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China Development Bank - photo

China Development Bank visits CNERC-Rail Centre

Dr XiGuang Li (Chief Executive Hong Kong Branch of China Development Bank) led a delegation team to visit CNERC-Rail and research facilities in Industrial Centre on 26 August 2022. Prof. Qingyan Chen (Director of PAIR), Dr. Wai Kei Ao (Research Assistant Professor of CNERC-Rail), Victor Zhao (Assistant Director of Research and Innovation Office), warmly welcomed Dr. XiGuang Li and other senior administrative members from China Development Bank. They also introduced the current research focus and achievements of CNERC-Rail to the guests.

26 Aug, 2022

Visit Council Members - 16 Aug 2022_news

PolyU Council Members visit CNERC-Rail Centre

3 new Council Members Mr. Chew Fook-aun, Mr. Rayman Chui, and Ir Yau Kwok-fai visit CNERC-Rail Centre escorted by Prof. Chao (VPRI) and Victor Zhao (RIO) on 16 August 2022.  

16 Aug, 2022

Zhejiang Communications photo

Zhejiang Communications Investment Group Co., Ltd. visits CNERC-Rail Centre

Mr De-Hua Wang, Chief Representative and General Manager of Zhejiang Communications Investment Group Co., LTD (CICO) led a delegation team to visit CNERC-Rail and research facilities in Industrial Centre on 12 August 2022. Dr You-Wu Wang, Research Assistant Professor warmly welcomed Mr Wang and other senior management from CICO. He also introduced the research focus areas and achievements of CNERC-Rail.     

12 Aug, 2022

Prof YiQing Ni

The 2nd International Forum of NFEES on Artificial Intelligence & Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (IFNFEES02)

Prof. Yi-Qing Ni was invited to deliver a keynote presentation at the 2nd International Forum of NFEES on Artificial Intelligence & Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (IFNFEES02) , July 1-2, 2022, Tianjin, China.  

1 Jul, 2022


The Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) visits CNERC-Rail

Members from the Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) visited CNERC-Rail and its research facilities in Industrial Centre on 25 June 2022. More than 20 members from HKIE were warmly welcomed by Dr Wang Sumei, Research Assistant Professor of CEE and CNERC-Rail's member. Photos of this visit:

25 Jun, 2022

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Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony between MTR, MTR Academy and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 港鐵公司、港鐵學院與香港理工大學合作備忘錄簽署儀式

港鐵及港鐵學院於2022年6月14日與香港理工大學簽署合作備忘錄,建立夥伴關係,為期3年的合作計劃會專注研發先進創新的鐵路科技,以及推動智慧鐵路資產及車務管理和智能維修。 備忘錄為三方訂立探討創新方案及科技應用的框架,憑藉港鐵及港鐵學院在鐵路方面的專長,以及理大在智慧鐵路科技的實力,進一步利用智能遙感技術提升鐵路營運及智能維修的表現。合作範圍包括探索監察鐵路資產及評估資產狀態的智慧方案、探索成立鐵路科技應用聯合實驗室,以及進行與改善車務營運環境相關的研究項目,例如車站人流管理等。   備忘錄在港鐵主席歐陽伯權及理大校董會主席林大輝見證下,由港鐵公司行政總裁金澤培、港鐵學院署任校長鄭惠貞、理大校長滕錦光及理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒簽署;國家軌道交通電氣化與自動化工程技術研究中心(香港分中心)主任倪一清教授亦到場參與。 Photos  

15 Jun, 2022

20225EditorCertificateProf Dr Yiqing Ni

Certificate of service as guest editor of special issue "Structural Monitoring Using Advanced NDT Techniques" — Prof. Y.Q. NI

Congratulations to Prof. Yi-Qing Ni, a member of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail). He has received a patent certificate issued by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) in April 2022. The new patent is called 'Certificate of service as guest editor of special issue "Structural Monitoring Using Advanced NDT Techniques" '.

15 Jun, 2022

Faculty of Construction and Environment


The 88th Research Salon - Lok Ma Chau Loop

由理大研究及創新事務處舉辦的第88次理大Research Salon研討會已圓滿結束,是次主題探討落馬洲河套地區的整體發展,由理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授及理大研究及創新事務總監周銘祥教授致歡迎辭。港深創新及科技園行政總裁蕭赤虹先生分享河套地區在內地的戰略作用和區域發展的重要性、「一區兩園」支援方案、及「生命健康創新科研中心」等詳情。   現場設有討論環節,由趙教授主持,理大副校長(教學)黃國賢教授、國家軌道交通電氣化與自動化工程技術研究中心(香港分中心)主任倪一清教授、蕭先生、及港深創新及科技園營運總監甘绮翠女士一同參與。   Photos of the Research Salon  

19 May, 2022


New Chinese Patents: A novel methodology for vibration and noise control using modular rail particle damper in rail transit systems (一種基於模塊化鋼軌顆粒阻尼器的軌道交通減振降噪方法) & A modular rail particle damper (MRPD) for noise and vibration mitigation in rail transit systems (一種用於軌道交通減振降噪的模塊化鋼軌顆粒阻尼器) — Prof. Y.Q. NI, Dr. Masoud SAJJADI, Dr. C.S. LIN, Mr. C. ZHANG

Congratulations to Prof. Y.Q. NI, Dr. Masoud SAJJADI, Dr. C.S. LIN, Mr. C. ZHANG. They received two patent certificates issued by Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Research Institute (香港理工大學深圳研究院) on 25 January 2022. The new patent certificates are called "A novel methodology for vibration and noise control using modular rail particle damper in rail transit systems" (一種基於模塊化鋼軌顆粒阻尼器的軌道交通減振降噪方法) & A modular rail particle damper (MRPD) for noise and vibration mitigation in rail transit systems (一種用於軌道交通減振降噪的模塊化鋼軌顆粒阻尼器).  More details of the patent can be found at:

25 Jan, 2022

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MTR-PolyU Collaboration Meeting

PolyU representatives hold a meeting with Dr. Tony Lee, Operations Director of MTR on 19th January 2022, Mr. Nelson Ng, Chief of Operations Engineering and Mr. H.K. Chan, General Manager-Engineering & Innovation Centre, joined the meeting. Both sides updated the collaboration status during the meeting. Dr. Tony Lee, Mr. Nelson Ng and Mr. H.K. Chan were warmly welcomed by Prof. Teng Jin-guang, President of PolyU, Dr. Miranda Lou, Executive Vice President, Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), Prof. Ni Yi-qing, Director of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Centre (Hong Kong Branch), Prof. Ho Siu-lau, Chair Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering and Mr. Victor Zhao (Assistant Director of Research and Innovation Office).    

19 Jan, 2022

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