
Dr. David Parrish, Leading Atmospheric Chemistry Scientist,
Visiting Prof. Tao WANG’s Research Group


On 5th and 6th Dec. 2018, Dr. David Parrish visited Prof. Tao WANG’s research group in CEE department of PolyU. Dr. Parrish had served as Program Leader in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for almost 40 years before retirement. His research centered on understanding the atmospheric chemistry issues related to air quality and climate change. Notable projects included lead roles in the policy relevant syntheses of the findings from the CalNex 2010 and the TexAQS 2006 field studies.

Dr. Parrish vistied the Atmospheric Reseach Lab and communicated with Prof. Tao WANG’s group about the progress of the TRS and ANR-RGC projects, including the field measurement work at the Hok Tsui supersite and long-time ozone trend studies. Dr. Parrish also gave talk about his recent study about the background ozone to the CEE department and visited the Hok Tsui supersite. The two sides would conduct further collaboration in investigating the ozone issue in the PRD region.


Dr. Parrish with Prof. Tao Wang’s research group.

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