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Messages - Chairman of Court


Chancellor Chairman of Council Chairman of Court President Congratulatory Messages
Chairman of Court

As the University Court Chairman, I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to PolyU on its remarkable achievements in the past 75 years.

Over the past decades, PolyU distinguished itself from other local institutions by its application-oriented education and research. It has truly lived up to the University's motto: To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind. A wide range of quality academic programmes are provided to nurture the much-needed professional talents for Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland and the region. Research with high impact and practical value is conducted, resulting in innovative deliverables that contribute to the betterment of our world.

PolyU has also maintained close partnerships with academia, the government, as well as the business and industrial sectors to advance knowledge and the frontiers of technology. It can be justly proud of the many collaborative research, joint ventures, consultancy and technology licensing initiatives in which it has, over the years, engaged at home and beyond. All these will help PolyU establish its leading position as a research and innovation hub.

On the occasion of the University's 75th anniversary, while we cherish our glorious past, let us also embrace a promising future with passion and faith.

Chairman Signe
Roy Chung Chi-ping, BBS, JP
Chairman of Court

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