All Publications

Guo, H.*, Wang, Y., Zeren, Y. and Jiao, X., Urban Air Pollution Mitigation for Sustainable Cities: Observation, Modeling, and Control Strategies. In Handbook of Geospatial Approaches to Sustainable Cities (pp. 184-233). CRC Press.

Cheung K and Guo H*, Contribution of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds to Tropospheric Ozone Formation in the Pearl River Delta Region of China, Chapter 4, In: Volatile Organic Compounds: Emission, Pollution and Control, ISBN: 978-1-63117-877-1, Editted by Khaled Chetehouna, Nova Publishers, 2014.

163. Lyu, X., Li, H., Lee, S.C., Xiong, E., Guo, H., Wang, T. & de Gouw, J., 2024. Significant Biogenic Source of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds and the Impacts on Photochemistry at a Regional Background Site in South China. Environmental Science & Technology, 58 (45), 20081-20090. [Link]

162. Yang, J., Zeren, Y., Guo, H.*, Wang, Y., Lyu, X., Zhou, B., Gao, H., Yao, D., Wang, Z., Zhao, S., Li, J., & Zhang, G. 2024. Wintertime ozone surges: The critical role of alkene ozonolysis. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 22, 100477. [Link]

161. Zheng, S., Jiang, F., Feng, S., Liu, H., Wang, X., Tian, X., Ying, C., Jia, M., Shen, Y., Lyu, X., Guo, H., & Cai, Z. 2024. Impact of marine shipping emissions on ozone pollution during the warm seasons in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(14), e2024JD040864. [Link]

160. Li, H., Lyu, X., Xue, L., Huo, Y., Yao, D., Lu, H., & Guo, H*. 2024. In situ measurement of organic aerosol molecular markers in urban Hong Kong during a summer period: temporal variations and source apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(12), 7085-7100. [Link]

159. Sun, J., Yu, X., Ling, Z.*, Fang, G., Ming, L., Zhao, J., Zou, S., Guan, H., Wang, H., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Gao Y., Tham Y.J.*, Guo H., Zhang Y., 2024. Roles of photochemical consumption of VOCs on regional background O3 concentration and atmospheric reactivity over the pearl river estuary, Southern China. Science of The Total Environment, p.172321. [Link]

158. Huo, Y, Lyu, X*, Yao, D, Zhou, B, Yuan, Q, Lee, SC, Guo, H*. Exploring the Formation of High Levels of Hydroxyl Dicarboxylic Acids at an Urban Background Site in South China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(6), p.e2023JD040096, 2024. [Link]

157. Huo, Y, Yao, D, Guo, H*. Differences in aerosol chemistry at a regional background site in Hong Kong before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Science of The Total Environment, p.171990, 2024. [Link]

156. Ling, Z, Guan, H, Wang, Y, Yu, X, Sun, J, Tham, YJ, Wang, X, Wang, Z, Guo, H. Influence of updated isoprene oxidation mechanisms on the formation of intermediate and secondary products in MCM v3. 3.1. Atmospheric Environment, 325, p.120466, 2024. [Link]

155. Kumar, P., Debele, S.E., Khalili, S., Halios, C.H., Sahani, J., Aghamohammadi, N., de Fatima Andrade, M., Athanassiadou, M., Bhui, K., Calvillo, N., Cao, S.J., et al. Urban heat mitigation by green and blue infrastructure: Drivers, effectiveness, and future needs. The Innovation, 5(2), 2024. [Link]

154. She, Y., Li, J., Lyu, X., Guo, H., Qin, M., Xie, X., Gong, K., Ye, F., Mao, J., Huang, L., Hu, J. Current status of model predictions of volatile organic compounds and impacts on surface ozone predictions during summer in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(1), pp.219-233, 2024. [Link]

153. Zheng, Y., Jiang, F., Feng, S., Shen, Y., Liu, H., Guo, H., Lyu, X., Jia, M., Lou, C. Large-scale land-sea interactions extend ozone pollution duration in coastal cities along northern China. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 18, p.100322, 2024. [Link]

152. Poon, H.Y., Lui, K.H., Lau, Y.S., Organ, B., Chan, M.N., Guo, H., Ho, S.S.H., Ho, K.F. Effects of driving conditions on aerosol formation from photooxidation of gasoline vehicles exhaust in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 314, p.120089, 2023. [Link]

151. Lyu X, Li K, Guo H*, Morawska L*, Zhou B, Zeren Y, Jiang F, Chen C, Goldstein AH, Xu X, Wang T, Lu X, Zhu T, Querol X, Chatani S, Latif MT, Schuch D, Sinha V, Kumar P, Mullins B, Seguel R, Shao M, Xue L, Wang N, Chen J, Gao J, Chai F, Simpson I, Sinha B, Blake DR. A synergistic ozone-climate control to address emerging ozone pollution challenges. One Earth, 6 (8), 964-977, 2023 (Impact factor: 16.2; Grade A) [Link]

150. Lui KH, Lau YS, Poon HY, Organ B, Chan MN, Guo H, Ho SS, Ho KF. Characterization of chemical components of fresh and aged aerosol from vehicle exhaust emissions in Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 138940, 2023 (Impact factor: 8.8; Grade A) [Link]

149. Xie Q, Tham YJ, Yu X, Wang Z, Ling Z, Wang X, Guo H, Wang T. Seasonal variations of O3 formation mechanism and atmospheric photochemical reactivity during severe high O3 pollution episodes in the Pearl River Delta region. Atmospheric Environment, 119918, 2023 (Impact factor: 5; Grade A) [Link]

148. Zhou B, Guo H*, Zeren Y, Wang Y, Lyu X, Wang B, Wang H. An Observational Constraint of VOC Emissions for Air Quality Modeling Study in the Pearl River Delta Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038122, 2023 (Impact factor: 4.4; Grade A) [Link]

147. Fan MY, Hong Y, Zhang YL, Sha T, Lin YC, Cao F, Guo H. Increasing Nonfossil Fuel Contributions to Atmospheric Nitrate in Urban China from Observation to Prediction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023 (Impact factor: 11.4; Grade A) [Link]

146. Wang Y, Liu T, Gong D, Wang H, Guo H, Liao M, Deng S, Cai H, Wang B. Anthropogenic Pollutants Induce Changes in Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Formation Intensity and Pathways in a Mountainous Background Atmosphere in Southern China. Environmental Science & Technology. 57 (15), 6253-6262, 2023 (Impact factor: 11.4; Grade A) [Link]

145. Fan MY, Zhang W, Zhang YL, Li J, Fang H, Cao F, Yan M, Hong Y, Guo H, Michalski G. Formation mechanisms and source apportionments of nitrate aerosols in a megacity of eastern China based on multiple isotope observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,128 (6), e2022JD038129, 2023 (Impact factor: 4.4; Grade A) [Link]

144. Lau YS, Poon HY, Organ B, Chuang HC, Chan MN, Guo H, Ho SS, Ho KF. Toxicological effects of fresh and aged gasoline exhaust particles in Hong Kong. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 441:129846, 2023 (Impact factor: 13.6; Grade A) [Link]

143. Lyu X, Guo H*, Zou Q, Li K, Xiong E, Zhou B, Guo P, Jiang F, Tian X. Evidence for reducing volatile organic compounds to improve air quality from concurrent observations and in situ simulations at 10 stations in eastern China. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (22), 15356-15364, 2022 (Impact factor: 11.4; Grade A) [Link]

142. Fan MY, Zhang YL, Hong Y, Lin YC, Zhao ZY, Cao F, Sun Y, Guo H, Fu P. Vertical differences of nitrate sources in urban boundary layer based on tower measurements. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9 (11), 906-912, 2022 (Impact factor: 10.9; Grade A) [Link]

141. Zeren Y, Zhou B, Zheng Y, Jiang F,  Lyu X, Xue L, Wang H, Liu X, Guo H*. Does Ozone Pollution Share the Same Formation Mechanisms in the Bay Areas of China? Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (20), 14326-14337, 2022 (Impact factor: 11.4; Grade A) [Link]

140. Yao DW, Guo H*, Lyu XP, Lu HX, Huo YX. Secondary organic aerosol formation at an urban background site on the coastline of South China: Precursors and aging processes. Environmental Pollution, 119778,, 2022 (Impact factor: 9.988; Grade A).

139. Zeng LW, Yang J, Guo H*, Lyu XP. Impact of NOx reduction on long-term surface ozone pollution in roadside and suburban Hong Kong: Field measurements and model simulations. Chemosphere 302, 134816,, 2022 (Impact factor: 7.086; Grade A).

138. Nie W, Yan C, Huang DD, et al. Secondary organic aerosol formed by condensing anthropogenic vapours over China’s megacities. Nature Geoscience,, 2022 (Impact factor: 16.91; Grade A).

137. Zeren Y, Guo H*, Lyu X, Zhou B, Liu X, Yang L, Yuan Z, Wang Y. Remarkable spring increase overwhelmed hard-earned autumn decrease in ozone pollution from 2005 to 2017 at a suburban site in Hong Kong, South China. Science of the Total Environment 831, 154788,, 2022 (Impact factor: 7.963; Grade A).

136. Lu H, Wang G, Guo H*. Ambient acidic ultrafine particles in different land-use areas in two representative Chinese cities. Science of the Total Environment 830, 154774,, 2022 (Impact factor: 7.963; Grade A).

135. Peng X, Wang T*, Wang WH, Ravishankara AR, George C, Xia M, Cai M, Li QY, Salvador CM, Lau CH, Lyu XP, Poon CN, Mellouki A, Mu YJ, Hallquist M, Saiz-Lopez A, Guo H, Herrmann H, Yu C, Dai JN, Wang YN, Wang XK, Yu A, Leung K, Lee SC, Chen JM. Photodissociation of particulate nitrate as a source of daytime tropospheric Cl2. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2022, 13, 939. (Impact factor: 14.92; Grade A).

134. Shek KY, Zeren Y, Guo H, Li M, Liu M, Huang B, Lyu X*. Insights on In-Situ Photochemistry Associated with Ozone Reduction in Guangzhou during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 212. atmos13020212 (Impact factor: 2.686; Grade B).

133. Li QQ, Gong DC, Wang Y, Wang H*, Wang WL, Wu GC, Guo H, Wang BG*, Accelerated toluene degradation over forests around megacities in southern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 230, 113126, 2022 (Impact factor: 6.291; Grade A). [Link]

132. Xing L*, Fu T-M, Liu TY, Qin YM, Zhou LY, Chan KC, Guo H, Yao DW, Duan KQ, Estimating organic aerosol emissions from cooking in winter over the Pearl River Delta region, China. Environmental Pollution 292, 118266, 2022 (Impact factor: 8.071; Grade A). [Link]

131. Liu XF, Guo H*, Zeng LW, Lyu XP, Wang Y, Zeren YZ, Yang J, Zhang LY, Zhao SZ, Li J, Zhang G, Photochemical ozone pollution in five Chinese megacities in summer 2018. Science of the Total Environment 801, 149603, 2021 (Impact factor: 7.693; Grade A). [Link]

130. Ahadullah, Yau SY*, Lu HX, Lee TMC, Guo H*, Chan CCH, PM2.5 as a potential risk factor for autism spectrum disorder: Its possible link to neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and changes in gene expression. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 128, 534-548, 2021 (Impact factor: 8.329; Grade A) [Link]

129. Tian L, Li J, Zhao SZ*, Tang J, Li J, Guo H, Liu X, Zhong GC, Xu Y, Lin T, Lyu XP, Chen DH, Li KC, Shen J, Zhang G*, DDT, Chlordane, and Hexachlorobenzene in the Air of the Pearl River Delta Revisited: A Tale of Source, History, and Monsoon. Environmental Science and Technology 55(14), 9740-9749,, 2021(Impact factor: 9.028; Grade A) [Link]

128. Zhou LY, Liu TY, Yao DW, Guo H, Cheng CL, Chan CK*, Primary emissions and secondary production of organic aerosols from heated animal fats. Science of the Total Environment 794, 148638, 2021 (Impact factor: 7.693; Grade A) [Link]

127. Morawska L*, Zhu T*, Liu N, Torkmahalleh MA, Andrade M, Barratt B, Broomandi P, Buonanno G, Ceron LCB, Chen JM, Cheng Y, Evans G, Gavidia M, Guo H, Hanigan I, Hu M, Jeong CH, Kelly F, Gallardo M, Kumar P, Lyu XP, Mullins BJ, Nordstrom C, Pereira G, Querol X, Roa NYR, Russell A, Thompson H, Wang H, Wang L, Wang T, Wierzbicka A, Xue T, Ye C, The state of science on severe air pollution episodes: Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Environment International 156, 106732, 2021 (Impact factor: 9.621; Grade A) [Link]

126. Wang BM, Chan YL, Li G, Ho KF, Anwer AG, Smith B, Guo H, Jalaludin B, Herbert C, Thomas PS, Liao JY, Chapman D, Foster P, Saad S, Chen H, Oliver BG*, Maternal particulate matter exposure impairs lung health and is associated with mitochondrial damage. Antioxidants 10, 1029, antiox10071029, 2021 (Impact factor: 5.014; Grade A) [Link]

125. Lu HX, Huang FW, Guo H*, Differential removal of nanoparticles on the surface of a thin film substrate. ACS Omega 6, 16280-16287,, 2021 (Impact factor: 3.512; Grade B) [Link]

124. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Zhang WH, Cheng HR, Yao DW, Lu HX, Zhang LY, Zeren YZ, Liu XF, Qian Z, Wang SM, Ozone and its precursors in a high-elevation and highly forested region in central China: origins, in-situ photochemistry and implications of regional transport. Atmospheric Environment 259, 118540,, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.798; Grade A) [Link]

123. Fu XW*, Liu C, Zhang H, Xu Y, Zhang H, Li J, Lyu XP, Zhang G, Guo H, Wang X, Zhang LM, Feng XB*, Isotopic compositions of atmospheric total gaseous mercury in 10 Chinese cities and implications for land surface emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21, 6721-6734, 2021 (Impact factor: 6.133; Grade A) [Link]

122. Qian Z, Chen YJ*, Liu ZY, Han Y, Zhang YS, Feng YL*, Shang Y, Guo H*, Li Q, Shen GF, Chen JM, Tao S., Intermediate volatile organic compound emissions from residential solid fuel combustion based on field measurements in rural China. Environmental Science & Technology 55(9), 5689-5700,, 2021 (Impact factor: 9.028; Grade A) [Link]

121. Zhao SZ, Tian LL, Zou ZH, Liu X, Zhong GC, Mo YZ, Wang Y, Tian YK, Li J, Guo H, Zhang G*, Probing Legacy and Alternative Flame Retardants in the Air of Chinese Cities. Environmental Science & Technology 55(14), 9450-9459,, 2021 (Impact factor: 9.028; Grade A) [Link]

120. Meng Y, Song JW, Zeng LW, Zhang YY, Zhao Y, Liu XF, Guo H, Zhong LJ, Ou YB, Zhou Y, Zhang T, Yue DL, Lai SC*, Ambient volatile organic compounds at a receptor site in the Pearl River Delta region: Variations, source apportionment and effects on ozone formation. Journal of Environmental Sciences 111, 104-117, 2022 (Impact factor: 5.565; Grade A) [Link]

119. Yao DW, Lyu XP, Lu HX, Zeng LW, Liu TY, Chan K Chak, Guo H*, Characteristics, sources and evolution processes of atmospheric organic aerosols at a roadside site in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 252, 118298, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118298, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.798; Grade A) [Link]

118. Zeng LW, Guo H*, Lyu X, Zhou B, Ling Z, Simpson IJ, Meinardi S, Barletta B, Blake DR, Long-term variations of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates and their sources in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution 270, 116285,, 2021 (Impact factor: 8.071; Grade A) [Link]

117. Lei XW, Cheng HR*, Peng J, Jiang HM, Lyu XP, Zeng P, Wang ZW, Guo H, Impact of long-range atmospheric transport on volatile organic compounds and ozone photochemistry at a regional background site in central China. Atmospheric Environment 246, 118093,, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.798; Grade A) [Link]

116. Ling ZH, Xie QQ, Shao M, Wang Z*, Wang T, Guo H, Wang XM*, Formation and sink of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in a polluted subtropical environment: observation-based photochemical analysis and impact evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20, 11451-11467, 2020 ((Impact factor: 5.63; Grade A) [Link]

115. Lu HX, Lyu XP, Guo H*, A novel semi-automatic method for measuring acidic ultrafine particles in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment 245, 118044, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.012; Grade A) [Link]

114. Lu HX, Yao DW, J Yip, CW Kan, Guo H*, Addressing COVID-19 spread: Development of reliable testing system for mask reuse. Aerosol & Air Quality Research 20: 2309–2317, 2020 (Impact factor: 2.735; Grade B) [Link]

113. Liu XF, Wang N, Lyu XP, Zeren YZ, Jiang F, Wang XM, Zou SC, Ling ZH, Guo H*, Photochemistry of ozone pollution in autumn in Pearl River Estuary, South China. Science of the Total Environment 754, 141812, 2021. (Impact factor: 6.551; Grade A) [Link]

112. Wang QQ, He X, Zhou M, Huang DD, Qiao LP, Zhu SH, Ma Y, Wang HL, Li L, Huang C, Huang XH, Xu W, Worsnop D, Goldstein AH, Guo H, Yu J, Hourly measurements of organic molecular markers in urban Shanghai, China: Primary organic aerosol source identification and observation of cooking aerosol aging. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4, 1670?1685, 2020 (Impact factor: 2.19; Grade B) [Link]

111. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Yao DW, Lu HX, Huo YX, Xu W, Kreisberg N, Goldstein AH, Jayne J, Worsnop D, Tan Y, Lee SC, Wang T, In situ measurements of molecular markers facilitate understanding of dynamic sources of atmospheric organic aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 11058-11069, 2020 (Impact factor: 7.27; Grade A) [Link]

110. Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Blake NJ, Meinardi S, Barletta B, Hughes SC, Fleming LT, Crawford JH, Diskin GS, Emmons LK, Fried A, Guo H, Peterson DA, Wisthaler A, Woo J-H, Barré J, Gaubert B, Kim J, Kim MJ, Kim Y, Knote C, Mikoviny T, Pusede SE, Schroeder JR, Wang Y, Wennberg PO, Zeng LW. Characterization, sources and reactivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Seoul and surrounding regions during KORUS-AQ. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 8(1), p.37. DOI: 2020 (Impact factor: 4.212; Grade A) [Link]

109. Huang WW, Zhao QY, Liu Q, Chen F, He ZR, Guo H, Ling ZH*. Assessment of atmospheric photochemical reactivity in the Yangtze River Delta using a photochemical box model. Atmospheric Research 245, 105088, 2020 (Impact factor: 4.676; Grade A) [Link]

108. Zeng LW, Dang J, Guo H*, Lyu XP, Simpson IJ, Meinardi S, Wang Y, Zhang LY, Blake DR. Long-term temporal variations and source changes of halocarbons in the Greater Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Environment 234, 117550, 2020 (Impact factor: 4.012; Grade A) [Link]

107. Zeng P, Guo H, Cheng HR*, Wang ZW*, Zeng LW, Lyu XP, Zhan LX, Yang Z. Aromatic hydrocarbons in urban and suburban atmospheres in Central China: Spatiotemporal patterns, source implications, and health risk. Atmosphere 10, 565; doi:10.3390/atmos10100565, 2019 (Impact factor: 2.397; Grade B) [Link]

106. Zhang F, Guo H*, Chen YJ, Matthias V, Zhang Y, Yang X, Chen JM. Size-segregated characteristics of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and organic matter in particulate matter (PM) emitted from different types of ships in China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 1549–1564, 2020 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

105. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Wang Y, Zhang F, Nie K, Dang J, Liang ZR, Dong SH, Zeren YZ, Zhou BN, Gao W, Zhao SZ, Zhang G. Hazardous volatile organic compounds in ambient air of China. Chemosphere, 246, 125731-125744, 2020 (Impact factor: 5.108; Grade A) [Link]

104. Zhu JX, Cheng HR*, Peng J, P Zeng, Wang ZW, Lyu XP, Guo H. O3 photochemistry on O3 episode days and non-O3 episode days in Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Environment, 223, 117236, 2020 (Impact factor: 4.012; Grade A) [Link]

103. Zeren YZ, Guo H*, Lyu XP*, Jiang F, Wang Y, Liu XF, Zeng LW, Li M, Li L. An ozone “pool” in South China: Investigations on atmospheric dynamics and photochemical processes over the Pearl River Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 10.1029/2019JD030833, 2019 (Impact factor: 3.96; Grade A) [Link]

102. Chan YL*, Wang BM*, Chen H, Ho KF, Cao JJ, Guo H, Jalaludin B, Herbert C, Thomas PS, Saad S, Oliver BGG. Pulmonary in?ammation induced by low-dose particulate matter exposure in mice. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 317, L424–L430, 2019 (Impact factor: 4.092; Grade A) [Link]

101. Wang JY, Zeng LW, Zhang WH*, Lyu XP, Guo H, Fu PQ, Han LH, Zhou Y. Characteristics and causes of summer ozone pollution in Beijing City. Geochimica 48(3), 293-302, 2019.

100. Zeng LW, Offor F., Zhan LX, Lyu XP, Liang ZR, Zhang LY, Wang JY, Cheng HR, Guo H*. Comparison of PM2.5 pollution between an African city and an Asian metropolis. Science of the Total Environment 696, 134069-134080, 2019 (Impact factor: 4.9; Grade A) [Link]

99. Zeng P, Lyu XP, Guo H, Cheng HR*, Wang ZW, Liu XF, Zhang WH. Spatial variation of sources and photochemistry of formaldehyde in Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Environment. Doi:, 2019 (Impact factor: 4.012; Grade A) [Link]

98. He ZR, Wang XM, Ling ZH, Zhao J, Guo H, Shao M, Wang Z. Contributions of different anthropogenic volatile organic compound sources to ozone formation at a receptor site in the Pearl River Delta region and its policy implications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 8801-8816, 2019 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

97. Yang Z, Cheng HR*, Wang ZW, Peng J, Zhu JX, Lyu XP, Guo H. Chemical characteristics of atmospheric carbonyl compounds and source identification of formaldehyde in Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Research 228, 95-106, 2019 (Impact factor: 3.817; Grade A) [Link]

96. Zeng LW, Fan G-J, Lyu XP, Guo H*, Wang J-L, Yao DW. Atmospheric fate of peroxyacetyl nitrate in suburban Hong Kong and its impact on local ozone pollution, Environmental Pollution,, 2019 (Impact factor: 5.099; Grade A) [Link]

95. Liu XF, Lyu XP, Wang Y, Jiang F, Guo H*. Inter-comparison of O3 formation and radical chemistry in the past decade at a suburban site in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 5127–5145, 2019 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

94. Wang Y, Guo H*, Lyu XP, Zhang LY, Zeren YZ, Zou SC, Ling ZH. Photochemical evolution of continental air masses and their influence on ozone formation over the South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment 673, 424-434, 2019 (Impact factor: 4.9; Grade A) [Link]

93. Lu HX, Lyu XP, Cheng HR, Ling ZH, Guo H*. Overview on the spatial-temporal characteristics of ozone formation regime in China. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, DOI: 10.1039/C9EM00098D, 2019 (Impact factor: 2.491; Grade B) [Link]

92. Lyu XP, Wang N, Guo H*, Xue LK, Jiang F, Zeren YZ, Cheng HR, Cai Z, Han LH, Zhou Y. Causes of a continuous summertime O3 pollution event in Jinan, a central city in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19(5), 3025-3042, Doi: 10.5194/acp-19-3025-2019, 2019 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

91. Liu TY, Zhou LY, Liu QY, Lee BP, Yao DW, Lu HX, Lyu XP, Guo H, Chan CK. Secondary organic aerosol formation from urban roadside air in Hong Kong. Environmental Science and Technology 53 (6), 3001–3009, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06587, 2019 (Impact factor: 6.198; Grade A) [Link]

90. Gong D, Wang H, Zhang S, Wang Y, Liu SC, Guo H, Shao M, He C, Chen D, He L, Zhou L, Morawska L, Zhang Y, Wang B. Low-level summertime isoprene observed at a forested mountaintop site in southern China: implications for strong regional atmospheric oxidative capacity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 14417-14432, 2018 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

89. Yuan J, Ling ZH, Wang Z, Lu X, Fan SJ, He ZR , Guo H, Wang XM, Wang N. PAN–precursor relationship and process analysis of PAN variations in the Pearl River Delta region. Atmosphere 9, 372; doi:10.3390/atmos9100372, 2018 (Impact factor: 1.704; Grade C) [Link]

88. Yao DW, Lyu XP, Murray F, Morawska L, Wang Y, Wang JY, Guo H*. Continuous effectiveness of replacing catalytic converters on liquefied petroleum gas-fueled vehicles in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment 648, 830-838, 2019 (Impact factor: 4.9; Grade A) [Link]

87. Zeng P, Guo H, Liang SW, Hu K, Huang Z, Hu YQ, Wang ZW, Cheng HR, Lyu XP. Ambient volatile organic compounds and their contributions to ozone formation in Wuhan. Environmental Science & Technology (環境科學與技術; Chinese journal), vol. 7, 117-124, 2018. [Link]

86. Zeng P, Lyu XP, Guo H*, Cheng HR, Jiang F, Pan WZ, Wang ZW, Liang SW, Hu YQ. Causes of ozone pollution in summer in Wuhan, Central China. Environmental Pollution 214, 852-861, 2018. (Impact factor: 8.04; Grade A) [Link]

85. Zeng LW, Lyu XP, Guo H*, Zou SC, Ling ZH. Photochemical formation of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates in suburban Hong Kong and over South China Sea. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 5581-5589, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00256, 2018. (Impact factor: 7.13; Grade A) [Link]

84. Wang H, Lyu XP, Guo H*, Wang Y, Zou SC, Ling ZH, Wang XM, Jiang F, Zeren YZ, Pan WZ, Huang XB, Shen J, Ozone pollution around a coastal region of South China Sea: interaction between marine and continental air, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 4277-4295, 2018 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

83. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Wang N, Simpson IJ, Cheng HR, Zeng LW, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Meinardi S, Blake DR. Modeling C1–C4 alkyl nitrate photochemistry and their impacts on O3 production in urban and suburban environments of Hong Kong. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 10,539–10,556. 2017JD027315, 2017 (Impact factor: 3.96; Grade A) [Link]

82. Huang FW, Xu Y, Tan ZH, Wu ZB, Xu H, Shen LL, Xu X, Han QG, Guo H, Hu ZL, Assessment of pollutions and identification of sources of heavy metals in sediments from west coast of Shenzhen, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res, (Impact factor: 2.741; Grade A) [Link]

81. Wang Y, Guo H*, Zou SC, Lyu XP, Ling ZH, Cheng HR, Zeren YZ, Surface O3 photochemistry over the South China Sea: Application of a near-explicit chemical mechanism box model. Environmental Pollution 234, 155-166, 2018 (Impact factor: 4.839; Grade A) [Link]

80. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Cheng HR, Wang DW, New particle formation and growth at a suburban site and a background site in Hong Kong. Chemosphere 193, 664-674, 2018 (Impact factor: 4.208; Grade A) [Link]

79. Wang Y, Wang H, Guo H*, Lyu XP, Cheng HR, Ling ZH, Louie PKK, Simpson IJ, Meinardi S, Blake DR, Long-term O3-precurosr relationships in Hong Kong: filed observation and model simulation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17, 10919-10935, 2017 (Impact factor: 5.318; Grade A) [Link]

78. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Cheng HR, Wang XM, Ding X, Lu HX, Yao DW, Xu C, Observation of SOA tracers at a mountainous site in Hong Kong: Chemical characteristics, origins and implication on particle growth. Science of the Total Environment 605-606, 180-189, 2017 (Impact factor: 4.9; Grade A) [Link]

77. Chen JM, Li CL, Ristovski Z, Milic A, Gu YT, Islam MS, Wang SX, Hao, JM, Zhang HF, He CR, Guo H, Fu HB, Milijevic B, Morawska L, Thai P, Lam YF, Pereira G, Ding AJ, Huang X, Dumka UC, A review of biomass burning: Emissions and their impacts on air quality, health and climate in China. Science of the Total Environment 579, 1000-1034, 2017 (Impact factor: 3.976; Grade A) [Link]

76. Wang ZB, Wu ZJ, Shang DJ, Jiang JK, Ding AJ, Sun JY, Wang L, Gao J, Guo H, Cheung J, Keywood M, Morawska L,Hu M*,New particle formation in China: current knowledge and further directions. Science of the Total Environment 577, 258-266, 2017 (Impact factor: 3.976; Grade A) [Link]

75. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheng HR, Simpson IJ, Lyu XP, Wang XM, Shao M, Lu HX, Ayoko G, Zhang YL, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Wang JL, Blake DR, Tropospheric volatile organic compounds in China. Science of the Total Environment 574, 1021-1043, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.09.116, 2017 (Impact factor: 3.976; Grade A) [Link]

74. Lyu XP, Zeng LW, Guo H*, Simpson IJ, Ling ZH, Wang Y, Murray F, Louie PKK, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Blake DR, Evaluation of the effectiveness of air pollution control measures in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution 220, 87-94,, 2016 (Impact factor: 4.839; Grade A) [Link]

73. Lyu XP, Chen N, Guo H*, Zeng LW, Zhang WH, Shen F, Quan JH, Wang N, Chemical characteristics and causes of airborne particulate pollution in warm seasons in Wuhan, central China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 10671-10687, 2016 (Impact factor: 5.114; Grade A) [Link]

72. Zhao W, Fan SJ, Guo H, Gao B, Sun JR, Chen LG, Assessing the impact of local meteorological variables on surface ozone in Hong Kong during 2000-2015 using quantile and multiple line regression models. Atmospheric Environment 144, 182-193, 2016 (Impact factor: 3.281) [Link]

71. Wang N, Deng XJ, Guo H, Deng T, Lyu XP, Li Y, Yin CQ, Li F, Wang SQ, Assessment of regional air quality resulting from emission control in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China. Science of the Total Environment 573, 1554-1565,, 2016 (Impact factor: 3.976; Grade A) [Link]

70. Fei LL, Chan LY, Bi XH, Guo H, Liu YL, Lin QH, Wang XM, Peng PA, Sheng GY, Effect of cloud-to-ground lightning and meteorological conditions on surface NOx and O3 in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Research 182, 132-141, 2016 (Impact factor: 3.377; Grade A) [Link]

69. Lyu XP, Liu M, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Wang Y, Louie PKK, Luk CWY, Spatiotemporal variation of ozone precursors and ozone formation in Hong Kong: Grid field measurement and modeling study. Science of the Total Environment 569-570, 1341-1349, 2016 (Impact factor: 3.976; Grade A) [Link]

68. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Chen GX, Lam SHM, Fan SJ, Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde at different elevations in mountainous areas in Hong Kong. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16, 1868-1978, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.09.0571, 2016 (Impact factor: 2.393; Grade B) [Link]

67. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Simpson IJ, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Lyu XP, Blake DR, New insight into the spatiotemporal variability and source apportionments of C1-C4 alkyl nitrates in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 8141–8156, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-22597-2015, 2016 (Impact factor: 5.114; Grade A) [Link]

66. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Simpson IJ, Meinardi S, Louie PKK, Ling ZH, Wang Y, Liu M, Luk CWY, Wang N, Blake DR, Effectiveness of replacing catalytic converters in LPG-fueled vehicles in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 6609-6626, 2016 (Impact factor: 5.114; Grade A) [Link]

65. Ou JM, Yuan ZB, Zheng JY, Huang ZJ, Shao M, Li ZK, Huang XB, Guo H, Louie PKK, Ambient ozone control in a photochemically active region: Short-term de-spiking or long-term attainment? Environmental Science and Technology 50, 5720-5728, 2016 (Impact factor: 5.393; Grade A) [Link]

64. Fang XK, Shao M, Stohl A, Zhang Q, Zheng JY, Guo H, Wang C, Wang M, Ou JM, Thompson RL, Prinn RG, Top-down estimates of benzene and toluene emissions in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 3369-3382, 2016 (Impact factor: 5.05; Grade A) [Link]

63. Lyu XP, Ling ZH, Guo H*, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Wang N, Wang Y, Liu M, Wang T, Re-examination of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates in Hong Kong using an observation-based model, Atmospheric Environment 120, 28-37, 2015 (Impact factor: 3.281) [Link]

62. Lyu XP, Chen N, Guo H*, Zhang WH, Wang N, Wang Y, Liu M, Ambient volatile organic compounds and their effect on ozone production in Wuhan, central China, Science of the Total Environment 541, 200-209, 2016 (Impact factor: 3.163) [Link]

61. Cheung K, Ling ZH, Wang DW, Wang Y, Guo H*, Lee B, Li YJ, Chan CK, Characterization and source identification of sub-micron particles at the HKUST Supersite in Hong Kong, Science of the Total Environment 527-528, 287-296, 2015 (Impact factor: 3.163) [Link]

60. Lam SHM, Saunders SM, Cheng HR, Guo H, Examination of regional ozone formation: POCPs for Western Australia and comparisons to other Continents, Environmental Modelling and Software 74, 194-200. j.envsoft.2014.12.025, 2015 (Impact factor: 4.538) [Link]

59. Fu XX, Guo H*, Wang XM, Ding X, He QF, Liu TY, Zhang Z, PM2.5 acidity at a background site in the Pearl River Delta region in fall-winter of 2007 to 2012, Journal of Hazardous Materials 286, 484-492, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.01.022, 2015 (Impact factor: 4.331) [Link]

58. Ou JM, Guo H*, Zheng JY, Cheung K, Louie PKK, Ling ZH, Wang DW, Concentrations and sources of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) from 2005 to 2013 in Hong Kong: a multi-year real-time data analysis, Atmospheric Environment 103, 196-206, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.12.048, 2015 (Impact factor: 3.062) [Link]

57. Gao B, Wang XM, Zhao XY, Ding X, Fu XX, Zhang YL, He QF, Zhang Z, Liu TY, Huang ZZ, Chen LG, Peng Y, Guo H, Source apportionment of atmospheric PAHs and their toxicity using PMF: impact of gas/particle partitioning, Atmospheric Environment, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.12.006, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.062) [Link]

56. Wang N, Guo H*, Jiang F, Ling ZH, Wang T, Simulation of ozone formation at different elevations in mountainous area of Hong Kong using WRF-CMAQ model, Science of the Total Environment 505, 939-951, 2015 (Impact factor: 3.163)

55. Wang DW, Guo H*, Chak Ck, Diffusion sampler for Measurement of Acidic Ultrafine Particles in the Atmosphere, Aerosol Science and Technology 48:12, 1236-1246, 10.1080/02786826.2014.978937, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.155) [Link]

54. Wang DW, Guo H*, Cheung K, Gan FX, Observation of nucleation mode particle burst and new particle formation events at an urban site in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 99, 196-205, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.074, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.465) [Link]

53. Liu B, Wang DW, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K, Metallic corrosion in the polluted urban atmosphere of Hong Kong, Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:4112, 10.1007/s10661-014-4112-z, 2015 (Impact factor: 1.679) [Link]

52. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Lam SHM, Saunders SM, Wang T, Atmospheric photochemical reactivity and ozone production at two sites in Hong Kong: Application of a Master Chemical Mechanism–photochemical box model, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021794, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.44) [Link]

51. Fu XX, Wang XM, Guo H*, Cheung K, Ding X, Zhao XY, He QF, Gao B, Zhang Z, Liu TY, Zhang YL, Trends of ambient fine particles and major chemical components in the Pearl River Delta region: observation at a regional background site in fall and winter, Science of the Total Environment 497-498, 274-281, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.08.008, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.163) [Link]

50. Yan HH, Guo H*, OU JM, Emissions of halocarbons from mobile vehicle air conditioning system in Hong Kong, Journal of Hazardous Materials 278, 401-408,, 2014 (Impact factor: 4.331) [Link]

49. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Contribution of VOC sources to photochemical ozone formation and its control policy implication in Hong Kong, Environmental Science and Policy 38, 180-191, 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.12.004, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.514) [Link]

48. Cheung K, Guo H*, Ou JM, Simpson IJ, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Blake DR, Diurnal profiles of isoprene,Diurnal profiles of isoprene, methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone at an urban site in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 84, 323-331, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.11.056, 2014 (Impact factor: 3.465) [Link]

47. Chong D, Wang YH*, Guo H, Lu Yujie, Volatile Organic Compounds Generated in Asphalt Pavement Construction and Their Health Effects on Workers, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014.140, 04013051-1 - 11,, 2014. [Link]

46. Xue LK, Wang T*, Guo H, Blake DR, Tang J, Zhang XC, Saunders SM, Wang WX, Sources and photochemistry of volatile organic compounds in the remote atmosphere of western China: results from the Mt. Waliguan Observatory, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 8551–8567, 2013 (Impact factor: 5.52) [Link]

45. Lam SMH, Saunders SM, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Jiang F, Wang XM, Wang TJ, Modelling VOC source impacts on high ozone episode days observed at a mountain summit in Hong Kong under the influence of mountain-valley breezes, Atmospheric Environment 81, 166-176, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.060, 2013 (Impact factor: 3.465) [Link]

44. Xue LK, Wang T*, Guo H, Blake DR, Tang J, Zhang XC, Saunders SM, Wang WX, Sources and photochemistry of volatile organic compounds in the remote atmosphere of western China: results from the Mt. Waliguan Observatory, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion 13, 11745-11788, 2013. [Link]

43. Cheng HR, Saunders SM, Guo H*, Louie PKK, Jiang F, Photochemical trajectory modeling of ozone concentrations in Hong Kong, Environmental Pollution 180, 101-110, Doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.04.039, 2013 (Impact factor: 3.746) [Link]

42. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K, Jiang F, Wang DW, Simpson IJ, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Wang TJ, Wang XM, Saunders SM, Blake DR, Characterization of photochemical pollution at different elevations in mountainous areas in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13, 3881–3898, doi:10.5194/acp-13-1-2013, 2013 (Impact factor: 5.52) [Link]

41. Feng X Q, Peng K, Ling Z H, Zheng J Y*, Guo H, Source apportionments and characteristics of VOCs from 2005 to 2010 in Hong Kong[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,33(1):173-180, 2013. [Link]

40. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K, Jiang F, Wang DW, Simpson IJ, Wang TJ, Wang XM, Saunders SM, Blake DR, Characterization of photochemical pollution at different elevations in mountainous areas in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion 12, 29025-29067, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-29025-2012, 2012. [Link]

30. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K, Wang DW, Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Acetone in the atmosphere of Hong Kong: Abundance, sources and photochemical precursors, Atmospheric Environment 65, 80-88, Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.10.027, 2012 (Impact factor: 3.465) [Link]

38. Guo H*, Wang DW, Ling ZH, Chan CK, and Yao XH, Observation of aerosol size distribution and new particle formation at a mountain site in subtropical Hong Kong, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12, 9923–9939,, 2012 (Impact factor: 5.52) [Link]

37. Guo H*, Source Apportionment of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds from Petroleum and Non-Petroleum Emissions. Editorial Article. J Pet Environ Biotechnol 3:e112. doi:10.4172/2157-7463.1000e112, 2012. [Link]

36. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Zheng JY, Louie PKK, Cheng HR, Jiang F, Cheung K, Wong LC, Feng XQ, Establishing a conceptual model for photochemical ozone pollution in subtropical Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 76, 208-220, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.09.051, 2013 (Impact factor: 3.465) [Link]

35. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Wang DW, Observations of isoprene, methacrolein (MAC) and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) at a mountain site in Hong Kong, Journal of Geophysical Research - atmospheres, VOL. 117, D19303, doi:10.1029/2012JD017750, 2012 (Impact factor: 3.303) [Link]

34. Gao B, Guo H*, Wang XM**, Zhao XY, Ling ZH, Zhang Z, Liu TY, Tracer-based source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 in Guangzhou, southern China, using positive matrix factorization (PMF), Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 2398-2409, DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1129-0, 2012 (Impact factor: 2.492) [Link]

33. Gao B, Guo H*, Wang XM, Zhao XY, Ling ZH, Zhang Z, Liu TY, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 in Guangzhou, southern China: Spatiotemporal patterns and emission sources, Journal of Hazardous Materials 239-240, 78-87, 2012 (Impact factor: 4.173) [Link]

32. Zhang YL, Wang XM*, Blake DR, Li LF, Zhang Z, Wang SY, Guo H, Lee SC, Gao B, Chan LY, Wu D, Rowland FS, Aromatic hydrocarbons as ozone precursors before and after outbreak of the 2008 financial crisis in the Pearl River Delta region, south China, Journal of Geophysical Research - atmospheres, VOL. 117, D15306, 16 PP.,doi:10.1029/2011JD017356, 2012 (Impact factor: 3.021) [Link]

31. Guo H*, Wang DW, Ling ZH, Chan CK, and Yao XH, Observation of aerosol size distribution and new particle formation at a mountain site in subtropical Hong Kong, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physical Discussion, 12, 12119-12162, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-12119-2012, 2012. [Link]

30. Guo H, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emitted from Petroleum and their Influence on Photochemical Smog Formation in the Atmosphere. Editorial Article. J Pet Environ Biotechnol 3:e104. doi:10.4172/2157-7463.1000e104, 2012. [Link]

29. Wang DW, Guo H*, Chan CK, Measuring ambient acidic ultrafine particles using iron nanofilm detectors: Method development, Aerosol Science and Technology, 46:5, 521-532, 10.1080/02786826.2011.643258, 2012 (Impact factor: 2.893) [Link]

28. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Cheng HR, Yu YF, Sources of ambient volatile organic compounds and their contributions to photochemical ozone formation at a site in the Pearl River Delta, southern China, Environmental Pollution 159, 2310-2319, 10.1016/j.envpol.2011.05.001, 2011 (Impact factor: 3.746) [Link]

27. Guo H*, Zou SC, Tsai WY, Chan LY, Blake DR, Emission characteristics of nonmethane hydrocarbons from private cars and taxis at different driving speeds in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 45, 2711-2721, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.02.053, 2011 (Impact factor: 3.139) [Link]

26. Guo H*, Cheng HR, Ling ZH, Louie PKK, Ayoko G, Which emission sources are responsible for the volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere of Pearl River Delta? Journal of Hazardous Materials 188, 116-124, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.01.081, 2011 (Impact factor: 4.144) [Link]

25. Cheng HR, Guo H*, Saunders SM, Wang XM, Roles of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere of the Pearl River Delta, southern China, Clean Air and Climate Change 44(4), 29-38, November, 2010 (Invited paper) [Link]

24. Friend AJ, Ayoko GA, Guo H, Multi-criteria ranking and receptor modelling of airborne fine particles at three sites in the Pearl River Delta region of China, Science of the Total Environment 409, 719-737, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.11.008, 2011 (Impact factor: 2.905) [Link]

23. Guo H, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Wang T, Saunders SM, Wang TJ, Cheng HR, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Blake DR, Rowland PS. Carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide and carbon disulfide in the Pearl River Delta of southern China: Impact of anthropogenic and biogenic sources. Atmospheric Environment 44, 3805-3813, DOI 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.06.040, 2010 (Impact factor: 3.139) [Link]

22. Cheng HR, Guo H*, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Jiang F, Wang XM, Wang TJ. Assessing photochemical ozone formation in the Pearl River Delta with a photochemical trajectory model. Atmospheric Environment 44, 4199-4208, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.019, 2010.(Impact factor: 3.139) [Link]

21. Zhang YL, Guo H*, Wang XM, Simpson IJ, Barletta B, Blake DR, Meinardi S, Rowland FS, Cheng HR, Saunders SM, Lam SHM. Emission patterns and spatiotemporal variations of halocarbons in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, D11302, doi:10.1029/2009JD013726, 2010.(Impact factor: 3.147) [Link]

20. Jiang F, Guo H*, Wang TJ, Cheng HR, Wang XM, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Blake DR. An ozone episode in the Pearl River Delta: Field observation and model simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, D22305, doi: 10.1029/2009JD013583, 2010.(Impact factor: 3.147) [Link]

19. Guo H, Jiang F, Cheng HR, Simpson IJ, Wang XM, Ding AJ, Wang TJ, Saunders SM, Wang T, Lam SHM, Blake DR, Zhang YL, Xie M. Concurrent observations of air pollutants at two sites in the Pearl River Delta and the implication of regional transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9, 7343-7360, 2009.(Impact factor: 4.927) [Link]

18. Cheng HR, Guo H*, Wang XM, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Jiang F, Wang TJ, Ding AJ, Lee SC, Ho KF. On the relationship between ozone and its precursors in the Pearl River Delta: Application of an Observation-Based Model (OBM). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 547-560, DOI 10.1007/s11356-009-0247-9, 2010. (Impact factor: 2.492) [Link]

17. Guo H, Ding AJ, Wang T, Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Rowland FS, Saunders SM, Fu TM, Li YS, Hung WT. Source origins, modeled profiles and apportionments of halogenated hydrocarbons in the greater Pearl River Delta region, southern China. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 114, D11302, doi:10.1029/2008JD011448, 2009.(Impact factor: 3.147) [Link]

16. Guo H, Ding AJ, So KL, Li YS, Ayoko G, Hung WT. Receptor modeling of source apportionments of Hong Kong aerosols and the implication of urban and regional contributions. Atmospheric Environment 43, 1159-1169, 2009. (Impact factor: 2.890) [Link]

15. Guo H, Ding AJ, Morawska L, He C, Ayoko G, Li YS, Hung WT. Size distribution and new particle formation in subtropical Eastern Australia. Environmental Chemistry 5, 382-390, 2008. (Impact factor: 2.809) [Link]

14. Guo H, So KL, Simpson IJ, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Blake DR. C1 to C8 Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere of Hong Kong: Overview of Atmospheric Processing and Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Environment 41, 1456-1472, 2007.(Impact factor: 2.549) [Link]

13. Simpson IJ, Flocke F, Atlas E., Rowland FS, Meinardi S, Wang T, Guo H, Kwok YH, Blake DR. Reply to “Comment on ‘Long-term atmospheric measurements of C1 – C5 alkyl nitrates in the Pearl River Delta region of southeast China’”. Atmospheric Environment 41, 7371-7372, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.07.016. 2007.(Impact factor: 2.63) [Link]

12. So KL, Guo H*, Li YS. Long-term variation of PM2.5 levels and composition at rural, urban and roadside sites in Hong Kong: Increasing impact of regional air pollution. Atmospheric Environment 41, 9427-9434, 2007. (Impact factor: 2.63) [Link]

11. Simpson IJ, Wang T, Guo H, Kwok YH, Meinardi S, Atlas E, Flocke F, Rowland SF, Blake DR. Long-term measurement of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates at Tai O, southeast China. Atmospheric Environment 40, 1619-1632, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.724) [Link]

10. Guo H, Wang T,Blake DR, Simpson IJ, Kwok YH, Li YS. Regional and local source contributions to ambient non-methane volatile organic compounds at a polluted rural/coastal site in Pearl River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment 40, 2345-2359, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.724) [Link]

9. Chan LY, Chu KW, Zou SC, Chan CY, Wang XM, Barletta B, Blake DR, Guo H, Tsai WY. Characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in industrial, industrial‐urban, and industrial‐suburban atmospheres of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of south China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D11304, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006481, 2006.(Impact factor: 2.784) [Link]

8. Cheung, H-C., Wang T., Baumann K., Guo H. Influence of regional pollution outflow on the concentrations of fine particulate matter and visibility in the coastal area of southern China. Atmospheric Environment 39, 6463-6474, 2005. (Impact factor: 2.562) [Link]

7. Wang T, Guo H, Blake DR, Kwok YH, Simpson IJ, Li YS. Measurements of trace gases in the inflow of South China Sea background air and outflow of regional pollution at Tai O, Southern China. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 52(3), 295-317, 2005. (Impact factor: 2.046) [Link]

6. Guo H, Wang T, Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Li YS, Yu XM, Kwok YH. Source contributions to ambient VOCs and CO at a rural site in eastern China. Atmospheric Environment 38, 4551-4560, 2004. (Impact factor: 2.338) [Link]

5. Guo H, Lee SC, Louie PKK, Ho KF. Characterization of hydrocarbons, halocarbons and carbonyls in the atmosphere of Hong Kong. Chemosphere 57, 1363-1372, 2004. (Impact factor: 2.359) [Link]

4. Guo H., Wang T., Louie PKK. Source apportionment of ambient non-methane hydrocarbons in Hong Kong: Application of a principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores (PCA/APCS) receptor model. Environmental Pollution 129, 489-498, 2004.(Impact factor: 3.135) [Link]

3. Ho KF, Lee SC, Guo H, Tsai WY. Seasonal and diurnal variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere of Hong Kong. The Science of the Total Environment 322, 155-166, 2004. (Impact factor: 1.925) [Link]

2. Guo H, Lee SC, Ho KF, Wang XM, Zou SC. Particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 37, 5307-5317, 2003. (Impact factor: 2.338) [Link]

1. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Zheng X.D., Ho K.F., Zhang X.Y., Guo H., Chow J.C., Wang H.B. Characterization of dust storms to Hong Kong in April 1998. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Focus 3: 213-229, 2003. (Impact factor: 1.205) [Link]

33. Xu, J., Wang, C., Guo, H.*, 2024. Effect of personalized air curtain combined with mixing ventilation on dispersion of aerosols released at different velocities from respiratory activities during close contact. Journal of Building Engineering, 87, p.109016. [Link]

32. Zeng L, Li K, Guo H*, Zhou B, Lyu X, Huo Y, Uhde E, Yang J, Zeren Y, Lu H, Yao D. Contributions of Indoor Household Activities to Inhalation Health Risks Induced by Gaseous Air Pollutants in Hong Kong Home. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23:230063, 2023 (Impact factor: 4.0; Grade A) [Link]

31. Huo Y, Guo H*, Lyu X, Yao D. Emission characteristics, sources, and airborne fate of speciated organics in particulate matters in a Hong Kong residence. Indoor Air 32, e13017. doi:10.1111/ina.13017, 2022 (Impact factor: 4.739; Grade A). [Link]

30. Xu J-C, Guo H*, Zhang Y-L, Lyu X-P, Effectiveness of personalized air curtain in reducing exposure to airborne cough droplets. Building and Environment 208, 108586, 2022 (Impact factor: 6.456; Grade A). [Link]

29. Zhang YT, Lai SK*, Wu Jerry CW, Guo H, Lim CW, A novel U-shaped acoustic-manipulated design to enhance the performance of low-efficiency filters for sub-micron particles. Powder Technology 392, 412-423, 2021 (Impact factor: 5.134; Grade A). [Link]

27. Lyu XP, Huo YX, Yang J, Yao DW, Li KM, Lu HX, Zeren YZ, Guo H*, Real-time molecular characterization of air pollutants in a Hong Kong residence: implication of indoor source emissions and heterogeneous chemistry. Indoor Air 00, 1-13, DOI: 10.1111/ina.12826, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.739; Grade A). [Link]

26. Wang DW, Guo H*, He Congrong, An investigation on particle emission from a new laser printer using an environmental chamber. Indoor and Built Environment 26(8), 1144-1154, DOI: 10.1177/1420326X16665160, 2017 (Impact factor: 0.943; Grade C). [Link]

25. Yan B, Li JQ, Guo JH, Ma P, Wu Z, Ling ZH, Guo H,Hiroshi Y, Yanagi U, Yang X, Zhu SW*, Chen MQ, The toxic effects of indoor atmospheric fine particulate matter collected from allergic and non-allergic families in Wuhan on mouse peritoneal macrophages , Journal of Applied Toxicology, DOI 10.1002/jat.3217. 2015 (Impact factor: 2.982) [Link]

24. Zhang YL, Li CL, Wang XM, Guo H, Feng YL, Chen JM, Rush-hour aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons in selected subway stations of Shanghai, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(1), 131-141, 2012 (Impact factor: 1.513) [Link]

23. Guo H, Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong homes, Building and Environment 46, 2280-2286, 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.05.008, 2011 (Impact factor: 1.797. A Journal) [Link]

22. Guo H, Morawska L, He C, Zhang YL, Ayoko G, Cao M. Characterization of particle number concentrations and PM2.5 in a school: Influence of outdoor air pollution on indoor air , Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 1268-1278, DOI 10.1007/s11356-010-0306-2, 2010.(Impact factor: 2.492) [Link]

21. Morawska L, He C, Johnson G, Guo H, Uhde E, Ayoko G. Ultrafine Particles in Indoor Air of a School: possible role of Secondary Organic Aerosols, Environmental Science and Technology 43, 9103-9109, 2009. (Impact factor: 4.458) [Link]

20. Guo H, Kwok NH, Cheng HR, Lee SC, Li YS, Hung WT. Formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong homes: Concentrations and impact factors. Indoor Air 19, 206-217, 2009. doi:10.1111/j.1660-0668.2008.00580.x.(Impact factor: 3.151) [Link]

19. Morawska L, Jamriska M, Guo H, Jayaratne R, Cao M, Summerville S. Variation in indoor particle number and PM2.5 concentrations in a radio station surrounded by busy roads before and after an upgrade of the HVAC system. Building and Environment 44, 76-84, 2009.(Impact factor: 1.192) [Link]

18. Guo H, Morawska L, He C, G Dale. Impact of ventilation scenario on air exchange rates and on indoor particle number concentrations in an air-conditioned classroom. Atmospheric Environment 42, 757-768, 2008.(Impact factor: 2.549) [Link]

17. Cohen BS, Heikkinen MS, Hazi Y, Guo H, Peters P, Lippmann M. Field evaluation of nanofilm detectors for measuring acidic particles in indoor and outdoor air. Res Rep Health Eff Inst. 2004 Sep; (121): 1-35; discussion 37-46. PMID: 15553489 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE].

16. Guo H., Murray F., Lee SC, Wilkinson S. Evaluation of emissions of total volatile organic compounds from carpets in an environmental chamber. Building and Environment 39(2), 179-187, 2004. (Impact factor: 0.852) [Link]

15. Lee S.C., Guo H., Chan L.Y. Indoor air quality investigation in air-conditioned and non air-conditioned markets in Hong Kong. The Science of the Total Environment 323, 87-98, 2004.(Impact factor: 1.925) [Link]

14. Guo H., Lee S.C., Chan L.Y., Li W-M. Risk assessment of exposure to volatile organic compounds in different indoor environments. Environmental Research 94(1), 57-66, 2004. (Impact factor: 2.962) [Link]

13. Lee S.C., Guo H., Lam J., Lau A. Multi-pathway risk assessment of disinfection by-products in drinking water in Hong Kong. Environmental Research 94(1), 47-56, 2004. (Impact factor: 2.962) [Link]

12. Guo H., Lee SC, Chan LY. Indoor air quality at ice skating rinks in Hong Kong. Environmental Research 94, 327-335, 2004. (Impact factor: 2.962) [Link]

11. Guo H., Lee S.C., Li W.M., Cao J.J. Source characterization of BTEX under indoor microenvironments in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 37, 73-82, 2003. (Impact factor: 2.338) [Link]

10. Lee S.C., Kwok,N-H., Guo H., Hung W-T. The effect of wet film thickness on VOC emissions from a finishing varnish. The Science of Total Environment 302, 75-84, 2003. (Impact factor: 1.925) [Link]

9. Kwok NH, Lee SC, Guo H, Hung WT. Substrate effects on VOCs emissions from an interior finishing varnish. Building and Environment 38, 1019-1026, 2003. (Impact factor: 0.852) [Link]

8. Guo H., Murray F. and Lee S.C., The development of low volatile organic compound emission house - a case study. Building and Environment 38, 1413-1422, 2003.(Impact factor: 0.852) [Link]

7. Guo H., Murray F. and Lee S.C., Emissions of total volatile organic compounds from pressed wood products in an environmental chamber. Building and Environment, 37(11): 1117-1126, 2002. (Impact factor: 0.852) [Link]

6. Lee S.C., Guo H., Li W.M., Chan L.Y. Inter-comparison of air pollutant concentrations in different indoor environments in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 36, 1929-1940, 2002. (Impact factor: 2.338) [Link]

5. Guo H. and Murray F., Determination of total volatile organic compound emissions from furniture polishes. Clean Products and Processes, 3(1): 42-48, 2001. (Impact factor: 1.120) (In 2002, renamed as Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy) [Link]

4. Guo H., Murray F. and Wilkinson S. Evaluation of total volatile organic compound emissions from adhesives based on chamber tests. J. of the Air & Waste Management Association, 50: 199-206, 2000. (Impact factor: 1.523) [Link]

3. Guo H. and Murray F. Characterisation of total volatile organic compound emissions from paints. Clean Products and Processes, 2(1): 28-36, 2000. (Impact factor: 1.120) (In 2002, renamed as Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy) [Link]

2. Guo H. and Murray F. Emission of TVOCs from consumer products. Journal of Technology, 7(6): 633-644, 2000. [Link]

1. Guo H. and Murray F. Modelling of emissions of total volatile organic compounds in an Australian house. Indoor + Built Environment, 9(3-4): 171-181, 2000. (Impact factor: 0.525) [Link]

4. Qiu W., Wang D., Gan F., Guo H., Zou J. A positron lifetime study on the mechanism of alpha-brass dezincification. Nuclear Techniques, 17(10): 590-593, 1994. (Impact factor: 0.662) [Link]

3. Yao L., Qiu W., Gan F., Guo H. On the volume diffusion mechanism during dezincification of brass. Corrosion Science and Protection Technique, 4(4), 217-222, 1992. (China Natural Science Core Journal) [Link]

2. Gan F., Guo H. and Yao L. The mechanism of arsenic in inhibiting dezincification of brass. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, 11(1), 75-82, 1991 (Also in Corrosion Abstracts, 30 (6), pp498, 1991). (Impact factor: 0.645) [Link]

1. Guo H. and Cheng Z. Determination of thermodynamic parameters of crown-ether compounds using Gas-Chromatography (GC). Journal of Graduate Student of Wuhan University (Natural Version), December 1987.

Invited Speech

30. Characteristics and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impacts on ozone formation in China. 07-08 July 2022, The Second Fudan International Workshop on Atmospheric Science Frontier (FIWAS), Fudan University, Shanghai, China

29. 中国挥发性有机化合物的特征、来源及其对臭氧形成的影响. 13 January, 2020, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

28. Photochemical Ozone Formation: Characteristics, Precursors, Formation Mechanism and Control Strategies. 29-30 November 2019, Guangxi Academy of Environmental Sciences, Nanning, China

27. 应用最先进的质谱技术测量气态和颗粒态有机物. 13 June 2019, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

26. Effectiveness of ozone pollution control measures in the past decade in Hong Kong. 12 June 2019, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai, China

25. Determination of gas-phase and particle-phase speciated organic aerosols with the application of state-of-the-art Mass Spectrometer technologies. 3 June 2019, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

24. Tropospheric ozone: Abundance, sources, formation mechanisms and control strategies. 27 December 2018, Peking University, Beijing, China

23. High resolution analysis of vehicle-related organic aerosols observed at a roadside site in Hong Kong with the application of TAG-ToF-MS. 5 July 2018, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

22. Photochemical ozone formation: Field observation and model simulation. 2 May 2018, National Central University, Taiwan

21. Characteristics of Ozone Pollution in Wuhan and Countermeasures of Motor Vehicle Emission Control. The First Forum on Blue Sky of Wuhan, 21 July 2017, Wuhan Government, China.

20. Tropospheric Volatile Organic Compounds: Sources, Contributions to Ozone Formation and Control Strategies. 12 May 2017, Shangdong University, China

19. 香港过去十年间气质量控制措施有效性评估. 16 March 2017, Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Centre, China.

18. Effectiveness of air pollution control measures in Hong Kong. 28 October 2016, Jinan University, China.

17. Photochemical pollution in mountainous areas in Hong Kong. 12 May 2015, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.

16. HKPU-WHU: Collaboration, Progress and Win-win. 14 October, 2013, Wuhan University, China

15. Volatile organic compounds in Pearl River Delta: Sources, transport and chemistry. 25 January, 2013, Tsinghua University (Shenzhen), China

14. Measurements of air pollutants near the summit and at the foot of a mountain in Hong Kong. The 19th Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology in China, page 57, 7-10 November, 2012, Qingdao, China

13. Integrated Data Analysis and Characterization of Photochemical Pollution in Hong Kong. 20 August 2012, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

12. Hazardous Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants indoors. Invited keynote lecture, The 10th International Healthy Buildings Conference, 7 July 2012, Australia

11. Photochemical Ozone Formation in the Pearl River Delta of southern China. 31 May, 2012, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China

10. Method development on measurements of ambient acidic ultrafine particles. The 8th Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Particuology cum Symposium on Particle Technology across Taiwan Straits, Page 33, 5-8 September, 2012, Hangzhou, China

9. Measurements of air pollution at summit and foot of a mountain: Influence of mesoscale circulation. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou

8. Photochemical ozone formation and its precursors in southern China, 25 November 2011, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

7. Photochemical ozone pollution in Hong Kong: A comparison between a mountain site and an urban site, 27 July 2011, Shanghai Monitoring Centre, China

6. Photochemical ozone pollution in Pearl River Delta region: Interaction between inland PRD and Hong Kong. Conference on Urban Air Quality Monitoring and Management in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, 7-9 July, 2011, Nanjing

5. Photochemical ozone pollution in Hong Kong: A comparison between a mountain site and an urban site, 4 July 2011, Shanghai University, China

4. Modeling explicit tropospheric oxidation through identifying volatile organic compound sources, their impact on air quality and their signatures in South China, 10 March 2010, South China University of Technology, China

3. Field validation of iron-nanofilm detectors for the measurement of ambient ultrafine acid particles, 18 June 2009, Wuhan University, China

2. Introduction to the sampling and analysis of bio-aerosols in the atmosphere, 27 May 2009, Guangdong Microbiological Institute, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China

1. Source apportionment of ambient VOCs in South and East China: Receptor models and their application, 15 December 2007, Nanjing University, China

Conference Presentations

107. Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Barletta B, Meinardi S, Aburizaiza OS, Farrukh MA, Guo H, Khwaja H, Siddique A, Woo J-H, Yokelson R, Zeb J, VOC characteristics, sources and reactivity in diverse cities in Asia. 18th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 01-06 August 2021.

106. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Characteristics and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impacts on O3 formation in China. Webinar on 2020年海峡两岸暨港澳台地区地球科学与可持续发展高端学术论坛,12 November 2020.

105. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Roadblocks to a Sustainable City: Challenges of Air Pollution. “Sustainable City Lecture Series: Can We Make our Planet Great Again”, Co-hosted by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, and the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) and Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4 November 2020, Hong Kong.

104. Guo H* (Session keynote speech), Significant O3 upsurge in China contrasting to decreasing contributions to hemispheric background O3 of China’s emissions. 中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会第二届学术研讨会, 16-17 October, 2020, Nanjing, China.

103. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Determination of total and speciated organic aerosols with the application of state-of-the-art Mass-Spectrometer technologies. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Environment Forum 2019 (GBAE2019), 6-8 December, 2019, Guangzhou, China.

102. Liu XF, Guo H* (oral presentation), Photochemistry of O3 pollution in autumn in Pearl River Estuary (PRE), South China. 7th WMO/GAW VOC expert group meeting, 4-6 November, 2019, Urbino, Italy.

101. Zeng LW, Guo H* (oral presentation), Characteristics and sources of volatile organic compounds and their health impacts in southwest China. 7th WMO/GAW VOC expert group meeting, 4-6 November, 2019, Urbino, Italy.

100. Guo H* (oral presentation), Characteristics and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impacts on O3 formation in China. 7th WMO/GAW VOC expert group meeting, 4-6 November, 2019, Urbino, Italy.

99. Guo H* (oral presentation), Assessment of the continuing effectiveness of emission reduction through the replacement of catalytic converters on liquefied petroleum gas-fuelled vehicles. Air Quality & The Built Environment, CASANZ Conference 2019, 16-18 September, 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand.

98. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Determination of speciated organic aerosols with the application of state-of-the-art mass spectrometer technologies. 10th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, 15-19 August, 2019, Tianjin, China.

97. Guo H*, Lyu XP, Xu W, Jayne J, Kreisberg N, Goldstein A, Hering S, Chan CK, Li XD, Ho KF, Worsnop D. (Oral presentation), High-resolution analysis of vehicle-related organic aerosols observed at a roadside site in Hong Kong with the application of TAG-GC-ToF-MS. 16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 28 July – 2 August 2019, Singapore.

96. Guo H*, Lyu XP, Wang Y, Zhang F, Nie K, Dang J, Liang ZR, Zeren YZ, Zhou BN, Gao W, Zhao SZ, Zhang G. (Invited Speech), Hazardous volatile organic compounds in ambient air of China. 4th International Symposium for Persistent, Bioaccumulating and Toxic Substances, 21-23 June 2019, Shenzhen, China.

95. Lyu XP, Guo H*, Yao DW, Goldstein A, Lu HX, Nie K, Chen GW, Wang T (Invited speech). Determination of total and speciated organic aerosols with the application of state-of-the-art Mass Spectrometer technologies. 11th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), 27-30 May 2019, Hong Kong.

94. Guo H*, Dang J, Lyu XP, Simpson IJ, Blake DR (Invited Speech). Long-term spatiotemporal variations and source changes of halocarbons in the greater Pearl River Delta region, China. International Symposium on the Unexpected Increase in Emissions of Ozone-Depleting CFC-11. 25-27 March 2019, Vienna, United Nations, Austria.

93. Guo H*, Lyu XP, Jiang F, Morawska L, Wang T, Chen CH, Xu XB (Keynote Speech). Tropospheric ozone: the growing threat and how to control it? 中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会成立大会暨首届学术研讨会, 28-30 March 2019,Chengdu, China

92. Guo H* (Invited Speech), Photochemical ozone formation: Characteristics, formation mechanisms, relationship with precursors, and control strategies. 第24届中国大气环境科学与技术大会 - 中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2018年学术年会. 2-4 November, 2018, Qingdao, China. (

91. Lyu XP, Xu W, Jayne J, Kreisberg N, Goldstein A, Hering S, Chan CK, Li XD, Ho KF, Worsnop D, Guo H* (oral presentation), High resolution analysis of vehicle-related organic aerosols observed at a roadside site in Hong Kong with the application of TAG-ToF-MS. 10th International Aerosol Conference, September 2-7, 2018, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. (

90. Guo H* (Invited Speech), Air pollution in Hong Kong and preliminary studies on air pollution – human health relationships . Workshop on Urban Air Pollution and Health, The RISUD Annual International Symposium 2018, 29-30 June, 2018, Hong Kong

89. Guo H* (Invited Plenary Keynote Speech), From ozone to organic aerosols: Historical research on photochemical processes. The 107th Annual Conference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, May 2-5, 2018, Taoyuan, Taiwan. [Link]
88. Guo H* and Lyu XP (Invited speech), 香港液化石油气车辆更换催化转化器的效果研究 (Effectiveness of replacing catalytic converter on the LPG-fueled vehicles in Hong Kong). 第二十二届大气污染防治技术研讨会 (The 22nd Symposium on Air Pollution Control Technology), April 18-20, 2018, Taiyuan, China.

87. Guo H* (Invited speech), High resolution analysis of vehicle-related organic aerosols observed at a roadside site in Hong Kong with the application of TAG-ToF-MS. Sino-German Symposium on “Bridging Aerosol Chemistry and Health Effects: Challenges and Opportunities for Analytical Chemistry, March 19-23, 2018, Guangzhou, China. [Link]

86. Guo H* (Invited speech), Long-term ozone-precursor relationships in Hong Kong : Field observation and model simulation. The 5th International Symposium on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 16-19 November 2017, Guangzhou, China. [Link]

85. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Policy perspectives of air pollution control: Are the existing control measures effective? Founding meeting of Guangzhou-Hong Kong Research Center for Air Pollution Control & The 1st Guangdong-Hong Kong Air Pollution Control Summit Forum, 15-16 November 2017, Guangzhou, China.

84. Guo H* (Plenary), Big question: From the past to the future: Sources of air pollution in China. The third annual meeting of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management, 3-6 November 2017, Beijing, China. [Link]

83. Guo H* (Oral presentation), Evaluation of the effectiveness of air pollution control measures in Hong Kong. The 23rd International Clean Air & Environment Conference, 15-18 October, 2017, Brisbane, Australia. [Link]

82. Guo H* (Oral presentation), Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Murray F, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Evaluation of the effectiveness of air pollution control measures in Hong Kong. The 6th International Conference on Environment Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics and SECOTOX, 25 – 30 June, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. [Link]

81. Guo H* (Oral presentation), Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Murray F, Saunders SM, Lam SHM, Evaluation of the effectiveness of air pollution control measures in the past 10 years in Hong Kong. The 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality (ASAAQ), 28 – 31 May, 2017, Strasbourg, France. [Link]

80. Guo H* (Keynote speech), Volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere: Sources, contributions to ozone formation and control strategies. National Forum of Doctors of Philosophy in China, 11-13 November 2016, Wuhan, China.

79. Guo H* (Plenary), Evaluation of the effectiveness of air pollution control measures in the past 10 years in Hong Kong. The second annual meeting of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management, 19-22 October 2016, Shanghai, China. [Link]

78. Guo H*, Volatile Organic Compounds in Hong Kong: Sources, Contributions to Ozone Formation and Control Strategies. The twenty-first national conference of Atmospheric Science and Technology in China, 9-11 December 2015, Guangzhou, China

77. Guo H*, Volatile Organic Compounds in Hong Kong: Sources, Contributions to Ozone Formation and Control Strategies. The first annual meeting of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management, 31 November – 3 December 2015, Brisbane, Australia. [Link]

76. Guo H*, Saunders SM, Wang XM, Blake DR Ling ZH, Cheng HR, Volatile organic compounds and their relationship with ozone in the atmosphere. the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality (ASAAQ), 11-13 November, 2015, Kobe, Japan. [Link]

75. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheng HR, Saunders SM, Wang XM, Blake DR, Volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong: Sources, contributions to ozone formation and control strategies. the 12th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society together with 7th Asia Pacific Aoociation of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW) Conference,2-7 August, 2015, Singapore. [Link]

74. Guo H*, Ling ZH (2015) (Oral presentation) Effectiveness of replacement of catalytic converter of LPG-fuelled vehicles in Hong Kong. The 22nd International Clean Air & Environment Conference, 20 – 23 September, 2015, Melbourne, Australia. [Link]

73. Cheung K, Guo H*, Chan CK (2015) (Oral presentation) Sources and formation mechanism of sub-micron particles at a background site in Hong Kong. 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2015), 24 – 26 June, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan. [Link]

72. Guo H (2015) (Oral presentation) Environmental impact of replacement of catalytic converter of LPG-fuelled vehicles in Hong Kong. The 3rd International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics, 7-9 July, 2015, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. [Link]

71. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Liu B (2015) (Oral presentation) Metallic corrosion in the polluted urban atmosphere of Hong Kong. The second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2015), 7-9 January 2015, Hong Kong, China. [Link]

70. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Wang Y, Blake DR (2014) (Oral presentation) Effectiveness of the LPG converter replacement programme in Hong Kong. The 3rd GIG-HKPU Workshop on Environmental Engineering and Sciences, 28-29 November, 2014, Guangzhou.

69. Guo H* (2014) (Plenary speech) Comparison of isoprene and its first-generation products between a mountain summit and an urban area in Hong Kong. The 4th Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study (iLEAPS) Science Conference, 10-16 May, 2014, Nanjing, China. [Link]

68. Guo H* (2014) (Oral presentation) Comparison of isoprene and its first-generation products between a mountain summit and an urban area in Hong Kong. The 3rd workshop on sustainable urban water Environment between Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Harbin Institute of Technology, 6-7 June, 2014, Hong Kong.

67. Guo H*, Ling ZH, Wang Y, Blake DR (2014) (Invited speech) VOC grid/roadside study in Hong Kong. Stakeholders’ Engagement Seminar: Evidence-based Control Measures Improving Air Quality in Hong Kong, 7 May, 2014, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department.

66. Liu B, Wang DW, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K (2014) (Oral presentation) Metallic corrosion in the polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong. The 1st Cross-Strait Forum on Sustainable Urban Development, 14-16 February, 2014, Hong Kong

65. Wang N, Guo H*, Cheung K (2014) (Poster presentation) Simulation of ozone formation at different elevations using WRF/CMAQ in Hong Kong. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

64. Ou JM, Guo H*, Zheng JY, Cheung K, Louie PKK, Ling ZH, Wang DW (2014) (Poster presentation) Real-time measurements of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) from 2005 to 2010 in Hong Kong: a multi-year data analysis. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions,14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

63. Liu B, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Cheung K (2014) (Poster presentation) Metallic corrosion in the polluted urban atmosphere of Hong Kong. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

62. Fu XX, Wang XM, Guo H*, Cheung K, Ding X, Zhao XY, He QF, Gao B, Zhang Z, Liu TY, Zhang YL (2014) (Oral presentation) Trends of ambient fine particles and major aerosol chemical compounds in the Pearl River Delta region during 2007-2011: Observation at a regional background site in fall-winter seasons. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

61. Cheung K, Ou JM, Guo H*, Chan CK (2014) (Oral presentation) The sources and formation mechanisms of submicron particles in an urban background area of Hong Kong. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

60. Guo H*, Zou SC (2014) (Oral presentation) Preliminary results of air exchange between South China sea and subtropical continental region of south China. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

59. Lam SHM, Saunders SM, Guo H*, Ling ZH, Jiang F, Wang XM, Wang TJ (2014) (Oral presentation) Modeling ozone reduction under different emission source removal scenarios during a multi-day high ozone period in Hong Kong. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

58. Wang DW, Guo H*, Cheung K (2014) (Oral presentation) Diffusion sampler for measurement of acidic particles in the atmosphere. The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

57. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Lam SHM, Saunders SM (2014) (Oral presentation) Atmospheric photochemical reactivity and ozone production at two sites in Hong Kong: Application of a photochemical box model with master chemical mechanism (PBM-MCM). The 4th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 14-17 January 2014, Hong Kong. [Link]

56. Guo H*, Wang DW, Chan CK (2013) (Oral presentation) Measurements of ambient acidic ultrafine particles using an innovated method. The 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, 2-5 December 2013, Sydney, Australia. [Link]

55. Lam SHM, Ling ZH, Guo H, Saunders SM, Jiang F, Wang XM, Wang TJ (2013) (Oral presentation) A secondary air pollutants control methodology combining in-situ field measurements source apportionment with a MCM modeling approach. The 16th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress, 29 September – 4 October 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. [Link]

54. Lam SHM, Saunders SM, Cheng HR, Guo H (2013) (Oral presentation) Examination of a tropospheric ozone control methodology from the explicit representation of POCPs across varying temporal and continent spatial domains. The 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013), 1-6 December, 2013, Adelaide, Australia. [Link]

53. Lam S, Ling ZH, Guo H, Saunders SM, Jiang F, Wang XM, Wang TJ (2013) (Oral presentation) Utilizing positive matrix factorization and a near explicit photochemical model coupled with master chemical mechanism as a potential efficient secondary pollutants control strategy. The 21st International Clean Air and Environment Conference, 7 – 11 September, 2013, Sydney, Australia. [Link]

52. Cheung K, Ou JM, Guo H*, Chan CK (2013) (Oral presentation) Formation mechanism of ultrafine particles at a background site in Hong Kong. The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Environmental Protection – Penghu Forum, 14-21 August 2013, Penghu, Taiwan.

51. Guo H* (2013) (Poster presentation) Interaction of air masses between mountain summit and foot. The 29th Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 8-12 July 2013, Toulouse, France. [Link]

50. Guo H*, Gao B (2013) (Oral presentation) Tracer based source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 in Guangzhou, southern China. The 29th Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 8-12 July 2013, Toulouse, France. [Link]

49. Guo H* (2013) (Oral presentation) Concurrent observations of air masses at different elevations in a mountainous area. The 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, 3-5 June 2013, Seoul, South Korea.

48. Ling ZH and Guo H* (2013). (Oral presentation) Roles of free radicals in photochemical O3 formation in Hong Kong: application of a newly developed photochemical box model with master chemical mechanisms. The 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, 3-5 June 2013, Seoul,South Korea.

47. Wang Nan, Guo H*, Cheung K (2013) (Poster presentation) Simulation of ozone formation at different elevations using WRF/Chem in Hong Kong. The 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, 3-5 June 2013, Seoul, South Korea.

46. Guo H* (2013). (Invited Keynote Speaker) Photochemical ozone formation in southern China: Interaction between inland Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong. The 2013 Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2013) Conference,, page 3, 12-14 April, 2013, Wuhan, China. [Link]

45. Ling ZH, Guo H* (2012). (Oral presentation, the best paper award) Source contributions to photochemical ozone formation in Hong Kong. The 19th Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology in China, page 112, 7-10 November, 2012, Qingdao, China.

44. Wang DW, Guo H* (2012). (Oral presentation) Observation of new particle formation at a rural and an urban site in Hong Kong. The 19th Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology in China, page 145, 7-10 November, 2012, Qingdao, China.

43. Guo H*, Wang TJ, Blake DR, Wang XM, Saunders SM (2012). (Session Keynote Speaker) Measurements of air pollutants near the summit and at the foot of a mountain in Hong Kong. The 19th Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology in China, page 57, 7-10 November, 2012, Qingdao, China.

42. Wang DW, Guo H*, Cheung K, Chan CK (2012). Method Development and Field Evaluation of an Acidic Ultrafine Particle Detector. The 31st Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, Page 88, section 2IM.26. 8-12 October, 2012, Minneapolis, USA. [Link]

41. Guo H* (2012). (Session Keynote Speaker) Method development on measurements of ambient acidic ultrafine particles. The 8th Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Particuology cum Symposium on Particle Technology across Taiwan Straits, Page 33, 5-8 September, 2012, Hangzhou, China.

40. Wang DW, Guo H*, Chan CK (2012). (Oral Presentation) Method development on acidic ultrafine particles measurement using iron nanofilm detectors. The 10th International Healthy Buildings Conference, 2F-7, 7-12 July, 2012, Brisbane, Australia. [Link]

39. Guo H*, Wong L.-C. (2012). (Oral Presentation) An Investigation on Pollutant Emissions from a Laser Printer using an Environmental Chamber. The 10th International Healthy Buildings Conference, 10B-4, 7-12 July, 2012, Brisbane, Australia. [Link]

38. Guo H*, Wang DW, Chan CK (2012). (Oral Presentation) A novel method on ambient acidic ultrafine particle measurement. The 9th China-Taiwan Aerosol Workshop, Page 16, 28-30 March, 2012, Xiamen, China.

37. Guo H*, Blake DR, Wang XM, Saunders SM, Wang TJ (2011). (Invited Speaker) Measurements of air pollution at summit and foot of a mountain: Influence of mesoscale circulation. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou, China. [Link]

36. Feng XQ, Ling ZH, Wong LC, Zheng JY*, Guo H*, Louie PKK (2011). VOC Source Characterization from 2005 ~ 2010 by Using Different Receptor Models in Hong Kong. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou. [Link]

35. Lam SHM*, Saunders SM, Guo H, Ioppolo-Armanios M, McKinley A (2011). Investigation of atmospheric composition downwind of a hypothetical industrial emission source using Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) modelling. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou. [Link]

34. Wang DW, Guo H*, Chan CK (2011). Observation of new particle formation at a rural and an urban site in Hong Kong. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou. [Link]

33. Ling ZH, Guo H* (2011). Relationship between ozone and its precursors at a mountain site and an urban site in Hong Kong. The 3rd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Improvement in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 12-13 November, 2011, Guangzhou. [Link]

32. Guo H (2011). (Invited Keynote speaker) Photochemical ozone pollution in Pearl River Delta region: Interaction between inland PRD and Hong Kong. Conference on Urban Air Quality Monitoring and Management in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, 7-9 July, 2011, Nanjing.

31. Guo H, Simpson IJ, Blake DR, Saunders SM, Cheng HR, Wang XM (2010). (Oral Presentation) Halogenated hydrocarbons in the Pearl River Delta of Southern China. The first International Conference on Sustainalbe Urbanization, 15-17 December, 2010, Hong Kong. [Link]

30. Ling ZH, Guo H*, Zou SC (2010). (Oral Presentation) Bioaerosols and airborne pollutants in a pig farm in Pearl River Delta, southern China. The first International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, 15-17 December, 2010, Hong Kong. [Link]

29. Guo H, Jiang F, Cheng HR, Blake DR, Saunders SM, Wang XM (2010). (Oral Presentation) Photochemical ozone formation in the Pearl River Delta of Southern China. SEGH 2010 International Conference and Workshops of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health on Environmental Quality and Human Health, Page 71, 27 June - 2 July, 2010 Galway, Ireland. [Link]

28. Cheng HR, Guo H, Jiang F, Wang TJ, Saunders SM, Wang XM (2010). (Oral Presentation) Photochemical formation in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) assessed by a photochemical trajectory model. The SETAC Asia/Pacific 2010, Balance between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection: Sustainability through Better Science,4-7 June, 2010 Guangzhou, China.

27. Lam SHM, Cheng HR, Guo H, Saunders SM, Wang XM, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Wang T, Blake DR (2009). (Oral Presentation) Ozone and its precursors in the PRD, China : An MCM Modelling approach. The 2nd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 9-10 November, 2009, Guangzhou, China.

26. Guo H, Wang XM, Zhang YL, Jiang F, Wang TJ, Cheng HR, Blake DR, Simpson IJ, Saunders Sam (2009). (Oral Presentation) An ozone episode event observed in PRD region and its implication to cross-boundary transport. The 2nd International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, 9-10 November, 2009, Guangzhou, China.

25. Jiang F, Guo H, Wang TJ, Cheng HR, Ding AJ (2009). (Oral Presentation) A photochemical smog episode in the Pearl River Delta: Field observation and model simulation. The 16th Chinese Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology, 21-24 October, 2009, Nanjing, China.

24. Cheng HR, Guo H, Jiang F, Wang TJ, Saunders SM, Wang XM (2009). (Oral Presentation) Photochemical formation in Pearl River Delta (PRD) assessed by photochemical trajectory model. The 16th Chinese Conference on Atmospheric Science and Technology, 21-24 October, 2009, Nanjing, China.

23. He C, Morawska L, Johnson G, Guo H, Uhde E, Ayoko G (2009). (Oral Presentation) Formation of secondary organic particles in elementary school classrooms. European Aerosol Conference 2009, 6-11 September, 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany. Abstract T024A02.

22. Guo H, Saunders SM, Zou SC, Zhang HD, Luo XD (2009). (Oral Presentation) Photochemical ozone pollution in the Pearl River Delta of south China. The 19th International Clean Air and Environmental Conference, 5-9 September, 2009, Perth, WA, Australia.

21. Guo H, Jiang F, Cheng HR, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Wang XM, Wang TJ, Wang T, Saunders S, Lam SHM, Blake DR,Zhang YL(2009). (Oral Presentation) Concurrent observations of air pollutants at two sites in the Pearl River Delta and the implication of regional transport. The 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, April 21-23, 2009, Jinan, Shangdong, China.

20. Cheng HR, Guo H, Wang XM (2009). (Oral Presentation) On the relationship between O3 and its precursors in the Pearl River Delta: application of an Observation-Based Model (OBM). The 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, April 21-23, 2009, Jinan, Shangdong, China.

19. Lam SHM, Cheng HR, Guo H, Saunders S, Wang XM, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Wang T, Blake DR (2009). (Oral Presentation) Master chemical mechanism (MCM) modeling of the tropospheric degradation of volatile organic compounds in south China. The 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, April 21-23, 2009, Jinan, Shangdong, China.

18. Zhang YL, Guo H, Wang XM (2009). (Oral Presentation) Emission patterns and spatiotemporal variations of halocarbons in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China. The 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, April 21-23, 2009, Jinan, Shangdong, China.

17. Guo H, Wang T, Blake DR, Simpson IJ, Ding AJ, Li YS. (2007). Regional and local source apportionments of ambient NMVOCs at a polluted rural/coastal site in Pearl River Delta, China. International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, March 12-23, 2007, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.

16. Morawska L, Megan H, Zoran R, Guo H, Corbett S and Smith GA. (2006) The Impact of the Measuring Method on Droplet Detection From Human Expiration. In de Oliveira Fernandes, E. and Gameiro da Silva, M. and Rosado Pinto, J., Eds. Proceedings Healthy Buildings 2006: Creating a Healthy Environment for People, pages pp.506-506, Lisbon, Portugal.

15. Guo H, Morawska L, Ristovski Z, Johnson G, Meyer N, Hargreaves M, Smith G, Corbett S. (2005). Preliminary results of experimental investigations on aerosol transport (Oral Speaker). IHBI Research Conference 2005, 28-29 November, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.

14. Park J, Ikeda K, Zhu N, Lee SC, Guo H, Chiang CM, Sohn JY, Chun CY. (2005). Collaboration research on indoor environmental quality of East Asian homes. INDOOR AIR 2005: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDOOR AIR QUALITY AND CLIMATE, VOLS 1-5: 2159-2164, 2005. Editor(s): Yang X, Zhao B, Zhao R. Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 04-09, 2005.

13. Kwok, NH, Lee, SC, Guo, H, Hung, WT. (2002). Substrate effects on VOC emissions from an interior finishing varnish. Better Air Quality in Asian and Pacific Rim Cities (BAQ 2002), December 16 -18, 2002. Hong Kong Administrative Special Region.

12. Lee SC, Guo H, Ho KF (2002). Emissions of particulate matters from burning of incense by using large environmental chamber. The Sixth International Aerosol Conference (ed.) Chiu-Sen Wang. Vol. 2, pp 1277-1278. September 8 - 13, 2002. Taipei, Taiwan. The Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan.

11. Guo H., Lee SC, Kwok NH (2002). Modeling of VOCs emissions from a varnish. Indoor Air '02, 9th Int Conf. On Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 3, pp226 - 231, June 30 - July 5, 2002, Monterey, CA, USA.

10. Lee SC, Guo H., Kwok NH (2002). Emissions of Air Pollutants from Burning of Incense by Using Large Environmental Chamber. Indoor Air '02, 9th Int Conf. On Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 2, pp560 - 565, June 30 - July 5, 2002, Monterey, CA, USA.

9. Cohen, BS, Heikkinen, M., Hazi, Y., Guo, H., Peters, P.A. Ambient Concentrations of Ultrafine Acid Particles Measured with Nanofilm Acid Detectors, the 21st Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), October 7-11, 2002, Charlotte, North Carolina.

8. Cohen, B.S., Heikkenen, M., Hazi, Y., Guo, H., Peters, P.A. and Lippmann, M. Field evaluation of nanofilm acid detectors for assessment of H+ in indoor and outdoor air, the annual conference of the Health Effects Institute, April 29-May 1, 2001, Georgetown University Conference Center, Washington D.C.

7. Cohen, B.S., Guo, H., Heikkenen, M., and Peters, P., Measurement of ultrafine acidic particles using nanofilm iron detectors and atomic force microscope, The XI National Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry, Kemia 2000, the Finnish Chemical Congress and Exhibition, November 15-17, 2000, Helsinki, Finland.

6. Cohen, B.S., Lippmann, M., Heikkenen, M., Xiong, J.Q., Guo, H., Hazi, Y. and Li, W., Measurement and classification of ultrafine particles in indoor air, AIHCE 2000, May 20 – 25, 2000. Orlando, Florida. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition.

5. Godish, T. and Guo, H., Formaldehyde emission characterization of factory and brush applied acid-cured finish coatings, Conference on Engineering Solutions to Indoor Air Quality Problems, AWMA and USEPA, July 17-19, 2000, Raleigh, NC.

4. Guo H., Murray F., Wilkinson S. and Maybury K., Environmental chamber testing - TVOCs emissions from carpets, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air ’99, Vol. 5, pp247-250. 7-13 August 1999, Edinburg, Scotland.

3. Guo H., Murray F. and Wilkinson S., Determination of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) emissions from pressed wood products, EnviroTox ’99, 7-10 February 1999, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

2. Guo H., Murray F. and Maybury K., Evaluation of VOCs Emission From Indoor Materials Based on Chamber Test, The First Chemical Conference, 7-9 December 1998, Singapore.

1 . Guo H., Murray F. and Maybury K., Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Paints, Issues on Environmental Protection (IEP’98), 23-26 August, 1998, Denver, USA.

1. Lidia Morawska, Hai Guo. Investigation of Air Pollution in Dutton Park State School. Report for Queensland Transport, Brisbane. October 2006. International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology.

2. Lidia Morawska, Hai Guo. Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in an air-conditioned classroom in Logan Village State School. Report for Built Environment Research Unit, Department of Public Works, Queensland Government. November 2006. International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology.

3. Tao Wang, Hai Guo. Review on control measures of volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong. Report for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR. 2008. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

4. Hai Guo, Zhenhao Ling. Environmental Chamber Test of Bio-Formaldehyde Product (Formaldehyde Removing Agent). Report for Trinity Bio Technology Co. Ltd. July 2009. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

5. Hai Guo, Junyi Zheng, Hairong Cheng, Zhenhao Ling, Xiaoqiong Feng. Integrated Data Analysis and Characterization of Photochemical Ozone in Hong Kong. Report for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR. 2012. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

6. Hai Guo, Donald Blake, Wilson Tsui. Sampling and Testing of VOC at Roadside Sites. Report for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2015. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

7. Hai Guo, Donald Blake. VOC Grid Study in Hong Kong. Report for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2015. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

8. Hai Guo, Junyu Zheng. Characterization of VOC Sources and Integrated Photochemical Ozone Analysis in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region. Report for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2016. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

9. Hai Guo. Environmental chamber test of air purifiers on the reduction rates of target air pollutants. Report for Super Green Purify Technology Co., Limited. 2015. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


