface of a model concrete building. Through this efficient heat exchange with the sky, daytime cooling was enhanced while nighttime cooling was suppressed. The building’s internal temperature was maintained at around 26 ℃, even when the outside temperature varied from 24 ℃ to 37 ℃ during the day. The artificially accelerated weathering test, equivalent to exposing the coating to the outdoors for 2 years, showed that the overall cooling performance degrades negligibly within this time frame. Such robustness in unfavorable weather conditions is critical for extending the developed coating to real-world building cooling applications. The new design concept significantly broadens the scope of materials selection, and further reduces building cooling costs. Let us hope this new coating makes it to commercialization soon, enabling a sustainable, passive cooling technology that could help to fight climate change and the global energy crisis. Written by: Dangyuan Lei is an associate professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the City University of Hong Kong. His research is focused on nanophotonics and optical spectroscopy, with particular interest in plasmon-enhanced light-matter interaction at the nanoscale and their applications in energy harvesting, biosensing and bioimaging. Jian-Guo Dai is a full professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is an expert in new materials and structural systems for infrastructure applications, including multiple functional coating, fiber-reinforced polymer/cementitious composites and geopolymer cement concrete. Reference: Xiao Xue, et al. Creating an Eco‐Friendly Building Coating with Smart Subambient Radiative Cooling, Advanced Materials (2020). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201906751

28 Oct, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment

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理大土木及環境工程學教授戴建國 研發「黑科技」 建築物能製冷

這項發明的核心人物是香港理工大學土木及環境工程學系副系主任戴建國教授和香港城市大學材料科學和工程學系副教授雷黨願。   戴教授希望透過製冷塗層降低建築物的溫度,從而達到減少用冷氣和增加建築物壽命的效果。   戴教授解釋:「之前研究是利用大氣紅外透明窗口,將物體表面的熱量排到寒冷的太空,從而達到低於環境溫度的降溫效果。我們則透過大氣窗口將熱量發射到外太空之餘,還利用大氣長波輻射進行動態熱交換,從而增強日間製冷和抑制夜間超荷製冷。」   戴教授和雷教授的塗層設計是通過多重散射及寬帶紅外膚色的組合原理,以降低建築物表面的有效陽光吸收和增加排放到太空的熱量:塗層採用二氧化鈦納米粒子、螢光材料,以及寬粒徑分布的玻璃微球,在達到製冷的同時,也減少建築物表面的晝夜溫差,令建築物更耐用。   類似的塗層不是首創,但分別在於過去的塗層只能降溫,達不到製冷的功能。「過去不用塗層的話,建築物表面溫度攝氏40度,塗完溫度可以降低一些,但也不可能低於氣溫。唯有達到低於氣溫的效果,才能叫做製冷。所以,降溫和製冷是兩個概念。」   Source: 信報, 16 October 2020  

19 Oct, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment

Info Seminars

PolyU Education Info Day 2020

The PolyU Education Info Day was successfully held on 10 Oct 2020 (Sat). Prospective applicants got the chance to join the information seminars to learn more about the programme curriculum, admission information, career prospects, etc. Current student and graduates’ sharing also provided some first-hand experience to participants. At the end, interactive sessions of online admission chatbox were also held for programme representatives to answer individual questions.   Still have questions? Feel free to visit our website at or contact our staff at

14 Oct, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment


New Joiner - Dr Wenbo CHEN

New Joiner Dr Wenbo CHEN obtained his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and PhD degree in Geotechnical Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include mechanical behavior of soft and granular soils, application of fiber optical sensing technology in geotechnical engineering, and development of innovative testing apparatus. Dr Chen will join us on 1 Oct 2020.

1 Oct, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment


Chair Professor Series: Online Lectures in September 2020

Around 300 participants joined each of our Chair Professor Series: Online Lectures in September 2020. It does not only include a brief introduction of the CEE Department, MSc and PhD Programmes, but also cover various areas related to civil and environmental engineering. Stay tuned for our series in October!

25 Sep, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment


Add Meaning to Your Graduation

The Add Meaning to Your Graduation campaign is specially presented to the Class of 2020.  By donating HK$350, you will receive an exclusive edition of Class of 2020 Certificate Holder, and bring benefits to PolyU and many generations of students to come! Donate Now! FAQ

24 Sep, 2020



Update profile to stay connected amidst distancing

[Update profile to stay connected amidst distancing]   Dear PolyU alumni, how have you been? Started a new job? Completed another degree? Please update your profile online to stay connected with your alma mater. You will receive latest news of the University, as well as exclusive events, benefits and services offered to alumni. You may receive souvenir upon successful update. Act now!   [無懼阻隔 更新個人資料與母校拉近距離]   各位理大校友,您們近來怎麼樣? 開展新工作?完成另一個學位?請登入網頁更新個人資料⯑,與母校保持聯繫,緊貼大學最新動向,接收校友活動、優惠及服務資訊。 成功更新資料有機會獲贈紀念品,請即行動!  

24 Sep, 2020



Geotechnical Engineering Graduate (GEG) training scheme operated by GEO

The Geotechnical Engineering Graduate (GEG) training scheme is operated by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Hong Kong SAR Government.  With about 240 qualified geotechnical professionals, the GEO is responsible for managing and regulating a wide range of geotechnical engineering activities in Hong Kong, in particular slope safety. The recruitment for GEG training scheme 2021 has recently commenced. Find out more details from their pamphlet!   More information can be found at CEDD’s website:

23 Sep, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment

Four PolyU young scientists awarded China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund

Four young scientists at PolyU have been awarded the 2020 Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) recently, a funding provided exclusively to Hong Kong and Macau scientists since last year under the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 25 young scientists (male below 38 and female below 40 years old) from Hong Kong and Macau in total are awarded the fund annually. In this year, seven, five and two scientists at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and City University of Hong Kong respectively were also chosen alongside with the four PolyU scientists. Each awardee will receive a funding of RMB1.2 million for a maximum period of three years, in the form of cross-border remittance to directly support researchers’ work in Hong Kong.   The projects of the four PolyU scientists include sequential remote-sensing, flow and heat/mass transfer in electrochemical energy systems, unsaturated soils and problematic soils, and battery-free internet of things. A spokesperson of PolyU said it was encouraging to see young scientists were supported by the Nation, which not only reflects the Nation’s substantial support to Hong Kong’s scientific research, but also encourages local young scientists to pursue excellence in basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies. (Ta Kung Pao A07, Wen Wei Po A21, Lion Rock Daily P07)

23 Sep, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment

Polyu Education Info Day_poster

PolyU Education Info Day, CEE of PolyU

Get ready for your future and explore what inspires you!   PolyU Education Info Day will be held on 10 Oct 2020 (Sat). It will be a great opportunity for you to meet our academic staff, graduates and current students during online information seminars and to ask them the questions you may have via online admission chatbox. It is also a good way to get a feel for what it would be like to study here. For details, please visit   Online Information Seminars: 11:00 am - 11:45 am BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering 土木工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 (JS3739) Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering 土木工程學高級文憑 (JS3052)   12:00 pm - 12:45 pm BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development 環境工程與可持續發展學(榮譽)工學士學位 (JS3375)   1:00 pm - 1:45 pm BEng (Hons) in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering 結構及消防安全工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 (JS3777)   Admission Chatbox: 11:00 am - 2:45 pm  

23 Sep, 2020

Faculty of Construction and Environment

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