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Lecture Series of Prominent Chinese Writers (1)

講者簡介: 陳楸帆,作家,編劇,翻譯,策展人。畢業於北京大學中文系與藝術學院,中國作協科幻文學委員會副主任,中國科普作協副理事長,九三學社成員,耶魯大學訪問學者、博古睿學者,曾多次獲得茅盾新人獎、全球華語科幻星雲獎、中國科幻銀河獎、世界奇幻科幻翻譯獎、亞洲周刊年度十大小說獎、德國年度商業圖書、法國想象文學大獎等國內外獎項,作品被廣泛翻譯為20多國語言,代表作包括《荒潮》、《人生算法》、《AI未來進行式》(與李開覆博士合著)等,長期在世界各地傳播交流中國文學與文化。



非遺文化工作坊 - 掐絲琺琅

掐絲琺琅,是指在金屬、玻璃或陶瓷的底板上焊上掐成花紋的銅絲,以琺瑯質的色釉填充在花紋內,再用高溫燒製使銅絲、色釉與底板黏合的藝術品。琺瑯又稱「佛郎」,是源自隋唐時期古西域地名「佛菻」,指以石英、硼砂、長石和氟化物等組成的粉末。掐絲琺琅盛行於明朝景泰年間,其琺瑯釉以藍色為主,故又名景泰藍。至今,掐絲琺琅的工藝品五花八門,底板可替換為木材,黏合過程亦會轉換為黏絲膠,使大眾以更簡便的方式貼近這門傳統手藝。 本次我們有幸邀請到國風雅集漢服文化協會主席鹿德音女士現場教授掐絲琺琅傳統工藝,帶您完成掐絲琺琅敦煌寶相花!據《中國歷代服飾藝術》,寶相花,意為盛開、含苞欲放的花,以花的蓓蕾和葉子為素材,按放射對稱規律重新組合裝飾花紋。寶相花是一種想象的紋樣,蘊含佛教中圓整和諧之義。本次的掐絲琺琅敦煌寶相花作品更配以圓型杯墊,讓藝術融入您的日常生活中! 快叫上您的好友,一起了解掐絲琺琅的工藝吧!



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (2)

講者簡介: 馬居裡,雲南大學民族學與社會學學院教授,博士生導師。就讀於西南民族學院歷史學和宗教學專業,獲史學學士和哲學碩士學位。中國宗教學會理事,中國民族學/人類學研究會宗教人類學分委員會副主任委員,雲南省宗教學會副會長,雲南省委統戰部“宗教理論與政策研究雲南省社會科學院基地”特聘研究員。主要從事西南少數民族宗教文化研究、少數民族社區建設與能力提升研究。近年來,出版專著4部,發表學術論文20余篇,向政府相關部門提供並被採納研究諮詢報告4篇,主持和參與各級各類科研課題10余項。



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (1)

講者簡介: 牛大勇,北京大學歷史學系教授、博士。主要研究中國現代史和現代中國與美、英、日等大國關係史。在國內外學術期刊發表論文《英國對華政策與國民革命的危機》、《甘迺迪政府是怎樣觀察和對待中蘇分歧的》等數十篇,出版著作《二十世紀中外互動史論》等十餘部。現任北京大學——早稻田大學孔子學院中方院長,北京歷史學會副會長。曾任北京大學研究生院常務副院長、北京大學歷史學系主任、北京大學高等人文研究院常務副院長、教育部高等學校歷史學科教學指導委員會副主任、國際高等教育組織“U21”經理等職。獲國家級教學成果一等獎、二等獎、全國優秀社科類暢銷書獎、政府特殊津貼等。



非遺文化工作坊 - 竹編工藝

中國竹編手工藝歷史悠長,早在東晉時期便有「篾短秋翼蟬」之說,即工匠可將竹篾劈得細而薄,編織後的扇面如蟬蟲的翅膀一樣透薄。至元末明初,民間竹編更與雕刻、彩繪、瓷器等揉和融合,吸引了各地的商人購入。時至今天,竹編主要以「挑」、「壓」作編織方法,以竹、竹芒滕柳作編織品的原料。 本次我們有幸邀請到非遺手工藝傳承人陳小英老師現場教授竹編傳統工藝,並帶您完成一幅竹編畫作品,配以木質相框裝裱(22.5* 22.5釐米),提升作品質感! 快叫上您的好友,一起把竹編工藝融入家中吧!



Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (1)

講者簡介: 李明書,中國臺灣人,浙江大學哲學學院特聘研究員,臺灣大學哲學系博士、博士後,研究方向為佛教哲學、儒家哲學與生命倫理學。現兼職《鵝湖月刊》常務編委、《思想與時代》編輯委員。曾於《哲學研究》、《哲學與文化》等期刊發表論文30餘篇,出版《六祖惠能──禪源曹溪》、《神秀禪師──北宗禪之祖》等專著5本,執行國家社科基金後期資助1項。   對談人: 王星逸博士是香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系的助理教授,她的研究興趣是中國佛教、日本佛教、戒律學與寺廟生活、佛教倫理、淨土信仰、唯識學、性別研究、佛教美術等。



Brush-talk (漢文筆談) in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: How East Asian literati of Sinitic engaged in silent conversation

To people with no shared spoken language, could writing be an alternative mode of communication? In cross-border encounters between Chinese and Japanese, they may improvise some hànzì / kanji (漢字) for clarification, e.g., when soliciting travel information. For hundreds of years until the 1900s, Sinitic brush-talk (漢文筆談) was a salient communication practice between East Asian literati of Classical Chinese from today’s Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China. Sinitic-based texts were spread from China since ancient times; their written forms, pronunciations and meanings of 漢字 were adapted to the local languages and learned by those with the means to do so. The ‘Sinographic Cosmopolis’ (漢字大都會) gradually emerged as regional texts composed in 漢字were comprehensible by other literati within Sinographic East Asia, where translation seemed unnecessary. Paradoxically, recited in speech, Sinitic texts would be incomprehensible as spoken languages were mutually unintelligible. Quite a lot of brush conversation datasets have survived, allowing us to research who communicated with whom, where and when, and for what purposes.   This hybrid seminar aims at introducing brush conversation as a historically salient but almost forgotten practice. Three 30-minute presentations outlining the historical background will be followed by the premiere of a 22-minute animation, ‘The Brush is Mightier than the Sword’,《鋒芒「筆」露》(accessible in multiple languages, including some Chinese ‘dialects’) and a 90+ page multilingual manga. They tell the story of a 5-month drifting ordeal of Chosŏn (Korean) scholar-official, Ch’oe Pu 崔溥 (1454–1504) in 1488, whose boat carrying 42 other Koreans was blown off course and stranded off the coast of Zhejiang province in China. Ch’oe Pu’s excellent command of Classical Chinese helped him dispel allegations of his crew being Japanese pirates in disguise while ascertaining their Korean identity, allowing them eventually to express gratitude to the Ming Emperor in an audience before returning to Korea. Thus is a fascinating story how the lives of 43 boat-drifters were saved by the resourceful brush of a Korean scholar-official through conducting brush conversation in alien land.  



非遺文化工作坊 - 制香工坊

香港孔子學院非遺工作坊——制香工坊   日期:12月9日(週六) 時間:下午3:00至5:00 活動地點:PolyU A204 名額:15人(名額有限,先到先得)



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (7)

講座概要: 中法戰爭(1883-1885)作為近代中國與西方列強之間唯一沒有割地賠款的戰爭,涉及中法越三國,產生了一系列重要的政治後果。這場戰爭同樣產生了豐富的圖像文化,包括因此創刊的《點石齋畫報》和諸多繪製發行的戰爭宣傳畫,還有歐美畫報同樣跟蹤報導戰事進展。本研究將通過對中法兩名將領馮子材和孤拔(Courbet)兩張肖像畫/照的超細讀,顯示熱帶植物在不同圖像傳統中的再現差別,“帝國之眼”與山水程式的差別,令“熱帶的發明”無法在中國戰事圖中顯現。



港澳珠三角地區研究生中國歷史文化研修系列 (秋季) 下午

Abstract: What is intellectual history? How does one do intellectual history? In this presentation, Vincent S. Leung will explore these questions in the context of the study of early China from antiquity to the third century CE. He will first introduce major paradigms in the field of intellectual history in the long twentieth century, followed by a discussion of classic works on early Chinese thought by scholars such as Marcel Granet, Fung Yu-lan, and A. C. Graham. Then, he will present the arguments and methodology of his monograph The Politics of the Past in Early China (Cambridge University Press, 2019), and reflect on the challenges and pleasure that he experienced as an intellectual historian of early China


