As the finale of the series of alumni activities held in November, two tours have been arranged for alumni and their families/ friends to Hong Kong Geopark and Shenzhen on 12 and 14 November respectively.
Hong Kong Geopark - Tai Po Ma Shi Chau 1-Day Tour (12 November)
More than 40 participants headed to the Permian rock garden of Hong Kong - Ma Shi Chau at Tai Po for an adventure to its unique world-class rock formations and geological features. The troop went up to the Shatin Lions Pavilion for a stunning panoramic view of the town and then continued their exploration on rock landscapes in the mining history display area inside Ma On Shan Park.
Shenzhen 1-Day Tour (14 November)
About 20 participants crossed the border to visit PolyU Shenzhen Base, a PolyU owned premises in Shenzhen which provides one-stop service in scientific research, training and enterprise incubation. Being warmly received by the alumni representatives of “Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Research Institute in PRD Area”, the group had a fruitful exchange on their own experience as well as alumni development in different locations around the world. They then headed to the verdant Lianhuashan Park to enjoy a 360 degree full view of Shenzhen city. The journey ended with a visit to Shenzhen Flowers Trade Market.